Staying in shape

Ive noticed that working out helps with everything. I work out everyday and i haven’t took any medication for 7 years. As long as you eat right and stay tight and take vitamins such as vitamin D cause we cant be in the sun and calcium for our bones plus oj and plenty of water dont forget the sunblock

Hi, Ray.

Welcome to our community. I am glad you feel these things seem to be working for you currently. I wanted to be sure to caution others, however, that as Lupus is a serious condition that affects everyone differently and at different intensities, any discontinuation of medications or change to their health care regimen or addition of supplements should first be discussed with their doctor. Their doctor can safely assess their individual medical needs and dispense appropriate advice.

That's great for you. Just remember that everyone else may not get the results that you are getting because we are not you. Our blood and body chemistry is not the same as yours. Good luck and have continued success.

I agree with the prior comments- I lost 40 pounds by exercising and ate clean to get off of many medications. I was diagnosed AFTER I was able to come off the Meds, now I am back on severl more Meds to combat this illness. I def feel like I would feel worse if I do not treat my body right,but I know for now I need the Meds.

Im sorry if i misled you guys or the the name of the group threw me off, i was just simply talking and saying what helps me i never asked anyone to do what im doing because i know for a fact everything that one person does doesnt works for everyone, but thanks for the support.


I agree we all should try and do these things( eat right, drink a lot of water, exercise ect.). These are things that can only help us. Unfortunately for some of us we are not as lucky as you, were we can get away with no meds. We should try and do as much as we can to get healthy but sometimes it is very difficult. Hopefully what you are doing will continue to work for you and maybe you can share some ideas for some healthy eating ideas. I can always use new ideas. Thanks