Crazy Dizzy

Has (or is) anyone else experienced what I can only describe as vertigo as a common symptom of Lupus?

I have extremely disorienting spells where even walking from my bed to the bathroom (about six feet away) is an ordeal.

It’s definitely not my sinuses, and my ears are fine.

Any suggestions on fixing it? Lying still seems to calm it, but even moving my head makes me spin.

This state is now more common than having decent balance.

I had this problem when I was taking plaquenil. I developed an allergic reaction to it. I had

ringing in my ears and walked around like I was drunk. It was terrible. My doctor sent me to

an ear, nose and throat specialist who figured out it was the plaquenil. Once the plaquenil was

stopped it went away after about a week or after it was all out of my system. I did notice also that

it was made worse when I went to places that had florescent lighting. Hope this helps.

well i get dizzy sometimes, but i wonder have you tried chlor trimeton, i know it is for your sinuses, but it seems to help me when i get dizzy spells, and i have nothing wrong with my sinuses either.....or it could be inner ear problems, i tell you lupus just attacks everything.....god bless.....purrs..catspaw1955

I've been plagued with monster headaches, and get feeling dizzy and light headed even when I'm lying down, its been going on for about 5 weeks now, I just assume its the vasculitis from the lupus.

I have it too. its vertigo with no explainable reason. it comes and goes for no wakes me up at night. i have a bad stomach so when i have it i throw up too. nothing seems to help.i know its worse around my period. my hormones and lupus do not get along well. sorry i didnt help you but your not alone.

my meds make me quite dizzy when I get up could it be that for you as well?

Now I am wondering if it is the plaquenil or the vasculitis doing it. If that's from plaquenil, is it really helping or this is just a side effect? This sucks lol.

I get extremely dizzy at times and when that happens my BP is usually low. That’s all I have been able to contribute mine too.

When I get dizzy, it’s been low bp, or currently high heart rate (pulse). I don’t think it’s med related. Have you looked up vertigo? because vertigo and dizzy are really different. Vertigo is it’s own thing and I think it is the world tipping wildly around you, as opposed to your head spinning, which goes away if you sit down (or pass out). Passing out, you can get injured. Go talk to the doctor in case s/he can help.

I 'm not currently on any meds, so thats why I assume its vasculitis, talk to your doctor though.

rebeccainla said:

Now I am wondering if it is the plaquenil or the vasculitis doing it. If that's from plaquenil, is it really helping or this is just a side effect? This sucks lol.

I don't take meds and I get dizzy all the time.

I have had dizziness but not that severe.

I get vertigo all the time!! It’s terrible!! I feel for you… I’m not on any meds & doctors told me they think it’s migraines without the headache… Try ibuprofen in the morning, that’s the only think that’s ever helped me

Yes I have been having this problem for about a year now and no one knows what is going on. I go through periods when I can not drive.. its not my my eyes... nothing helps. and then it just goes away and I am fine.... but it comes back just as suddenly...I would like to know also

I am no longer on Plaquenil ... stopped for a while... nothing helps

I have dizziness occasionally from Menieres Disease. I had a virus at one time that attacked the nerve endings in my inner ear. I have it really bad when the barometric pressure changes or when my sinuses mess up. I hope this Lupus does not make it worse too.

I have the same problem. Drives me crazy and can sometimes last for long periods. I get so dizzy or lightheaded that it is frightening, especially if you are driving. It can ruin an otherwise promising day. I have no idea how to combat it, and doctors say it is just vertigo or high blood pressure thing taking place. In other words, they have no answers. What do you think it is? What do you do about it? I would love to know how to avoid this.

Thomas Franklin

I’ve had it for years…from mild dizziness to losing my balance to bad vertigo where I had to sit with my eyes closed for a couple of hours. Ringing in the ears, cramps, pain, cripple ness…etc. Since I started Hydroxychloroquine, (last May) almost every symptom I’ve experienced for years has either improved immensely or disappeared.

I'm a dizzy dame. But could also be labyrinthitis (infection or inflammation of the inner ear.). This is not a diagnosis, but it's possible. Let your doctor know.