Having a very rough day today

Hope you don't mind if I vent a little.

I am at work and so tired I can hardly function. I'm in a quandary as to whether or not to stay. So little sick time left, well I'm sure you all know the drill . .

My entire body aches and so does my head.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Just a bad day. I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

Hi Rose, I am having a bad day too. At least I don't have to work, I couldn't do it!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better for both of us!


::hugs gently:: I hope today is going better for the both of you!

So sorry you are feeling bad. I hope you are feeling better today sweetie. Hugs.

I recently started college and most days I'm wanting to miss class and just stay home and rest because I'm in so much pain. I wish our society made it easier for lupies to live, because if we don't have jobs we can't support ourselves but some days we feel so awful we can barely get out of bed. I hope you're doing well, and I understand how you feel.

I hate the days when at work and you have to stay. It makes it so hard when you get home. Your so tired you don’t want to eat or shower just go staight to bed. Hope your day got better. Get some rest when you can.

I know about the work thing for sure, but I also realize that if I’m not reliable at work, what do they need me for? The work needs to get done, so I guess sucking it up and forging ahead is the only answer.

Hi, Rose.

How’re you doing this week? I hope a bit better. I work full time and it is certainly difficult. You should have sick leave you can use when things get too difficult. You may want to consider looking into it. Also here are some things you can do now- take your allowed breaks in increments throughout the day if you can, pace yourself and keep hydrated. You can also try to identify reasonable ways you can propose using a chair if you have a job that requires standing. Best wishes.




Rose said:

I know about the work thing for sure, but I also realize that if I’m not reliable at work, what do they need me for? The work needs to get done, so I guess sucking it up and forging ahead is the only answer.