At What Point Am I Going To Be Bald?

Ive noticed that my hair is coming out like crazy lately. I think its the Plaquinel but my Rhumy says its the lupus, and the Plaquinel that is keeping from ALL falling out. Luckily I have fairly decently thick hair, so noone notices much, but me. Im just wondering if at some point am I going to be bald or close to it? Does anyone else have this problem? Isit the meds or lupus in general?

I’m having this problem also. It’s only started happened recently which confuses me as to whether it’s the lupus or the meds, although my consultant thinks it’s the meds.

I had that issue a little wile ago. My doc told me the same thing, but I know that Plaquenil will cause this issue so I quict taking nit without my doc knowing it and it has gotten better. plus to do not feel a difference in my taking or not taking it…

Hair loss is often a symptom of your lupus being in a flare - my last flare I had a lot of hair loss. I keep my hair cut short and shampoo less frequently to help lessen I also read that Rogaine can help to regrow hair in some people with hair loss due to lupus

You probably should let your doc know as Plaquenil can prevent severe flares and sudden stopping can cause problems Then he can opt for another med or just to watch and see

sunshinespraypaint said:

I had that issue a little wile ago. My doc told me the same thing, but I know that Plaquenil will cause this issue so I quict taking nit without my doc knowing it and it has gotten better. plus to do not feel a difference in my taking or not taking it....

It is the lupus. Mine falls out in hand fulls. Very disstressing but the good news is it will grow back.

It is not the Plaquinel. Mine was coming out before I started the drug.

It is the hair fell out and it did grow back. When my hair started falling out,I also had a terrible rash and then was tested for lupus. Try to find something very mild to wash your hair with. When that happened to me,I could only use cold water,everything made it worse. Take care and God bless.
Deborah said:

It is the lupus. Mine falls out in hand fulls. Very disstressing but the good news is it will grow back.

It is not the Plaquinel. Mine was coming out before I started the drug.

My hair began falling out before Plaquenil. I have very thick hair, too. Mine is in the front like male pattern baldness. luckily, I have enough for a comb over. It really is humiliating disease.

Thank you everyone for your input. I havent really noticed yet any balding spots. Just getting thinner. I have thick hair, but try to thin it out when I get it cut, but now I think Im all good. Any advice on coloring my hair? I know I probably shouldnt do it, but I really want to feel some kind of cuteness right now.

My Doc doesnt listen to anything I say. I have been taking pictures of my rashes and sores in my mouth. I just dont know what to do with this doctor anymore. She gives me all sorts of meds that dont make a difference at all. I tell her I have really bad gass and she gives me a pill for acidrefluz... I tell her that the inflamation in my lungs is getting worst and she tells me I have fibromealgia (spelling?) and still takes me of my mobic.... a week later I was in the ER.... freiday I have an apt with her and I have been flaring bad. Maybe all the pics will make a difference. plus my face is red 24/7 if I am just in my room were all the windows are covert in aluminium foil or out in the living room... Sorry I am putting my soap box up now.

poobie said:

You probably should let your doc know as Plaquenil can prevent severe flares and sudden stopping can cause problems Then he can opt for another med or just to watch and see

sunshinespraypaint said:

I had that issue a little wile ago. My doc told me the same thing, but I know that Plaquenil will cause this issue so I quict taking nit without my doc knowing it and it has gotten better. plus to do not feel a difference in my taking or not taking it....

my hair is thinning out very quickly and i think it must be the lupus bc i stopped taking plaquanil quite a long time ago

You need to find a doctor who will listen to you and answer all you questions and address your concerns,Nothing is worse that feeling like your MD is not on your side.

You don't say if this is a family doctor or a rheumatologist. You need to find a rhuemy. They understand best what your going through.

When I have to a new doctor I make an apointment to get to know them, I tell them what I expect from them and what they can expect from me.

Always remember you are the BOSS not the doctor. They should work with you to achieve better health for you.

sunshinespraypaint said:

My Doc doesnt listen to anything I say. I have been taking pictures of my rashes and sores in my mouth. I just dont know what to do with this doctor anymore. She gives me all sorts of meds that dont make a difference at all. I tell her I have really bad gass and she gives me a pill for acidrefluz... I tell her that the inflamation in my lungs is getting worst and she tells me I have fibromealgia (spelling?) and still takes me of my mobic.... a week later I was in the ER.... freiday I have an apt with her and I have been flaring bad. Maybe all the pics will make a difference. plus my face is red 24/7 if I am just in my room were all the windows are covert in aluminium foil or out in the living room... Sorry I am putting my soap box up now.

poobie said:

You probably should let your doc know as Plaquenil can prevent severe flares and sudden stopping can cause problems Then he can opt for another med or just to watch and see

sunshinespraypaint said:

I had that issue a little wile ago. My doc told me the same thing, but I know that Plaquenil will cause this issue so I quict taking nit without my doc knowing it and it has gotten better. plus to do not feel a difference in my taking or not taking it....