
Hi I just joined this group. I haven’t been diagnosed with lupus, but I am being tested for it and for ra. I am kinda scared. I’m only 23. But I’m trying to stay positive. Does anyone know how long it takes for the blood results to come back?

First of all : Welcome!! and second: I am sorry a puppy your age has to deal with this Lupus. But we will be here for and I can tell you that it makes a world of difference juast to have someone who can share this weird journey.

About blood work: this is one thing we all have in common, you cannot depend on getting a final answer; Lupus is the trickster and plays hard to get diagnosed game over and over. Some people have been diagnosed for years and then a some doc will come along and try to say it aint so.

So, best thing to do is exactly what you are doing. Talk to people and learn what you can and be prepared to get ambiguous answers. But do this: Start a log that you take with you to every doc so you can write down the tests they do, the date, the doc and then the results when you get them

Oh, and I forgot to give you your Welcome to Lupus Gift: It is one extra thick skin guaranteed to repel even the most hurried, angry, judgmental or otherwise unpleasant remarks. And it comes with the membership, but of course we all hope you never have to use it. Just in case though, here ya go ((((puppy hug))))

Awwww I love the pic! :slight_smile: & ty u so much for sharing a little bit of your knowledge. And the journal is a good idea.

janice said:

First of all : Welcome!! and second: I am sorry a puppy your age has to deal with this Lupus. But we will be here for and I can tell you that it makes a world of difference juast to have someone who can share this weird journey.

About blood work: this is one thing we all have in common, you cannot depend on getting a final answer; Lupus is the trickster and plays hard to get diagnosed game over and over. Some people have been diagnosed for years and then a some doc will come along and try to say it aint so.

So, best thing to do is exactly what you are doing. Talk to people and learn what you can and be prepared to get ambiguous answers. But do this: Start a log that you take with you to every doc so you can write down the tests they do, the date, the doc and then the results when you get them

Oh, and I forgot to give you your Welcome to Lupus Gift: It is one extra thick skin guaranteed to repel even the most hurried, angry, judgmental or otherwise unpleasant remarks. And it comes with the membership, but of course we all hope you never have to use it. Just in case though, here ya go ((((puppy hug))))