Just conk me upside the head and call me gob stopped.
I found this out about 12 hours ago, or 5 p.m. eastern.
I have no clue what happened, if somehow my MRI got switched out fro someone else's (computer gremlins?) but they allowed my husband to pick up a disc of my films, and also handed him the radiologist's report on reading them. My name and ID mathc on both.
No spinal issues. No signs of cauda equina involvement. GREAT NEWS! thankful.
but 2 questions
first, how do the arthritis osteophytes there 8 years ago disappear, and the 3 bulging discs miraculously look normal now with no sign of DDD all the way to my thoracic area, no loss of height of any discs?
second, what is wrong with me that I can barely walk, extreme pain, an indent my doctor felt physically where a lumbar disc is supposed to be, and loss of "water" control suddenly? Severe muscle guarding in the area. Leaning over not possible. Now both lower legs very swollen, but have been resting? Right leg will not bear weight. Using it creates pain to, correct, lumbar and sacroiliac area. Weakness both legs, some numbness and tingling. Even the old fracture to my sacrum isn't showing. Yes, I have always insisted on seeing my films.
No clue what will help, if there is help, if it could be major connective tissue issues from muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage loss, joints nearby( SI joints, hip), fractures, or worse. (can break a toe walking past a door frame). Had no recent trauma or injury for any reason.
This would NOT be the first time I had some kind of test false positive or false negative. (Also have had my medical files confused with someone elses before.) Usually is blood work though. Also a false positive urine pregnancy test once because of a large ovarian cyst.
Oh dear, what is next? Conception of a normal healthy child despite 3 reasons I could not possibly become pregnant? Love my children, and baby grandchildren, but NO NO NO. The grands can be borrowed then returned.
Confused rant over.
To who ever sent positive healing energy or said prayers, thank you. It worked on my spine.