I had this lupus rash which covered almost every part of my body starting at scalp to the soles of my feet.My Dr prescribed hydrocortisone cream mixed with vaseline which i have been applying and the rash has healed very well.I am now left with very dark brown patches all over and i was wondering...will they ever go away?
Mine did. But it took a lot of time and patience. Hang in there.
Hello Deedee,
I had brown pigmentation's across my face and neck years back before ever knowing i had Lupus...i was lucky they faded from my face but scared my neck.
From top to bottom how you've had it, it's 50/50 on if scaring occurs.
Lupus in general can also make your skin go white with the genes from it and with white people make them looked tanned with darker skin that's all down to pigmentation besides.
You may find the link below interesting on dark pigmentation.
Love Terri :)
Hi Deedee,
I'm glad that you got your rash under control, but sorry to hear that you have some lingering hyper-pigmentation. I had the same issue back when I was first diagnosed and was really subconsciousness about all of the dark marks (on my face). But a woman I met in my town who had a natural soap shop told me about emu oil and how it had helped her severe eczema and was also great for fading dark marks.
I began using it on my face (it stretches, so you only need a few drops) and was so happy to see the marks lightening within two weeks and were virtually unnoticeable within two months. When I did more research, I saw that the oil had a ton of great benefits, including helping with joint pain because it's naturally anti-inflammatory. I have seen a lot of people have good results and now as a health coach, I recommend it to any clients who have dark marks or an inflammatory skin condition.
You can read more about the oil and how it helped me here:
I really hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions at all.
Hi Julie,
It comes to something mate when the body is being flashed...just having the crack mate.
They look sore how they've left you but pigmentation scaring is all down to what condition caused it....it's funny though julie but i've got tanned skin anyway as Lupus can cause this from birth also, as for years i found it weird why the rest of my family was pale and Lupus told me the answer :)
Oh christ mate you do make me laugh at times...you get worse but carry on LOL
jujubeee said:
LOL...Lupus Scar and Pigmentation Contest
Hi Deedee, I too am African American and I just got over a Lupus rash flare. After my rash healed I was refered to an Dermy Dr. who started me on a creame to lighten the dark areas on my face and neck. I use over the counter fade cream for the rest of my body, ie, arms, chest, and legs.
You may need to discuss this with either your Rhuemy Dr. or your Primary care Dr. for a referal to a Dermy.
Thank you Ms.P for your input and i hope your info helps Deedee very much :)
Ms. P said:
Hi Deedee, I too am African American and I just got over a Lupus rash flare. After my rash healed I was refered to an Dermy Dr. who started me on a creame to lighten the dark areas on my face and neck. I use over the counter fade cream for the rest of my body, ie, arms, chest, and legs.
You may need to discuss this with either your Rhuemy Dr. or your Primary care Dr. for a referal to a Dermy.
Con't, I meant I use over the counter fade creams for the rest of my body.
Hi, yes they will!!! also get some vitamine E pills they help with the skin , also try not to use the hydrocortisone everyday ! (it dry out the skin -some what ) . I had the rash in my face very bad , so my aunt told me about biotine and cortisone for ecxzema (misspelled!!! smile)- and it working for me -so far ...Hope this helps for you -if you try it )....Beverly L.
I have the dark brown patches too...but nothing has removed them to date. Sorry.
Thanks Kay,i will definitely look to see if i can get the emu oil around here, sounds very beneficial.
Kay said:
Hi Deedee,
I'm glad that you got your rash under control, but sorry to hear that you have some lingering hyper-pigmentation. I had the same issue back when I was first diagnosed and was really subconsciousness about all of the dark marks (on my face). But a woman I met in my town who had a natural soap shop told me about emu oil and how it had helped her severe eczema and was also great for fading dark marks.
I began using it on my face (it stretches, so you only need a few drops) and was so happy to see the marks lightening within two weeks and were virtually unnoticeable within two months. When I did more research, I saw that the oil had a ton of great benefits, including helping with joint pain because it's naturally anti-inflammatory. I have seen a lot of people have good results and now as a health coach, I recommend it to any clients who have dark marks or an inflammatory skin condition.
You can read more about the oil and how it helped me here:
I really hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions at all.
Thanks all for your loving support and care.I will go with your suggestions posted here and let you know how it is going.God bless!!!
Coconut butter is surposed to be good for the skin..i use palms brand :)
All the best Deedee and i hope your body clears up nice for you.
Love Terri xxx
Deedee said:
Thanks all for your loving support and care.I will go with your suggestions posted here and let you know how it is going.God bless!!!
An oldie but a goodie is "porcelana" which is found in the pharmacy aisle of just about everywhere. I remember my grandsmother using it on the back of her hands and on her neck to lighten dark spots. Just a suggestion. I do know that they now make it for different pigmentations.
I have scars that look as if I've been beaten...never fails that I get asked. And even though I was told it was a "birthmark" I honestly don't remember it before my 20's.
According to LV based herbalist Angela Harris (www.angelaharris.com) you can fade scars by a light film of extra-virgin olive oil every day. Be consistent, it won't happen over night. I would suggest finding an oil sprayer that you fill with your own oil and lightly spray after shower so you also get the added benefit of soft, supple skin. I have seen ten at Bed, Bath & Beyond as well as Whole Foods and Wal-Mart.
Good luck,
A natural skin lightener - 6 TBSP + 1 TBSP ...leave on for 30 minutes and remove with warm water, apply moisturising lotion to areas which lightenener has has been applied.
I also had the lupus rash very bad and now have very white markings where the rash used to be. I enquired about it and was told that the rash has killed my melanin and that you can not grow it back nor can it be killed in a chemical way. Because I wanted to find out if I could bleach my skin so that it was all one tone again?
Dear Megan,
The recipe I put up came from a book that uses unconventional ways to fix things that traditional medicines don't...it's called "Secret Food Cures" and I have used it with much success. For fading dark spots without meds and using the the recipes to make my skin look like it did prior to Lupus. I use a doctor that is willing to look at alternative medicines so that I didn't feel so embarrased to go outside again.
Good Luck,
Hi DeeAnne. I see you put 6 TBSP + 1 TBSP. Apologies but a bit lost but of what? I would seriously like to try something also if it will help take the scaring away. Would be great to look normal again and I’m open to trying things. Thanks