ALERT! Steroid and cortisone injections tainted with Aspergillius mold!

Please be aware of the contamination of the ingredients used in various pain management injections that have taken 5 lives and many others are gravely ill! Please be aware of the dangers!

Thanks Susan for posting this. It is scary for me. I've had at least 8 of these but decided last more after ending up in the ER last year. I did receive some relief from pain; however, the risk is too great for me.


Hi Susan,

"Geat thread" plus it's alerting member's of the steriods what's contained in them and i know for sure any form of mold can increase our risks concerning Lupus besides affecting our autoimmune system.

Terri :)

Hi Susan,

Thanks for adding this! We all have to look out for each other : )

love, Trisha

Wow! Thanks for sharing this information!

I'll bet that Pain Management will have one terrible time getting anyone to agree to injections now! So glad I ended mine years ago! Enough was enough! How can this happen?

They have now included dental injections and many OTC meds as possibly not being safe because of quality issues!

Thank you so much for sharing this very important information!! SCARY!!

Susan i know i'm in the uk mate but concerning Dental now that can be a worry for me.

Bluesgirl is right it is SCARY on all accounts.

SK said:

They have now included dental injections and many OTC meds as possibly not being safe because of quality issues!