The government has shut down. The disability applications are on hold. I don’t even have one in yet because I can’t finish it. I am seriously getting discouraged. My best friend doesn’t say a word to me. My other best friend is getting married and never even said a thing to me about seeing anyone, let alone has she kept in touch since I moved 10 months ago. Distance and disease have kept me alone and with no one but you guys to talk to. My heart is so glad for their good things, but so sad for my own. How do I get through this? Even typing it I know the answer is one foot step at a times better than that, I know tht Jehovah will carry me though this. I need help. I need support. I need someone who knows what to do now to tell Mel because I am this über positive person who is to the pint of crying and feeling very cut off.
Then mom tells me today she is laid off, due to the fact that her job was a government contract. I am barely working. I know things I’ll work out one way or another, but what do I do now? What do I do?
Maybe tomorrow I can figure out that application. Maybe I need to talk in the phone with a lawyer first. I don’t know. If a lawyer is the only way to get this put through then I welcome him to the money. I can’t fight the government when I barely have enough to fight my own body. To get through one day is a triumph. I was so proud of getting through my 7 hour work day today. I was thrilled. Yesterday my body shut down, and today I was able to get through.
We have to count the small things. To take joy in those things. But what do I do? I even tried to get help to pay for the Pulminologist. No response. I need to find help so I can get better. Guys, please help me, tell me what you think I can do. Please guys, help. I am so depressed right now.
Use a lawyer, Hon. They do not get paid unless they win your SSDI case. Their money is taken from the lump sum money you receive going back to when you became disabled.
As for looking for love? Find support groups at your local hospital. Join a club. When I quit looking,love found that is an avenue to try, too.
You are allowed to become do it for a while. The situation merits it, ya know.
Sending you hugs.... Its ok to cry and get it out, and express how you feel. I would suggest you go to a lawyer, and let them handle filing your disability. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Getting help with this, will let you concentrate on other things.
Hang in there, you will get through this. Concentrate on TODAY, just get through today.
I am sorry you are going through such a hard time right now. We might feel so alone but we aren't. My words are so inadequate, but I will pray for you today. I will pray for your needs, physically, financially and for an understanding friend.
I am praying for you Mindy. God will see you through. You have to hang in. And I would definitely get a lawyer to help you with your disability application. It can be overwhelming and thy know what they are doing. Hugs
YOU CAN DO THIS! It's just like a cookie or an apple bite at a time. Fill out as much as you can then set it down. Pick it up later or the next day & start on it again. I have some helpful pointers. 1st backstory I had debilitating migraines to the point that I was told I was an excellent employee but too many absences (I would go to work with barf bag & try & muddle through). It was advice from my GP that I file for disability. To make matters worse I got pregnant (told I had 99.9%chance I couldn't lol) I started the process & 2wks later found out about pregnancy & I had condition (too long to name) where I vomited the entire 9months & had to have ivs 2-3 X's a week & migraines the whole time. So my 1st paperwork got denied because pregnancy was only temporary. (HELLO IT WAS FOR MIGRAINES) ughhh. After delivery we tried again. by time I got 2nd packet papers Migraines were still bad so I filled them out. I too would get discouraged heck how long does it take to cook, laundry, shop, shower, etc you know the questions. I filled them out best I could. I noticed though hmmm these questions are similar to last questionnaire. Made copies. Mailed it. Got another rejection. By this time I started getting sick with mystery illness I requested another packet of papers because things had changed. I paid attention to how long it took me to do the chores the packet asks about & started using free calendar we got from bank to chart my days & started a diary or book of notes with dates on it. Telling good day or bad day/what I could or could not do that day/feelings/things I missed out on or could no longer do/etc. As soon as I filled out the packet I copied it & copied my calendar & notes & mailed it. I got a third packet. With some of the same questions asked in different ways or phrased different (to trip a person up). I got out my copied papers & that helped me get through them faster. I also included dr appt. days & times as well as medications, etc.. I copied it all & sent it. a few months later I thought well I guess I am going to have to hire an atty & appeal. 2days later I received my award letter. All without an attorney. My GP Drs. were wonderful they are the ones that suggested that I apply for it because they saw me going from being happy, enjoying work, enjoying my family & kids & life in general to a miserable, uncomfortable, mentally/physically/emotionally wrecked person. My advice is: actually got from my aunt who is a nurse & patient advocate.: It is hard to do, but you have to make your self sound as pathetic as you can. (I am not one to lie or use drama) but....I know as I got into my calendar & journal notes & questionnaire I was pathetic. (she said it helps show proof that you need to get disability.) 2) See if your hospital, clinic, health dept, social services, has any health advocates to assist you - if not. A family friend, friend, family member, etc. someone you feel comfortable with. They can read you the question & you answer & they write the answer for you. OR Record yourself or someone else asking the questions & you speak the answer while recording. Then either you or trusted helper can write it on the questionnaire. 3) Get a calendar or use one on computer &/or make a journal, diary, notes with specific dates. Record good day, bad day, things you did on good or bad days. Any appointments with who, why, when, outcome, new meds etc. Also on bad day what helped or didn't help & did you have to forego a holiday or meeting, etc. Same on a good day. Make up a code smiley face for good a frown face for bad or any other symbols to indicate things you want noted. (just be sure to include a key to your symbols.) 4)Copy. Copy, Copy. Copy each set of worksheets you send back. On your copy note day. time etc you finished & mailed back. Copy your calendar/journal/diary to send with the questionnaire - make sure you note on each extra paper with your name, case #, etc so it doesn't get lost/misplaced. Might want to indicate you have attachments on the actual questionnaire in the appropriate area that you have attachments. Also on your set of copies note which months of notes that you sent in. That way when the next batch of questions come you don't sent them months you already did. 5) I suggest that you separate & file (whatever system works for you) each set of copies that have been completed for further reference. If you have all of that stuff together it won't seem so daunting to find them to help with the next packet comes in. I hope some of this helps you. You Can Do This! If you have any questions please message me or I will check back a couple times a week. I am not an expert but proof that you can do this on your own. Sorry for any ramblings but I am new to site & anxious to be able to connect with others that are going through same struggles or new information regarding Lupus & the other challenges that go with it. Take Care