Allergies vs Lupus

My rhumy did food testing on me and found that I was allergic to a lot of things and she referred me to an allergist! After 27 tubes of blood, the results were all negative! However, I am getting ready to have skin testing done! I understand that Allergies can cause an autoimmune response and can cause flare ups of lupus! I have limited my gluten intake for about four months now and I am now avoiding the following foods: dairy, casein, wheat, peanuts, corn, whole eggs, white potatoes, wine and red meat because that is what showed up as a Sensitivity on the IGE IV food panel of blood tests that my rhumy originally ran! I am a bit confused but Enthusiastic about finding out the results if it will Calm down the lupus flares!

I have 26 medication allergeries as well! My first skin test will be preformed on Feb 25 and it will be for Penicillin!

In the mean time if anyone here on this site has any information that can help me I would much Appreciate your in put!

The good thing from all of this is my stomach has gotten much better and I have lost 17 pounds, not my choice!


I don't have anything that can help you. I just want you to know that I've been there. I had the skin testing done at the University of Michigan allergy clinic and had allergies show up that the allergist had never actually seen anyone react to.

I am allergic to dogs, cats, grass, trees, weeds, pollen, dust mites, strawberries, apples and xanthan gum (a preservative used in some baked goods - this is the one that surprised the allergist).

I also "react" to a lot of meds, but I believe most of the time, it isn't a true allergic reaction for me. I'm even allergic to Vitamin D3 (animal-based). Lol. I had to switch to D2. Which is plant-based. I'm waiting for a problem. :P

I hope you get lots of answers and they can help you. I had allergic reactions to most antihistamines, so my options are limited. It's very difficult to live like this. I truly sympathize with you and hope you get some relief.


I have found, from my past expereince with testing, is that the best way to find out which foods you are sensitive to is by the elimination diet. Just go off the questionable foods for several weeks, then add back in one by one to see if you react to the food. This has narrowed it down for me. I had allergy testing done by an allergist and he only found one or two foods. When I had other testing done by one of the labs, it showed reaction to tons of foods, and interestingly enough, they were the foods that made me feel sick when I ate them.....there were many.

So I don't put much faith in the "usual" testing that is done by the allergists.

I have not been diagnosed with lupus so far but have other autoimmune conditions and the food is a major issue with flare ups. At least is is for me. I don't even eat meat anymore and now follow an anti-inflamatory diet. Have you joined the Group on this site for "Gluten Free Recipes." There is alot of information there on allergy, autoimmune and gluten and other foods. Might be helpful to read.



I just requested to become a member today!

Allergic said:


I have found, from my past expereince with testing, is that the best way to find out which foods you are sensitive to is by the elimination diet. Just go off the questionable foods for several weeks, then add back in one by one to see if you react to the food. This has narrowed it down for me. I had allergy testing done by an allergist and he only found one or two foods. When I had other testing done by one of the labs, it showed reaction to tons of foods, and interestingly enough, they were the foods that made me feel sick when I ate them…there were many.

So I don’t put much faith in the “usual” testing that is done by the allergists.

I have not been diagnosed with lupus so far but have other autoimmune conditions and the food is a major issue with flare ups. At least is is for me. I don’t even eat meat anymore and now follow an anti-inflamatory diet. Have you joined the Group on this site for “Gluten Free Recipes.” There is alot of information there on allergy, autoimmune and gluten and other foods. Might be helpful to read.

