Rescheduling of Hydrocodone

Just read where they are strongly recommending to the FDA that Hydrocodone should be a schedule 2 prescription. AGHHHHH! Thanks a lot idiots that get high off of prescribed medications. I use them for breakthrough pain. Some days I take 1 other times it may be 4 in a days time. Just depends on how awful the pain is & how I am handling it. I am just upset because people that actually use these medications for the purpose that they are prescribed are the ones that get burned the most. We will have to see our physicians more frequently & ridiculed by the nosy nurses or pharmacists (that don't know our exact reasons for the meds we take) but they sure heckle us about them. I understand that there are people who will say/do anything to get ahold of any type of controlled substance but why should we - the ones who have legitimate health & pain issues - be ridiculed. Sorry about the gripe.

Tawnie, it's alright to gripe and vent. You are safe doing It here! Many of us have had to deal with struggling to find pain control meds and techniques, sometimes even surgical procedures to help.

You are very right that it is those who abuse the meds some need, in order to get high that can make it tough for those who need them to get them prescribed. Even plain old hydrocodone brings a big street price per pill. It's an epidemic where I am as much as meth is. Most doctors will not prescribe anything, but a few will give tramadol.

If you are being prescribed for, continue to work with your doctor and follow any contract you have. There are other helps too, like biofeedback and relaxation techniques including breathing that can be useful. I've chosen to go that route to keep my liver healthy, my stress down, and myself not dependent on anyone who would sit in judgment of me for having chronic pain. As far as any nurse or pharmacist goes, you can change pharmacies, and let you doctor personally know their nurse is giving you grief. It's alright t o stand up for yourself!

hugs, Louise

Thanks Louise - I am open with my GP, Pain management Physician, Rheumy, & all the other physicians they send me to time to time. Thankful for all of my drs. believe in chiropractic & biofeedback. We all work well together. I try to integrate all of the different techniques to help optimize my treatment.

Yep I vented all right & thanks for listening.