Regarding the journey to diagnosis and treatment

Hi, I am new here, though not diagnosed. I hope that is okay. I am going in for my first rheumatologist appointment and for testing tomorrow morning. So I know I may not have lupus, but something is definitely not right with my body and a lot of other things have bee nuked out. I won’t go into too much detail, but lupus would make the most sense. Feel free to ask anything about that… But I have basically had symptoms that flare up and then remit, which are debilitating at times, for 10 years. I am 25 and this started around the age of 14 or 15.

Recently things have gotten too bad (and scary) to ignore, so I have begun pushing for answers more than ever.
Has anyone here gone through that long of a journey to diagnosis?

If so, what was it, if you don’t mind sharing, that led to you a diagnosis of lupus?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. :slight_smile:

*been ruled out

Not bee nuked :slight_smile: oops

Unfortunately, with me it took many years for me to get diagnosed. Between my symptoms and bloodwork, it was confirmed. I was diagnosed with lupus 3 years after my symptoms began at age 22. It started with nerve damage, fatigue, and joint pain. Then 5 years later, I got diagnosed with Sjogrens. Then I recently got diagnosed with ciliac and a rare disease called degos. My advice, don’t expect answers right away. Sometimes it takes time for symptoms to evolve. And then sometimes things only appear in a flare.
Keep us posted. I hope nothing is wrong, but I also hope you find the answers you need.

Hi Lulu,

I was lucky in that it only took a couple of weeks to get diagnosed. My start was pretty acute, I woke up one morning with excruciating pain in my arms and wrists. (I had been tired for months, but I thought that was just stress) I had quite a few blood tests run and had abnormal results for: ESR, CRP, ANA, Chromatin ab, and DS DNA. Those results, combined with the tests that were normal (rheumatoid arthritis and others) combined and the symptoms gave my rheumatologist the diagnosis. I dont know if you've been to a rheumatologist before - but mine knew right away what to look for. The two GPs I had been to first really didn't know what was going on - which was good because they referred me to the rheumatologist.

Good luck getting a diagnosis & treatment!


Thanks for the responses so far. I appreciate it. I have seen 3 GP’s over the years. The first one was when I was about 15 and started having regular severe chest pain and severe fatigue. She tested me for several things, but didn’t get conclusive answers. She said the chest pain was pluresy and the fatigue was clinical depression (though I was a relatively normal teen) and treated me with anti depressants which didn’t help, caused side effects, and made me feel like it was all in my head… So I just kind of struggled with those things throughout my adolescence.

Then when I was an adult, about 22, the joint pain started and the fatigue and chest pain accompanied it. My legs and feet would swell and I would feel faint often. I got frequent infections which my body had difficulty fighting off. I have had to be admitted to the hospital twice since the age of 22 for infections that turned to sepsis.

At this point I saw the 2nd GP who tested me for diabetes and checked my thyroid. When those tests came out normal, he went over my symptoms and said, “well these are all side effects of your birth control.” And left… He didn’t have me schedule a follow up either. So I quit taking the pill and symptoms continued.
About a year later (August 2013) I started hurting again… Joint and muscle pain. I started getting these awful headaches, which I was told are complex migraines. I began getting very tired easily and having chest pains frequently again.
By October things were worse than ever. I started having days where I thought “I feel like I got hit by a bus”. Then things got weird for a bit. I started having my feet go numb, sometimes my legs as well. I had trouble moving my feet and walking. I sometimes had to drag one foot to walk. My hands would go partially numb. I started losing coordination and had difficulty using my hands. My joints were waking me up in the middle of the night burning with pain. Then I started having speech difficulties. I couldn’t get words out or form sentences. At the same time, I would get very very confused. I was afraid people would think I was on drugs.

This is when I went to the third GP and told her everything and what I had already been tested for. She told me depression could cause all of these things, and that I had a lot of symptoms that don’t really go together, which is common in depression. She said the only other thing that might cause such symptoms are certain lesions on the brain, and sent me for an MRI. The MRI of my brain was normal…

The tech who did my MRI was very kind and told me if it came out normal I really needed to keep pushing for an answer. It was nice to have at least one person acknowledge that it isn’t in my head.

So I followed up with the GP who wanted to refer me to a neurologist. I may see one soon a well but don’t have an appointment yet. By that point most of the scary neurological type of symptoms (like impaired speech) had died down and it was back to mostly the usual pain, exhaustion, swelling, unexplained nausea, etc… I talked to her some more and she decided to refer me to the rheumatologist first for testing.

Random other things that have sense popped up include my hands and toes turning blueish, and I do have redness on my cheeks and bridge of nose, but I don’t know if that’s really a malar rash or not since I have very sensitive skin anyway. I just wanted to put a bit more info about what I’ve been through lately. I feel like it could be a lot of random little things that aren’t related, or it could be all connected in being cause by something like lupus or RA.

So I guess if you only count my symptoms since the joint pain started, it would be about 3 or 4 years. It’s hard to remember when it all started since I used to be one of those people who tried to tough it out and avoid the doctors office at all costs

Hi Lulu...

I had symptoms for several years before being diagnosed. I was sent from one specialist to another and subjected to any number of tests. Everything always came back "within normal range" or "not significantly outside of normal range". So, no diagnosis for anything from anyone. It was only after the third person, in a span of a few months, suggested Lupus that I insisted that my PCP run tests for it. Being a GP, he couldn't tell me anything more than that the tests confirmed an autoimmune disease. He sent me to a rheumatologist, who confirmed Lupus. I suspect that I have had it for 10+ years, but significant (debilitating) symptoms only began about 3 1/2 years ago.

Whether you have a confirmed diagnosis or not, at least you seem to be on the path to finding out what IS wrong. That is a huge and very important step.

Good luck, and keep us posted!


My diagnosis took a few years. It started off with swollen knees and wrists. Things I was once able to do became difficult. Afterwards I started to get really bad back pain, mostly lower back. My gp sent me to a rheumatologist who said I was pre-lupus (whatever that means). About three years ago I ended up in the hospital with really bad chest pains, They said I had pleurisy. After recovery I just experienced really bad joint pains, and just an overall feeling of being unwell. Kind of like a flu I couldn’t get rid of. Anyway in June of this year I had a really bad sinus infection that no matter what I did the pain was unbearable. I went to the walk in and the doc gave me some antibiotics; they didn’t work. So I went to the hospital and they gave me pain killers (of course the doctor didn’t check me out at all. He just wrote me a prescription and sent me on my way. Anyway I took the meds and I woke up in the hospital three weeks later (absolutely no memory of my entire hospital stay) with a diagnosis of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis and then two weeks later I was diagnosed with Lupus.

I know the whole process is daunting. I often felt like a hypochondriac every time I left my doctors office and got no answers. I hope you find the answers soon. Good luck with your appointment.

Complex migraines can cause some of your neuro symptoms so you should see your neuro in addition to your rheumy. There are all kinds of autoimmune diseases which can cause a variety of symptoms and for many of us it is a journey in being diagnosed But important to note that depression is common in this illness - it s not a hypochondriac thing but a normal response to an on-going frustrating illness and it too should be treated if needed.

I’m so sorry to hear all you are going through! Your symptoms sound just like mine. I only got really sick this April and spent 5 wks in the hospital. But struggled with fatigue and joint for yrs. I always blamed it on working to much or school etc… come to find out its lupus. In April I was so sick I could hardly do anything for myself. In the hospital my mom had to bathe me and help me it. I couldn’t hardly move my right leg and arm and had no sensation. They could poke and stab my arm and I could feel nothing. I still struggle with it today! When my heart rate dropped at our local hospital they transferred to a larger hospital there they decided to diagnose me with conversion disorder cause they couldn’t find anything and sent in a physcologist. She told me it wasn’t conversion disorder but anxiety and sent me home! Went back to my pcp and he’s like who wouldn’t have anxiety being so sick and sent me to Mayo clinic there I saw pretty much every different department. Finnaly saw the rheumy and diagnosed with SLE. I saw a neurologist and have an eeg and they spotted a disrithmia and put me on seziure meds. And my stuttering and thought process improved. I was also diagnosed with. Insterstial nephritis and was started on steroid therapy and plaqunile fir the lupus. . I’m still on those meds. And now several blood pressure meds, B12 injections and several other meds. I’m now ibeng taken off of the prednisone and plaqunile and I’m starting to feel as bad as when I was first diagnosed. I also suffer from chest pain. I have to use a wheel chair if I want to go any distance as my legs give out and can hardly breath. It has allowed me to still have a life. I hope they can get everything figured out and start feeling better! Its a hard to go through this! Praying for you! :smiley:

Thanks again you are all so wonderfully supportive and understanding. My rheumatologist ran a lot of blood work. I don’t even remember all the things he was testing. Now I have to wait a week for the results. I know he did a basic lupus panel, RA panel, tested kidney function and thyroid function, and I know there are other things I’m forgetting. He did x rays and said it doesn’t look like rheumatoid arthritis, just early osteo arthritis. Today all of my muscles ache so bad and I feel like I have the flu but of course I don’t have the flu… Also we are about to get a temperature drop and winter storm. Lately weather change, especially the cold, puts me in a lot of pain. I have a feeling it will be a long week of waiting with the potential for no answers

Hi!, Welcome even if you are not as of today diagniosed ! It is okay we all here have been in your shoes some time ago!! Smile I hope that your doctor find out something for you to rest on ! It took my doctor 3months to give me a result ! Yes 3months of waiting , wanting to jump of Any high place , and am afraid of heights-smile, everything came to mind during those days before Feb.2011! I really wanted to die! But GOD lead me through it , and I don’t know if you are spiritual or not but for me there is a higher being , I really lost my mind -Really I did !! It was like a knife sticking me in the center of my back and I could not pull it out, until the day in Feb.2011, when I went back for my results! And now it is 3 years Feb.2014and am still here with the same doctor on the same meds from day one!! And I really Love my team , would not change them if I had to… And they know this ! But my gyn doctor is leaving me to move out of country to start a business with a family member -which I asked him could I just come every 8months to get my check ups ,but he says that he is going back to India , which I Don’t fly , so I got to let him go! Really hate that ,but live goes on, he is going to let me meet my new gyn before he leave ,so the 2 of us can get to know one another , I hate starting over and doctors don’t want to relate with me ! Am not a difficult person , I just don’t like starting over change is not good for me -I got that from my grand mothers, and they both were something (my mother mom is deceased) , building relationships from starch -I don’t like ! But my present gyn says he is going to choose the best doctor and will be there for the meet with the new doctor, he is the second doctor since my doctor who delivered my kids , which all 3 are now in their mild 20’s and 30’s!! So it is hard for me to change-silly right am 46and boy that is crazy for the normal people right? Well am not going to keep talking , just remember that we are here and if you don’t have Lupus just feel free to say hello sometimes and chat if you want , We ar her for you!! Welcome to the family of Living with Lupus…Beverly L.