
Im so happy I finally got my court date for my disability. Its been 3 long years but its finally here. I pray to god that I get aproved for it. No more worries for the Cooper family..

I pray you are approved as well. I'm nervous about my court date in September so I hope that everything works in your favor.

You'll be in my prayers!

Hello Tanya,

Thanks for letting we all know mate...if you don't mind me asking how many days or weeks to go? as i'm not asking for a date as that's personal to yourself because i wish you the very best of Luck.

When it does happen i hope you you can let us know how it went.

All my prayers are with you Tanya. Hugs Terri xxx

Good Luck Picture

I hope you get approved too,my goodness that is along time to wait ,my mom had to wait about that amount of time.Good luckTanya.

let me know how it goes.

Yes Its been a long time for this to finally come. I really hope I do get approved. And I sure will let You know how things go.

lia nuriddin said:

let me know how it goes.

I really like that picture you sent me Thanks. My court date is the end of next month. I really hope I do get approve for this. Lord knows I do. I will let you all know how things go. Thanks again
Tez_20 said:

Hello Tanya,

Thanks for letting we all know mate...if you don't mind me asking how many days or weeks to go? as i'm not asking for a date as that's personal to yourself because i wish you the very best of Luck.

When it does happen i hope you you can let us know how it went.

All my prayers are with you Tanya. Hugs Terri xxx

Good Luck Picture

Thanks... (((big hugs)))

pinkycito said:

You'll be in my prayers!

Oh you have a date coming soon too. I hope you get approve as well. I really think these court people think that Lupus is not a serious thing.
NuDirection said:

I pray you are approved as well. I'm nervous about my court date in September so I hope that everything works in your favor.

Hi Tanya,

Well unicorns stand for good luck mate and come next month i really do hope the luck follows you...there's to many issues going on now about wheather people will be excepted and some having to get lawyers involved....sometime along the way Lupus should be stated as a serious illness with the involvements involved..so it puts a stop to this lot.

It's a nightmare for anyone to go through and thanks for letting me know Tanya, i wish you all the best mate. xxx

Good Luck to you!