Achy Burning Fingers and Toes

Good Morning,

I have been having problems with aching and burning toes and fingers. My toes get so bad they can't touch the sheets. I have some compression toes socks that help to sleep in. I have had gout but what I'm talking about affects all my toes and fingers at once. Does anyone else have this? I took 3 Neurontin and had my Acthar Gel injection yesterday and feel better today., However, I would love to know what is causing this and if it is Lupus related, Fibromyalgia related, or something else. Thankfully, I see the rheumy doc tomorrow.

Thanks! Pam

Hi PoohP,

Did you get any answers from your doc? I have a problem with my fingers and toes that sounds like the opposite of yours. Mine feel cold ( just the tips ). They also feel swollen in the tips. My doc said it is from the prendisone. I hope you received some answers from your doc. Let us know. Tons of hugs.

I saw Rheumy today. He said the pain in my toes and fingers were possibly diabetic neuropathy or gout. My uric acid stays high and my sugar keeps creeping up due to meds. I have also put on weight. So he took me off the Acthar Gel and I start Solumedrol in two weeks. He referred me to an Endocrinologist and gave me a script for physical therapy. I am curious to see how this all works out and if my pain and fatigue improve.

I hope that you see positive results. Good luck to you and let us know if it works and you feel better.