Do your feet burn?

Just wondering if anyone has a problem with there feet burning. It get a tingling tight burning sensation in my feet and it becomes very painful to walk. Then if i dont wear shoes or heavy socks the bottom of my feet bruse. Does anyone else have this problem?

Yes Sara, My feet do burn, throb, ache, tingle, sometimes swell, turn red, esp. when I am on them too long throughout the day and the heat affects them too…So I believe I am with ya on this one…I just do not get bruising on my soles? Have you had your blood checked recently? Do u bruise elsewhere on ur body, or just ur feet? Just wondering, cause bruising itself can mean many different things, even effects from meds? Ask ur docotr bout that though, definatley! BUT my feet are a big problem too…Hang In There & Be Well! {{HUGS}} Suzie :0)

I do not have this problem but I have heard that burning feet can be a precurser to diabetes. Have your doctor check you blood sugar levels. Also, it could be fibromaylias (sp)…best bet is to talk to your Dr. and don’t let them brush you off!

sometimes the veins in the top of my feet burn and when they do they usually bulge up too. Doc called it vasculitis…but i think there are several types of vasculitis. the burning feet experience is hard to deal with. I have to take extra sterodis and ice packs on top of feet when its bad.

Oh my gosh!! I thought I was alone on this one!! My feet burn so bad and are so hot to the touch sometimes I actually have my boyfriend put ice packs around them!!

YES! I was just thinking about this morning. It is usually only my left foot but it really burns! I don't know if it is the lupus or not but I am thinking so. It is part of peripheral neuropathy!

Hi Saraw

about 7 years ago i had the same problem with my feet, burning, very painful, tingling.. I had a feeling I knew what it was, i have other family members with it. I went to the dr. and unfortunitely i was right. I have diabetic. By the time i went in i had very little feeling in my feet. (very dumb of me) but if you have read one of my other post you know i a baby when it comes to dr. :)anyway if i were you i would go and get it checked out. I cant stand to wear shoes anymore. Good luck to you and hopefully it is something else.. but i wanted you to know what it was for me. Take care.

I know I’m a little late in answering, but yes, my feet burn too. i was in the er a few weeks ago with bad pain on my L leg, couldn’t even walk, of course no one knew what way wrong, gave me heprin in case of a blood clot. Well a few days after that I started with fluid around leg and ankles. About a week it went away. Was up on steriods.Now about the feet, I’ve also been itching on different parts of my body, I’m just wondering if I’m getting diabetes from never being off prednisone

MD how are you doing? hope your doing a little better.

M. D. Callender said:

I do not have this problem but I have heard that burning feet can be a precurser to diabetes. Have your doctor check you blood sugar levels. Also, it could be fibromaylias (sp) bet is to talk to your Dr. and don't let them brush you off!

yes i do.when i am on my feet to long.and it herts me to walk to and i swell when i get out of bed my feet feel like pins kneedls bottom of my feet hurt so bad at times dee

Yes! All the time! I can’t even walk barefoot anymore. I have to wear padded slippers. The more padded the better too! The best sandals I found for this summer are the sketchers shape-ups. :slight_smile:

Hey, I get that feeling too. I ask my husband to rub them sometimes when they get that way. But I don’t get the bruising effect. At first I thought that it was because they were swollen, but it was not that. I will address that with my doctor on my next visit and let you know what he says. Try a cold towel, that helps to give me a little relief as well.

Yes. I have this problem in both of my feet - mainly in my toes and joints. I believe it is neuropathy. I treat it with pain meds, but that only helps to a certain degree. They burn so badly at night sometimes I can’t stand the sheets to even touch them and it keeps me awake. Although they are sensitive to the touch, if they aren’t hurting extremely bad, I have my husband rub soothing foot lotion on them. It seems to help some though he has to be very careful because of the sensitivity.

My hands and feet joints burn but not the actual skin. Although I just realized that on top of everything else I deal with pain~wise, I now have a lovely bunion on my left foot that hurts if I try to wear shoes. Especially heels. I live in Florida so can thankfully wear flip flops all of the time.

I have the same problem with my feet, especially the left one. Found out I have diabetes mellitis II. Doc said I havd Diabetis Neropothy . He prescribed Nerontin and gradually increased it to 3200 mg. daily. It helps alot and as long as I wear good shoes, tennis shoes that is I am able to resume my walks and work around the house. There is also a prescription cream called Lidacaine that helps relieve the burning. Hope this helps and good luck to you.

Hello Debbie, thanks for the advice, but I will going to my doctor next month and I hope that the news is good if not, at least I will catch it earlier and get it treated as you did.

Again thank, and have a blessed day

Vitamin B complex (all the b vitamins in one) help this a lot. I buy the kind that goes under the tongue (sublingually) and sinks into the blood vessels there. You also should take folic acid with this so it absorbs better. If you take pills, your stomach acid will destroy much of the vit. B. I have tried sublingual tablets with folic acid and all the B vitamins and now I have sublingual drops. Vitamin B12 shots or sublingual products are ok, but not as good as one with all the B vitamins. It also helps with stress.

My very active and alert 80 year old mother just developed not only burning in her feet, but the skin is peeling off in big thick patches, leaving them raw and bleeding! No Dr. has gotten the diagnosis right yet, so I am chalking it up to lupus inflammation and that its also attacking the skin. She is now bedridden, and we are barely able to help each other. We often have to call each other when we are too sick to take the stairs to check on each other. She did take B12 shots, but likes the sublingual ones so much better and she says it HAS lessened the burning.

Oh yeah !!! This is a real killer … And hurt so bad . It feel like my ankles won’t hold me up !!!lol And the only thing that I do is sleep and only go to the bathroom. At those moments my kids help me out!! Thank God for them. Circulation of the blood is the problem and the veins get tight , so what I try to do is walk at least 3times a day-sometimes !!! Keeping in my mind not to ask / or say Why me ???..Beverly L.

So sorry to hear about that Beverly! Mom is walking on her tiptoes to avoid using most of her painful area of her feet. Yes, asking "why me" only makes your stress greater. The question is "ok, so now I have it. What lessons can I learn while I am in this situation?" I just read a book called "things I learned while laying down". Very good book. It said that illness and pain are like a fast track learning course to the virtues like patience, longsuffering, courage, empathy, and much more. Things that most people don't learn without pain, even if they live to be 100. My aunts are 90, 93, 94, and they can do more than I can! Goes to show that if you are relatively healthy, you can do more even at 95 than those who suffer from severe lupus. Everyone's case is different.What frustrates me is when others say "Well my neice/sister/whoever has lupus, and she works full time and seems fine, so you should be able to do that too." Then you have to start to explain and teach, when you barely have the energy to be out and around in the first place.

Mom also has lupus, as do all my siblings, and everyone on my Mom's side of the family, back 11 generations. 2 of those aunts are Mom's sisters, and have very mild lupus, so they sure get mad at us when we are so much sicker. They think we are faking/exaggerating and that their lupus is the way everyone's lupus is. What scares me is living until I'm almost 100 in this kind of debility and pain and loneliness and no help. I didn't think I'd live to 35! Now I'm 15 years older than that! MOst of my organs are shutting down now though, so it will be a long, painful, tormenting life until my body gives up. FRUSTIPATING.

Hi Shelia , Yes there is a lesson to learn with this lups stuff !!! Really any illness... smile I think the hard part is dealing with it mentally !!! LOL Finding yourself out of order when you first find out !!! And not able to RELAX like normal.. But keeping the FAITH we shall survive it ALL ..... Beverly L.

Sheila Wall said:

So sorry to hear about that Beverly! Mom is walking on her tiptoes to avoid using most of her painful area of her feet. Yes, asking "why me" only makes your stress greater. The question is "ok, so now I have it. What lessons can I learn while I am in this situation?" I just read a book called "things I learned while laying down". Very good book. It said that illness and pain are like a fast track learning course to the virtues like patience, longsuffering, courage, empathy, and much more. Things that most people don't learn without pain, even if they live to be 100. My aunts are 90, 93, 94, and they can do more than I can! Goes to show that if you are relatively healthy, you can do more even at 95 than those who suffer from severe lupus. Everyone's case is different.What frustrates me is when others say "Well my neice/sister/whoever has lupus, and she works full time and seems fine, so you should be able to do that too." Then you have to start to explain and teach, when you barely have the energy to be out and around in the first place.

Mom also has lupus, as do all my siblings, and everyone on my Mom's side of the family, back 11 generations. 2 of those aunts are Mom's sisters, and have very mild lupus, so they sure get mad at us when we are so much sicker. They think we are faking/exaggerating and that their lupus is the way everyone's lupus is. What scares me is living until I'm almost 100 in this kind of debility and pain and loneliness and no help. I didn't think I'd live to 35! Now I'm 15 years older than that! MOst of my organs are shutting down now though, so it will be a long, painful, tormenting life until my body gives up. FRUSTIPATING.