Some days i wake up with tons of spoons to go around and other days i wake up with only a few. Today it took a few just to brush my teeth. My arm got so tired. So i skipped brushing my hair :) i guess im gonna have to learn to do things differently from time to time.
I have found that I have to keep my hair cut real short so I can skip brushing it more than not. It broke my beautitions heart to cut it off, but there was just no way I could keep browsing it and my poor husband was getting tired of having to brush it. Lately I have been waking up with just enough spoons to crawl to the bathroom and back to bed.
Enjoy the good days and the days that you have no energy are the days you need to take care of yourself. Listen to your body and don't over due it. We do need more rest than we used to. Hugs.
Beck, You have the right attitude in learning to cope and roll with things. Please do take care of yourself when the spoons are scarce. If I could, I’d gladly give you a spoon or two on those bad days…
Thanks guys I want to cut my hair but my boyfriend will be sad. But I might have to soon.
Hi Beck,
My hair is long also. I find it easier than short because I can tie it up in a messy bun and leave it. When it is short it needs to be washed and styled everyday and I can not do this. For me short is always more maintenance. Just something to think about before you cut it.
Yep. That's the sanest thing to do. And I do hear you on this lack of spoons at times! For me, the spoons go flying out the door (figuratively, of course) the second I try to put my pants on. Ugggghhhh! Instead of standing to do it, I have to sit in order to get the right leg into the pant leg.
I wish I xould come up with an alternateethod of brushing hair. Using our feet? Nah, not talented enough. Tying the brush to the dog's tail, then get him to wag it near our head? Probably not, as the dog is more likely to just jump into our laps and forget ro wag the tail. Maybe asking someone else to help out is one method. Or, do as you suggested and forego the task. It'll still bevthere tomorrow. And since we always look so "goid," I guess we don't need to always do ourselves up.
But I have ro admit tgat I used to love raking a shower every day. Now? It takes a realbtalking to ro get myself in there. I am too embarrassed to admit the frequency. But I don't havevthe energy. And can't squat down anymore to get into a tub.
I am sorry, I think I am rambling. I just wanted to.say that you aren't alone. And it IS so frustrating! The tired arm annoys me the most because ut was always there f or me, carrying tons of groceries on it, pushing 400 lb people around in wheelchair...and now it's too weak to put on my pants? I am with you, Beck. I am sorry about your weak arm. But the good news is that it'll still work once the flate is over.
Haha that’s for the laugh. I know how you feel about the taking shower. I don’t take to many baths anymore cause I get these blisters and the water thins them and it takes longer to heal, so when I do shower it’s just to clean important parts, and no scrubbing or it will mess with the blisters too. I miss taking baths just to relax and warm my joints. I haven’t figured out when I’m flaring yet, feels like I’m in a constant flare. Every day there is something happening. My joints hurt daily. I left work early today, either I’m flaring bad or caught a bug for someone from work or both :/. Just glad some of my managers understand and care about me. And I still have sick pay. Thank god for sick pay!
SPOONS, I was telling someone about the theory of spoons the other day. It is a good way to help get you through the day. As soon as you wake up you know how you feel for that day, you know how many spoons you have to spend.
All you can do really is take it day by day.