2nd Dr Appt

Well today I had my 2nd doctor appt only to find out my Dr is leaving at the end of April. UGH! I really like her. My blood work came back very high this time so I’m going to start taking Plaquenil along with other meds I’m on now. I’m very nervous after reading all the possible side effects but I need some relief I can barely function. I miss work more than I work. Having Lupus & Fibromyalgia is no joke. I feel like I’ve read so much I’m confused. Please tell me there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Hang in there everyone.

Hi Michelle. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I have been where you have been and am finally seeing the light myself and feel so much better than I used to! I hope you get there soon. Most people seem to tolerate plaquenil well and feel better on it. Be patient. I can take several months to see or feel improvement .Plaquenil is supposed to help prevent any organ involvement. Just make sure to seen an ophthalmologist every 6 to 12 months.

Hi Michelle, I am sorry your doctor is leaving. Does she have someone she recommends? It would be nice if she could recommend a new doctor that hopefully will be just as awesome! Whenever I consider a medication, I weigh the benefits versus the risks. So if the benefits (less pain, better functioning) outweigh the risks (side effects, hopefully will lessen in time) then it makes it easier for me to make a decision. Having a knowledgeable doctor who answers questions is also really important - I am sending you lots of positive thoughts that you will find an awesome new doctor and that the Plaquenil will provide good results for you!

Thank you I ll just have to be patient easier said than done I’m sure you all know that feeling.