Does anybody else have any of these?

My hands & legs shake all the time an go numb! I feel I’ve losing function in my hands they keep getting worse! I have headaches a lot and eyes hurt to!! I have fatigue all the time plus my feet stay so cold!!! My body swells so much my clothes & shoes don’t fit!!! I hurt so bad at time I can’t stand clothes or anything touching me its so bad at times my hair even hurts!!!

well then you just described me, i have borderline lupus, along with fibromyalgia, i have tremors in my hands and arms and my hands feel tight, my feet do too and they burn and throb and go numb, i have carpel tunnel so i think that is affecting my hands, have doc appt. next month. i swell too, i have ibs and so no matter what i eat, healthy or not, my stomach blows up and i look 9 months pregnant, i dont even leave the house, my scalp is very tender and i often have sharp shooting pains in my head and sore scalp, and the migraines, my head is literally sore due to the headaches. good luck hope you feel better soon kelly

Was wondering cause doctors say they don’t know what causes it that it ain’t my lupus!!! Thanks for sharing that w me!!

Neuropathy or Rayneuds. Its where you extremities and lower limbs go numb, have tingling, swelling and stabbing in them as well. Gabapatin helps with this nerve pain but it is also good to get your kidneys checked out because ot can be a signed of issues there.

Skin pain and sensitivity is Fibromyalgia for sure. It also causes nerve pain. Lyrica helps in some cases, just not mine.Gabapatin is made for this as well. For issues with IBS, take probiotics everyday. You will notice a hug difference in your IBS and over all health. You can also get Aloe Vera juice from local grocery stores. It promotes healing and health in your intestines and colon.

Once you see a difference in the other areas, it may decrease your head ache or migraine and eye problems. Caffiene can help with migraines. Making a thick pot of coffee and drinking some. I don’t suggest doing this daily because your body will become accustomed to it and you could get worse headaches. Floricet works great for headaches but there is a risk for becoming habit forming. Hope this information is somewhat helpful. Good luck and stay blessed.

Yes it was very helpful!! Thank you so much!!

Everything Destiny said…I second…I have all the issues for many years and use these meds, Lyrica has given me some relief with the fibro. I don’t take fiorecet…
I hope you feel better …~Maré

Sounds like fibromyalgia symptoms. You might have both fibro and lupus. Here are some of the symptoms listed for fibro. Pain, headache, non-cardiac chest pain, acid reflux, irregular heart beat or palpitations, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling sensations, the feeling of swollen extremities, chemical sensitivities, nasal congestion, premenstrual syndrome and painful periods, irritable bladder, interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia (vulvar pain), difficulty focusing eyes, dry or burning eyes and mouth, dizziness or feeling faint, profuse sweating, muscle weakness and balance issues can occur. Fibromyalgia patients are often sensitive to odors, loud noises, bright lights, some foods, and often the medications that they are prescribed.
Here is the link listing these symptoms and more.

i have fibro n i have all of the above, find a fibromyalgia tender points on the internet and see if you have any of them , just google fibro tender points, should be a diagram,

Do you have food allergies? A friend has reaction to gluten - her legs shake when she eats it. I am also allergic to wheat & corn. Symptoms can range from runny nose to headaches, bloating, etc. I was diagnosed with IBS, acid reflux & gastritis & on meds for years - wasn't until I saw an "alternative Dr." that I found out I was allergic to wheat & corn...... AND had mercury toxicity. I am told that food allergies & heavy metals can cause Lupus... Good luck!!

Hi, you have to relax ! Yes it easy to say than to do, smile ! Call your doctor for a appointment as soon as possible , hopefully he can give you some meds., to help you. You are having a serious Flare and tensed will not help at all !! Hope that you feel better soon…Beverly L.

Thanks everyone!!! My mom has fibromyalgia so we have thought that also & no I have no allergies of any kind but to latex!!