
I just want to say how thankful I am for this site! It has been such a blessing to me this past year as I have started this journey of living with SLE. I have had so many ups and downs, frustrations, questions and what not. I can come on here ask questions or just vent and there is always someone there to help. I dont know what I would do with out this site. Many tell me I shouldn't do it cause it would just make things worse and make me feel more down about the situation,but it is the complete opposite. I come on here and I get the support I need and feel so much better. My mom is really the only one that knows what I go through and I can vent to. My friends are great and help me, but they dont know how much I push to hang out with them and have a good time. So I am thankful for all the people on here that know what I am going through and are there to help give advice or just a kind word. Thank you all!! Hope you are all having a great day!! :)

I know exactly how you feel, this site has been great for me too, my husband didn't think it was a good idea either, then again he's not in my shoes, its done me a world of good to know I am not alone in this, I've gotten lots of support and good information here, there are a lot of really good people here that understand better than anyone else because they too live with this 24/7 365 days a year. Glad to have this site.

I know what you mean! This site has been a lifesaver for me and I will be forever grateful to be a part of it! All the best, LupanCatwoman

I feel as everyone here feels----- so grateful for everyone’s input and all of the discussions and information I find here. I still learn a lot from everyone, even tho I’ve been sick for so long. I never stop learning something from all you wonderful people out there. Hope this day is a peaceful one for all.

Yes, being Grateful n expressing it, good for us ALL. Even w/ this disease we must try as hard as it may be some days to focus on the positive. I can barely move today n hurt but I attended a benefit last eve w/ Hubby n friends. No one knows what I feel. But it was good to share n “feel normal”, even for a short time . Today, hopefully I recover/rest, work this weekend. Keep the Faith!