Disability examination for depression

I just found out that I'm scheduled for an exam by a psychiatrist in regards to my disability due to depression/anxiety. I haven't heard anything regarding my claim due to my inflammatory arthritis & fibro. If anyone has had one of these "mental" exams for their disability claim, can you shed some light as to what to expect. I'm really nervous. I hope I don't screw it up and give them a reason to say "NO".

Don’t worry, it’s a formality. I went and felt the same way as your feeling. My experience wasn’t what I expected! Very little was about me. My psychiatrist was talking about her life more than mine. Just stay calm and again if you get denied the first time that’s a formality too so I was told. I’m waiting on mine too. Good luck to you.

I've been through this recently, and nothing to worry about. She just asked me a series of numbers to remember and repeat and asked questions similar to that. It was exhausting trying to remember it all, but nothing traumatic. I have been denied twice, and I am waiting on my day with a judge. Good luck....

I went too, disability sent me to a doctor, they said no the first time some time has passed, but I hired a lawyer. because disability told me that I could work at a call center with lupus, I also found out heat they can go back 15 years to whatever job you have had and disability will try that. My lawyer sais he has even saw where disability will tell someone that they could go make lamps any thing to get out of not paying someone. the doctor they sent me to asked me question such as I have dyslexia and lupus, they did not even put my lupus on my disability claim.

Hi Rosie,

All i can say is i've never add this even though i've been under psychiatrists from when i was 18...try not to worry and stress yourself and just take it as it comes and as long as your being truthful about how your feelings are and what you mentally go through that's all that counts.

Hugs Terri :)

I hope this makes you all laugh,true story,when it was time for me to see their physiatrist,I had to travel from Oregon,across the bridge into vancouver,Washington,I live about 60 miles from this destination…the physiatrist wanted me to give her an example of anxiety so this is how I begin…“I said”,well I was awake the night before because I had anxiety because I was freaking out ,about driving my self to see you without getting lost even though I map quested my way here and still got lost and I’m sitting here having an anxiety attack,because Im freaking out about leaving here and finding my way home without getting lost…is that a good enough example for you or shall I go on??She looked at me like I was crazy asked a couple more questions and dismissed me to get lost…Ha!Ha! Celeste

At least around here, anyone I have known who tried to get on disability had to go through a psychiatry exam, including our son. I wouldn't fret one bit about it. Just be honest, let it be known how difficult it is to work with what you go through health and mental health wise. Be honest, no self denial allowed! people here have been told so many people are unemployed, the disability services are swamped, and to expect to not get it on the first go round, and to reapply using a lawyer. I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks celeste...put a smile on my face this morning :)

celeste said:

I hope this makes you all laugh,true story,when it was time for me to see their physiatrist,I had to travel from Oregon,across the bridge into vancouver,Washington,I live about 60 miles from this destination..the physiatrist wanted me to give her an example of anxiety so this is how I begin.."I said",well I was awake the night before because I had anxiety because I was freaking out ,about driving my self to see you without getting lost even though I map quested my way here and still got lost and I'm sitting here having an anxiety attack,because Im freaking out about leaving here and finding my way home without getting lost..is that a good enough example for you or shall I go on??She looked at me like I was crazy asked a couple more questions and dismissed me to get lost..Ha!Ha! Celeste