Prescriptions and blood work

Hello to Everyone

Can anyone please tell me if prescription medication such as Methotrexate and/or prednisone affect the results of a blood test.

I have 7 out of 11 syptoms of Lupus but I test ANA negative. The only change from normal in my blood work has been high levels of inflammation and I tested positive for Hashimotos. In the early ninety's I had Graves disease.

My GP has not provided me with a copy of my blood test results so I can only go by what he has told me. As I have said in another post, my Rhumatologist isn't very helpful either.

Love to hear about your experience.

Hope you are having a low pain level day, a better day.


Hello NicMic,

You don't have to have a positive ANA to still have your showing 7 symptoms out of the criteria plus it's a well known fact and the specialist know this that Lupus fluctuates blood work and messes about with it giving off false reading and although you came back negative, it may have been positive.

Prednisone, methotrexate and plaquenil can also make your reading go lower and this link may help you understand negative ANA even more.

Love Terri xxx

yes those meds do lower the level in your ana and dna. One thing I was told that if the anticartiolipid (not sure on spelling) antibodies are high lupus is hidden. The other thing is when you have a disease like this your doctor becomes like family. You need to find one that you trust and can be completely open and honest with and they are the same with you. It took me a while and now I dont know how I made it without her! Good luck!


Yes- most definately. Discuss with your G.P. Request a copy of all labs & look it all up on net yourself if your GP declines to meaningfully discuss it with you. NicMic, you are in QLD, - once you get your lab work, go to another GP even the after hrs service & simply say I'd like these results explained to me please. I'll say no more as I am not a medical professional rather a Pt. BUT the strong answer is YES meds effect your blood work. YES you are entitled to copies of your test results. YES the G.P. & / or specialist SHOULD discuss it all with you. YES you can take the paperwork to another G.P. & just ask to discuss it all. Best Wishes Kaz PS don't forget in QLD we have the 24hr phone service where you can talk with a R.N. so that be of use to you also. Keep plugging away till you feel your Q have been addressed. After all its harder to manage a chronic on going conditions if Pt doesn't feel on top of the information stream.

I have thyriod diease (removed) and I know that steroids can alter your blood work (high). It can also alter your white blood count (high) and your sugar blood work too (high). You should see an endo for the thyriod issues don’t let them go.

I have negative blood work for lupus all the time. But I was diagonsied with a rare form of skin lupus called Tumid Lupus and now SLE because of the symptoms.

I have to agree with Kaz, you need a good GP to manage your care and a good rhumy you can have faith in. It makes all the difference in the world.

Best of Luck to you!


Hi NicMic,

Since I've been diagnosed with 4 autoimmune diseases, the docs don't even bother with an ANA test. And yes, prednisone really reaks havoc with everything.

The ANA isn't difinitive. All that bloodwork is not difinitive either, unless read in combination with the all the other lab tests, your symptons, and the rheumy's analysis of all.

There's lottsa good info on autoimmune disease on the internet. Get a fresh cup of coffee or tea or ice water and have at it. Sit down and enjoy how knowledge makes you stronger

Bless you!

Methotrexate & Prednisone should affect ur Sed Rate bringing ur inflammation down. You should ask for a copy of your blood work. ANA's are not necessarily a test to diagnosed Lupus as some people have +ANA's & don't have Lupus. You should write down all ur questions & bring them up with ur Rheumatologist.

Hi Deenie,

"Correct mate on everything you said besides Kaz"

Dewing3569 said:

I have thyriod diease (removed) and I know that steroids can alter your blood work (high). It can also alter your white blood count (high) and your sugar blood work too (high). You should see an endo for the thyriod issues don't let them go.

I have negative blood work for lupus all the time. But I was diagonsied with a rare form of skin lupus called Tumid Lupus and now SLE because of the symptoms.

I have to agree with Kaz, you need a good GP to manage your care and a good rhumy you can have faith in. It makes all the difference in the world.

Best of Luck to you!


Hey Moderator, Hi. Kaz here

"Correct mate on everything you said besides Kaz"

Bit confused. Have I miss-infirmed NicMic? Or did you intend something along the lines of "after" Kaz?

No big deal either way; - as a newbie if I have the wrong end of the stick I'm happy to be told & I'll try to further educate myself on that issue. Sorry If I missled anyone.

Ciao for now Kaz

Hello Kaz,

It's me who should apologise as i type how i speak, so sorry.

When i'm mean Dennie well said she correct in what she's saying and besides means you also was correct in your terms and what you said.

Love Terri & sorry for the confusion on my behalf. xxx

Kaz said:

Hey Moderator, Hi. Kaz here

"Correct mate on everything you said besides Kaz"

Bit confused. Have I miss-infirmed NicMic? Or did you intend something along the lines of "after" Kaz?

No big deal either way; - as a newbie if I have the wrong end of the stick I'm happy to be told & I'll try to further educate myself on that issue. Sorry If I missled anyone.

Ciao for now Kaz