Subacute Cutanious Lupus

Does anyone else out there have this particular type? If so does your rhumy act like you should only have spots on your skin? He says I should not have pain or fatique, but I do. What's up with that?

I had a biopsy come back with that, near as I can tell it just means the sores are active lupus. It is possible to have SLE and discoid (skin lupus) too. What do your labs show?

That was my first diagnosis after my hair was falling out and I had rashes on my face and chest so bad I didn't want to go in public. It wasn't too long before I was having additional symptoms, like the joint pain,mouth sores, fatigue etc. I know some people do just have skin issues (which are bad enough) I saw a dermatoligist first, and still do when I need to.( And a rheumy.) I have things on hand when things do flare up on my skin or scalp.

Hi,I Have brown and white marks all over my body It is starting on me face.My primary Dr told me it is scalarderm a and it will get hard with time.No fun. I just tell people that it is a form of Berliner marks from aliens.But the skin will start getting tight and hard .We can cover our bodies but I guess we can use c.f. cream on our face Hope you get through this but I also have lung ,heart,kidney ALso had biopsies from liver.In hospital for heart one I just found out I have osteoporosis of spin and hips It just remember c.c cream Good luck