30 Seconds of Bragging


Simple answer about not being on target on doing stuff when your minds foggy...the marbles ah fully working mate :)

RJQ said:

Great, you are doing very well! Try to relax so the flare will die down. I noticed with myself that sometimes when I am foggy, I am able to do things better, also. Can't quite figure that out.

I'm hoping I'll be able to relax and knock this flare out during spring break so I can be prepared for the next half of the semester. Sometimes I struggle with the fog, but other times it's helpful. It's almost like a different set of gears are working during a fog and it gives me new ideas that I've never thought of before.

RJQ said:

Great, you are doing very well! Try to relax so the flare will die down. I noticed with myself that sometimes when I am foggy, I am able to do things better, also. Can't quite figure that out.

Great job Ann!!! I might have missed it somewhere, but what are you studying/taking?

Congrats, Ann A. Glad to see you are just moving forward.

Hello Ann,


My friend on a terrific "A Grade" nice result well deserved with all the study you do & Best of luck with your next one. angel in clouds blowing a kiss emoticonTerri :)

You go girl! You're a trooper for pushing forward in your studies.

I did my undergrad in clinical/counseling psychology and now I'm in nursing school. Some days I just want to cry and quit school, but then other days I'm researching getting a Master's in nursing and additional certifications. I love learning though. We actually just finished up our ob/gyn rotation, but we didn't focus on Vit. D as much as we did iron and folic acid. Now you have me researching vitamin D needs in pregnancy. :) Perhaps I'll mention something to my instructors about it.

Good luck on your comprehensive exam! I'm sure you'll do great!


Ann A. said:


I am a retired sociology professor. One of my specialty areas is medical sociology (kind of no-brainer for someone who was dx with lupus at age 21 before completing her undergrad education). But after a broken leg and kidney surgery in the summer of 2009 my recuperation did not go as expected. Instead of getting stronger I became weaker and weaker and experienced more bone and muscle pain than ever before. I was so sick that I took early retirement at age 66 so that I would not have to account to anyone about how I was spending my time. I started reading the research literature to see if I could find something that my physicians were missing. I found the emerging research on vitamin D. I was flabbergasted that over the course of my life no physician had ever suggested that I supplement with vitamin D - even though I have been photosensitive and lactose intolerant for my entire adult life. I did not understand how physicians could simply give someone a prescription for Prednisone and never tell them that they needed nutritional supplements to make sure that the medication did not interfere with their body's ability to maintain strong bones.

By the time my physician got around to ordering the test of my blood serum my vitamin D level - 25(OH)D - was 4 ng/mL. Even though a bone scan at his office suggested that my bone density was of no concern, I had vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia. I quickly found myself a physician with a better understanding of the powerful secosteroid hormone that we call vitamin D. I also started explaining the importance of vitamin D to all of my friends, relatives, and the members of the organizations to which I belonged. I wanted to spend more time reading the literature and putting vitamin D into a health and nutrition context. I have a lot of interests and I have been known to lose focus. So, I decided that I would add some structure to my studies and continue my education by getting this MS in Health and Nutrition Education.

I had to take six months off for back surgery and six months off for eye surgeries, so I am an entire year behind schedule. But once I finish the comprehensive exam, I will be able to turn my attention to my thesis - Educating the Birthing Community on Vitamin D Needs During Pregnancy and Lactation. I have spent the last three years focusing on my studies and on my own health. At age 66 I am stronger and healthier than I have been in decades. I am excited about the rest of my life.

Hi Megan,

Nice one mate another who does well on studying.... it's lovely to hear :)