
When I flare, which is almost constantly, I break out in hives all over my body. I am on Plaquenil but it doesn't seem to help with anything. The itching drives me crazy, so I finally broke down and called my doctor and begged his office staff to help me (with that and the joint pain). They prescribed a Medrol pack, which I've been on the last several days. I know have hives worse than I've ever had before. Has anyone ever experienced this, and if so, can you tell me what is going on with my body?

How long have you been in this flare with the hives? Have you tried a steroid cream?

This flare has been going on over a month. The situation with the Medrol pack has been occurring foir the last five days and is worse than my worst flare. I’ve not tried the steroid cream.

Andrea Chandanais said:

How long have you been in this flare with the hives? Have you tried a steroid cream?

I do get hives also and blisters which itch like crazy. I am on Plaquenil but that doesn’t help much. I have bottle of spray benedryl that I carry with me and spray the hives. If I have too many I take an allergy pill each day for a few weeks. Seems to help for a bit.

Could u poss. be allergic to a medication? I myself had a bad reaction rash from the plaquenil and my Mom also had hives ofen, she was on Plaquenil too. Just wondering if it could be from meds? Ask the doctor…Suze :0)

Update: went to a new dermatologist a was given Atarax, a shot of something and Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment. Even tho I still have a flare with hives daily, the Atarax and ointment keep them at bay. Yay!!!

Now if only I could get rid of the joint pain and fatigue! Oh well, baby steps. ;>)

Oh my goodness, I get them too. I had them one day at work. My boss freaked out, sent me to the urgent care center, where they said I must have “gotten into something.” So I got a steriod shot, and a medrol pack. I seem to be okay at home, then when at work, I am a mess. It must be the stress and maybe the lights. I dont know. I tink I will look into getting some benadryl spray to carry with me.

I get hives too, they don't itch, my hives are long lines that come up and look like scratches. They do burn when they are coming up but that is it. Have you tried an antihistamine pill? To prevent the allergic reaction producing the hives? I know the hives are a direct response to the body's internal 'war' but, antihistamine pills help me reduce the amount of hives I get.

Let me know if this works.

itskismet said:

Update: went to a new dermatologist a was given Atarax, a shot of something and Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment. Even tho I still have a flare with hives daily, the Atarax and ointment keep them at bay. Yay!!!!!

Now if only I could get rid of the joint pain and fatigue! Oh well, baby steps. ;>)