Update. Jaw on floor - W.T.? weirdest on the planet concerning tests

Just conk me upside the head and call me gob stopped.

I found this out about 12 hours ago, or 5 p.m. eastern.

I have no clue what happened, if somehow my MRI got switched out fro someone else's (computer gremlins?) but they allowed my husband to pick up a disc of my films, and also handed him the radiologist's report on reading them. My name and ID mathc on both.

No spinal issues. No signs of cauda equina involvement. GREAT NEWS! thankful.

but 2 questions

first, how do the arthritis osteophytes there 8 years ago disappear, and the 3 bulging discs miraculously look normal now with no sign of DDD all the way to my thoracic area, no loss of height of any discs?

second, what is wrong with me that I can barely walk, extreme pain, an indent my doctor felt physically where a lumbar disc is supposed to be, and loss of "water" control suddenly? Severe muscle guarding in the area. Leaning over not possible. Now both lower legs very swollen, but have been resting? Right leg will not bear weight. Using it creates pain to, correct, lumbar and sacroiliac area. Weakness both legs, some numbness and tingling. Even the old fracture to my sacrum isn't showing. Yes, I have always insisted on seeing my films.

No clue what will help, if there is help, if it could be major connective tissue issues from muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage loss, joints nearby( SI joints, hip), fractures, or worse. (can break a toe walking past a door frame). Had no recent trauma or injury for any reason.

This would NOT be the first time I had some kind of test false positive or false negative. (Also have had my medical files confused with someone elses before.) Usually is blood work though. Also a false positive urine pregnancy test once because of a large ovarian cyst.

Oh dear, what is next? Conception of a normal healthy child despite 3 reasons I could not possibly become pregnant? Love my children, and baby grandchildren, but NO NO NO. The grands can be borrowed then returned.

Confused rant over.

To who ever sent positive healing energy or said prayers, thank you. It worked on my spine.


Hi perplexed,

I think a few of us wished you postive healing mate and ranting on helps and to be quite straight i'd have gone mad...although the results have you name on as you said and your hubby picked them up i'd still want them double checking as the lot sounds iffy.

I've been checking mate and no way can your arthritis osteophytes also known as a form of (Osteoarthritis) go away after 8yrs and all the other issues your feeling can stem from the arthritis osteophytes...take a look at this link.



Perplexed i'd get back onto them and want to know what's really going on because what your suffering is terrible.

Hugs & kisses my friend xxx

Sounds to me like your MRI got mixed up with someone else's. Definitely push for some answers and hopefully get them to find the right scan results.

When do you see your doctor again I would also get the results again and check to see if their was a mix up

I'm glad to hear that your MRI shows that you are better but with all of the pain and other problems you are having maybe it might be a good idea to get a second opinion! Please know that there are people who care about you and understand your frustration.


Piewacket i totally agree with you and it sounds to me like somethings not right :)

Piewacket said:

I'm glad to hear that your MRI shows that you are better but with all of the pain and other problems you are having maybe it might be a good idea to get a second opinion! Please know that there are people who care about you and understand your frustration.


Dear Perplexed: If I had not had the same thing happen, I would not know what to tell you... I have a very similar spine to yours and have for many years (20+) ... confirmed by many Orthopaedic MRIs/X-rays. However, my GP sent me "next door" to a lab for MRIs of my spine and they came back completely normal for my age, showing none of my very painful issues. LOL The only thing I could think of is the type of MRI they did or the asinine (sorry) doctor that read ithem did not know what to look for because he is not an Ortho Radiologist. Again, you are not alone. Go see an Orthopaedic doctor and have him to the updated MRIs of your spine. I bet you get a different story that explains why you are in so much pain now. Prayers coming your way :)

I have a question for everyone. Does anyone have really bad migraine headaches? My doc suggested botox and everything was going good the headaches did not ever go away but with the botox and the headache pills I was able to be up and about. Then about a month ago the headaches changed the pain felt different and even the way they started felt different so I went to my doc and ended up having a MRI of my brain and I have to keep a blood pressure journal. I have never had high blood pressure before but now it get up to 180/150! Here's the strange part I work up about 5am the other morning with a headache that hurt so bad I went to the ER. While I was on my way I bent down to tie my shoe and something popped in my neck and the headache went away almost instantly! I felt really stupid when I was telling the doc what happened he just kind of nodded and asked if I wanted something for pain anyway. If anyone has had strange headaches please let me know.



piewacket. are we twins separated from birth? Usually if you have lumbar or cervical spine issues, you get them in the other area too.

A serious change in migraine symptoms means either a dffeent kind of migraine, or headache of other origin. My c spine(neck) was causing horrendous ones. Before and after surgery. The best help I found was very skilled spine and rehabilitation hands on therapist. As we went along, he taught me what to do and not do at home. Then came gym time for some strengthening and posture work.

things snap crackle and pop a lot for me. gentle use of any joint that sounds crunchy means you have calcium deposits there, can impede movement, and more. If short term rst doesn't improve pain, swelling and inability to use the joint, I have always been advised to see the appropriate surgeon for that body part. Tight muscles can cause headaches, into face, put pressure on nerves, not pretty or fun.

home helps I was taught include:

cold therapy on spine for discs, 15 - 25 minutes, as often as every 2 hours.

If it is tight muscle and nerve related pain, warm moist heat.

Any drugstore, big chain store will have a soft adjustable neck brace, if worn when you feel the headache begin, can help to align you better and avoid the avalanche of pain.

Avoid leaning over! This puts the biggest strain on your neck of anything you can do.

Have a skilled PT teach you the acupressure points for headaches. One is located between thumb and point finger on each hand, and huge help is the 2 located two inches out from top of spine, at base of your skull. Firm pressure, in small circles, for 1-3 minutes is proper way to do it.

If something popped back into place and the headache is gone, you may want to be check for congenital or age related stenosis, DDD, and to be sure you do not have 2 vertebrae slipping one over the other creating pressure on your spinal cord. There is also that pesky ligament head to tail to deal with as well.

If a headache hits and you lose ability to speak, serious vision changes (went totally blind with one of mine) hands not working like normal, or one arm curls up into your chest, hand clenched in a fist, call for help. dial 911 here in the states. You need to go to the ER, but don't be stubborn and try to drive yourself, could wind up tragic.. I so dislike going too, but sometimes better safe than sorry.

agree on second opinion, did well to make it to the bathroom today, but intend to call tomorrow. I want a neuro to read the MRI, they always pick up on things there the radiologist misses or ignores. thanks for being supportive!

Piewacket said:

I have a question for everyone. Does anyone have really bad migraine headaches? My doc suggested botox and everything was going good the headaches did not ever go away but with the botox and the headache pills I was able to be up and about. Then about a month ago the headaches changed the pain felt different and even the way they started felt different so I went to my doc and ended up having a MRI of my brain and I have to keep a blood pressure journal. I have never had high blood pressure before but now it get up to 180/150! Here's the strange part I work up about 5am the other morning with a headache that hurt so bad I went to the ER. While I was on my way I bent down to tie my shoe and something popped in my neck and the headache went away almost instantly! I felt really stupid when I was telling the doc what happened he just kind of nodded and asked if I wanted something for pain anyway. If anyone has had strange headaches please let me know.



Hi Tootles! and thanks for sharing your story, I get nutsy when they send me results basically saying nothing is wrong whne there is. Sorry you have had mix ups too. I want my neurosurgeon to take a look at the MRI, or another well qualified neurologist, they always read them far better than anyone I have dealt with. And function is most important, so for me using a neuro has been a literal life saver before. Besides, they love me, I have extra nerves, nerves that make things work that they should not, movement disorder, migraines since childhood, central sleep apnea. I wlk in, they say "you are tricky, or complicated" and either see me as a puzzle to solve or don't wwant to come near me. I like the puzzle solvers. Good people, good doctors.

My blood pressure is bad too, a nurse ripped the cuff off, and said she refused to accept that as a blood pressure, it came back the same 223/129. Docs office a few days ago was 191/119. Tried to tell them pain runs me up, but no one hears me. (clean arteries, so not from arterial sclerosis.)

Keep that diary and like me, you have to remember to do the de-stressing stuff to help with blood pressure. silent walks, centered prayer or meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback if you know how to do it, stretching, and exercise you can tolerate, and do what brings you joy, at least 1 thing a day. Knowing this stuff is one thing, making myself do it, often harder.


Tootles said:

Dear Perplexed: If I had not had the same thing happen, I would not know what to tell you... I have a very similar spine to yours and have for many years (20+) ... confirmed by many Orthopaedic MRIs/X-rays. However, my GP sent me "next door" to a lab for MRIs of my spine and they came back completely normal for my age, showing none of my very painful issues. LOL The only thing I could think of is the type of MRI they did or the asinine (sorry) doctor that read ithem did not know what to look for because he is not an Ortho Radiologist. Again, you are not alone. Go see an Orthopaedic doctor and have him to the updated MRIs of your spine. I bet you get a different story that explains why you are in so much pain now. Prayers coming your way :)

TEZ! So agree, and thanks for helping confirm I'm not nuts. Well, I'm nuts but not wrong about this issue. That sounds better. hugs

Tez_20 said:

Piewacket i totally agree with you and it sounds to me like somethings not right :)

Piewacket said:

I'm glad to hear that your MRI shows that you are better but with all of the pain and other problems you are having maybe it might be a good idea to get a second opinion! Please know that there are people who care about you and understand your frustration.


Thanks Ann A for sending positive energy. It so makes a difference when we care and help one another. But no more "poor baby" please? No pity wanted, and things could always be a lot worse. I am walking, barely, but walking. My hands work, and my brain most of the time. I can give out hugs and kisses. And I can concoct things that naturally help thewwhole family. So useful still, just not super woman any more. Lupus and other things have proven to be my kryptonite. Life goes on. Now where is my tin foil hat? It keeps the kryptonite at bay.

Ann A. said:

Poor Baby - still sending positive energy

my thoughts exactly! See the doctor Monday the 12th, when back from another vacation. Beginning to think as he is gone so much he may be having to do stints in jail for malpractice? They let him out periodically to work? Dunno.

prednisone has worn off, good and bad, now I have an appetitite. I react so weird to meds. Comfort food with a cup of anti inflammatory tea calling me. hugs

purplebutterfly said:

When do you see your doctor again I would also get the results again and check to see if their was a mix up

VERY much agree ballerina! And computers are not supposed to make mistakes, or medical pros, lol. This is exactly why heroic medicine rubs me wrong. but sometimes, we have no choice, and have to use what is available. hope you are doing fine. hugs

Ballerina8876 said:

Sounds to me like your MRI got mixed up with someone else's. Definitely push for some answers and hopefully get them to find the right scan results.

Tez, thanks for the link. suffering could be worse - loss of function from spine issues is what scares me, the longer it goes on, the more likely it will stay with us. Glad I waer PJ's and dresses mostly, they hide the help for borrowed water. But ya know it's tough to find latex free Depends for a 5 foot short obese woman. And they don't look like Victoria's secret stuff. My hubby is going to trade me in for sure.

Tez_20 said:

Hi perplexed,

I think a few of us wished you postive healing mate and ranting on helps and to be quite straight i'd have gone mad...although the results have you name on as you said and your hubby picked them up i'd still want them double checking as the lot sounds iffy.

I've been checking mate and no way can your arthritis osteophytes also known as a form of (Osteoarthritis) go away after 8yrs and all the other issues your feeling can stem from the arthritis osteophytes...take a look at this link.



Perplexed i'd get back onto them and want to know what's really going on because what your suffering is terrible.

Hugs & kisses my friend xxx

Julie so sad you have to tackle the back woes with the rest of us. They really can put our lives at a standstill. The disc I have is about 8 series of images from the MRI, longest section is 48 images. If I didn't know differently, I would swear somebody grabbed an MRI series of a normal spine offline and switched it with mine. But even on the images I am looking at, there is not the normal edge to 3 vertebrae, they are wavy, and 1 disc in particular looks herniated towards the right, where I am having the biggest issues. If I can see this, then why not the radiology doctor who did the read?

Maybe I'm the result of a miracle? I had something shift, hurt badly, and go clunk when getting onto the MRI table (plank,small torture device IMHO) and today, Friday, I am walking very slowly without a flood of tears, only a few, but over medicated for sure. Not doing any driving or dangerous stunts. All prednisone from the short course has worn off, and my joints body wide are rebounding. Blessed to have braces for knew, wrists, and ankles, used only when have to.

Could you explain to me what reactive arthritis is? never heard that term before, only RA or OA. And like you, I have a seizure type (movement) disorder they say is myoclonus but can't be since it is bilateral. Also in last year have developed periodic hand and arm tremor. Like I said, a neuro's sweet dream or nightmare.

Thanks for the support. Hope your weekend is lovely.

Hi Julie,

Another great video mate and your seizures are most likely linked with Lupus as mine are.

We do live in "ROYALTY" where that beds concerned a-okay hand gesture smileyLOL

Hugs to you mate :) xxx

Ladies ... If I have not told everyone lately, I love yall!! Seriously, for the first time in years, I do not feel alone ... and I am not embarrassed that I cannot do what everyone else does .. sad, a little, but I know God has a plan for me .. and I know finding you is part of that plan. Hugs to all of you! Dee

JuJuBeee - Can the Rheumy diagnose this? I told him I have "jerks" like I hit myself in the jaw with my shoulder (lol) when I was lying down .. legs jerk, as well .. did your Rheumy diagnose this or Neuro?

jujubeee said:

Reactive Arthritis is also called Reiter's Syndrome. It is this: http://butudontlooksick.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/reactive-arthritis...

Reiter syndrome is a type of reactive arthritis, meaning that it happens as a reaction to a bacterial infection in the body. The infection usually happens in the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract.

Reiter syndrome includes joint swelling and pain, often in knees, ankles, and feet, along with inflammation of the eyes and urinary tract. It is not contagious, but the bacteria that trigger it can be passed from one person to another.

There is no cure for Reiter syndrome, but you can control the symptoms. For most people, symptoms will go away in 2 - 6 months.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Arthritis -- includes pain, swelling, stiffness, and redness of joints, usually the knees, ankles, spine, and feet.
  • Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eye -- usually brief and mild.
  • Iritis, inflammation of the iris of the eye -- less common but needs immediate medical treatment to avoid eye damage.
  • Uveitis, inflammation of the inner eye -- less common but needs immediate medical treatment to avoid eye damage.

Source: Reiter syndrome | University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/health/medical

Myoclonic seizures CAN be bilateral. It's called myoclonic epilepsy. That's what I have. Here's a video of me having one.

I just manage it all as it flares up. I get what treatments I can that do help-like cortisone shots and radiofrequency ablations. They help. The reactive arthritis is reoccuring-seems once your prone to it-you can be stuck with it. I'm just glad its not AS or ankylosing spondlylitis. My grandmother had that and its not nice.

LOVE and HUGS, Julie

Well then Ann, I am very much honored for that pat on the back! Thank you.

That's the hard part of written forums, you can't see the tenderness in someone's eyes, or feel the warmth of their genuine hugs. Forgive my misinterpretation!

Ann A. said:

Poor baby is sympathy rather than pity. It is what my Grandma would say when I needed a little tenderness. She would pat and rub my back and say poor baby until I was comforted.

Pity no. Sympathy yes.

I am old. I like to pat people on the back. ★