
I am trying to be strong for the christmas holidays. I have polymyositis(muscle weakness) and cant walk very far without my legs hurting like hell, and I am missing not being able to go out and shop for my christmas gifts, see the decorations, and kids standing in line to take pictures with santa. It is so depressing, I cried today, cause I am not used to waiting for people to take me places or assist me, I am used to doing for myself. I dont have a scooter cause I have not been approved for my disability yet. My mom and my husband said they would see if they could find a used one for me. The doctors make me feel as if they think that I am making this all up. How can I, they did a biopsy and diagnosed the polymyositis themselves. HELP anyone.

Fighter, Iam soooosorry that u are hurting both inside & out!! I wish it could be ALL Gone & Better for u in the blink of an eye....there is no way to sugar coat what u are going thru, all I can say is you know u are a fighter, (hence ur name ;) and u are a warrior in this neverending, frustrating & life altering mysterious illness.....Please my friend, keep trying to smile.....all will work out, just keep ur faith! The docotrs are insensitive & don't have compassion for how u feel, I know, we all DO! Let it roll of ur back & do not let them get to you.....I will pray for u & I hope u can find that scooter to help you get around & get the things done that you need to,it is all alot too handle, I understand that and I pray that the disability goes thru soon too..... I wish I could take this all away from u! Please, keep me posted, and know, I am here for you my friend!! U are not ALONE in this FIGHT!!! {{HUGS}} & Sending well wishes to you......Suzie :0) Xoxoxo

Hi Fighter, Well done for expressing how you feel, its not easy at times, well nearly all the time. I am in the same position as yourself, except i have Lupus and not the Polymyositis like yourself. I am having to do my own chemo injections now, i find it makes me physically sick for around about 4 days of the week. I also cant walk very far and am going through the process of getting the disability benefits, which takes absolutely ages to process. Even though i had the Social Services round two months ago, its only now i have been given a care plan, yet it will take another three weeks to get it all in place, its ridiculous really. I am lucky in the fact i have a really good husband who helps me with nearly everything and he will be doing the christmas dinner on christmas day, and also the people who will come round that day understand that i will have to rest alot. It hasnt always been that way though. Even an aunt of mine didnt understand how severe my Lupus was until a couple of years ago when she came to visit me in hospital as i nearly died. I know i shouldnt but i do dread this time of year as nearly every christmas i have gone down with Pneumonia, so i am trying to keep a positive mental attitude in the hope it wont happen this year. Last year at christmas i was rushed into hospital with Pnuemonia, and it recurred four times after that, not really being any better until the Summer, so i am keeping my fingers crossed that this year i wont get any bugs or infections and get through this christmas without any major health scares. Also this year i lost 7 pints of blood and ended up being rushed into hospital yet again to have a laod of transfusions. The doctors were astounded though as i was still able to stand up, they said that with only 3.4 pints of blood left in me, i should of been flat out by then. I think i am quite stubborn and wont let this disease beat me if i can help it. I absolutely hate hospitals, so i will do anything i can to stay out. I find if i pamper myself with something, it doesnt have to be expensive but if you treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it be a foot bath, or reading a magazine, or just some nice chocolates, it can make you feel abit better and tell yourself you deserve to be pampered or treated. There is no point in feeling guilty about not being able to do anything, as we cant help it, and anyone who doesnt understand that isnt worth your thoughts id say. Any illness will get someone down, its only natural, and of course at this time of the year its worse, as whatever you see whether its on the television or outside the door, it shows people always really enjoying themselves. But, i bet if you spoke to a selection of these people they would tell you that everything isnt as rosy as they are making out. So this christmas, make sure you take care of yourself and dont worry what others are thinking and anyone with an ounce of common sense will realise you arent able to get out and get presents and will be just as pleased with just having your company, no matter how you might be feeling on the day. I understand too about you not being used to having people assist you with things, i used to be a dance teacher and did triathlons, after i got sick i felt so sad about not being able to do these things and would have a good cry sometimes. But eventually you will find other things to take the place of the things you cant do, whether it be reading, or enjoying watching certain television programs. You have done the right thing by coming on this site, as everyone here is there for everyone else. Please dont feel alone, and feel free to chat any time we are all there for each other, so keep strong and think of the nice things you would like instead of the things you cant do at the moment, and eventually everything else will fall into place. I know its hard work at the moment, but honestly you will get there. Take care, i have gone on abit, so i hope you dont mind, i am thinking of you, like i said anytime you want to chat feel free, bye for now, look after yourself and think about the things you would like to do that are achievable. Love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Hi there Rachel Simpkins, i am with you there, going out shopping is the least of our worries isnt it? I too have been ordering online for christmas, there is no other way, sometimes it has worked out cheaper too, so we have to see the bonuses sometimes eh. My lounge is like yours at the moment, as i dont have any children who will be peaking at stuff, there are boxes in there by the piano, everytime i go in the lounge i think i must start wrapping some of those presents soon. I havent even written any cards yet, although i have had some delivered to me. I am just hoping that most people i know will understand. I think with all we go through, people are lucky to be getting anything eh? hehe. Not that some will see it like that, its all about "you should make the effort", i get thrown at me by an aunt of mine, i sometimes think spend one day in my shoes and maybe she might understand how tired i get. But then again she is abit of a martyr, so maybe even if she was in my position, she would probably just run herself into the ground expecting thanks, silly isnt really eh?Anyway i will be off, thinking of everyone at this testing time. Take care, bye for now, look after yourselves, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Rachel Simpkins said:

My son just made me laugh tonight,I've been ordering online for Christmas,he told me my house is turning into a warehouse,lol because I'm too sick to shop.feel better,we are all struggling.

you touched my heart astrid40 with yur concern and compassion, I really felt as if you were here with me. I really needed to hear those words of encouragement. Each time I get lifted up from a LWL family member, it makes me even more happy that I decided to become a part of this wonderful family. I will definitely add you to my friends list for you are a rare one indeed. The polymyositis, came along with lupus as so did a lot of other health issues. I will try to stay positive, and thanks for reaching out. I would love to return the favor anytime you need it. Thanks again and stay in touch. Many blessings to you and your family for the holidays and the New Year.

astrid40 said:

Hi Fighter, Well done for expressing how you feel, its not easy at times, well nearly all the time. I am in the same position as yourself, except i have Lupus and not the Polymyositis like yourself. I am having to do my own chemo injections now, i find it makes me physically sick for around about 4 days of the week. I also cant walk very far and am going through the process of getting the disability benefits, which takes absolutely ages to process. Even though i had the Social Services round two months ago, its only now i have been given a care plan, yet it will take another three weeks to get it all in place, its ridiculous really. I am lucky in the fact i have a really good husband who helps me with nearly everything and he will be doing the christmas dinner on christmas day, and also the people who will come round that day understand that i will have to rest alot. It hasnt always been that way though. Even an aunt of mine didnt understand how severe my Lupus was until a couple of years ago when she came to visit me in hospital as i nearly died. I know i shouldnt but i do dread this time of year as nearly every christmas i have gone down with Pneumonia, so i am trying to keep a positive mental attitude in the hope it wont happen this year. Last year at christmas i was rushed into hospital with Pnuemonia, and it recurred four times after that, not really being any better until the Summer, so i am keeping my fingers crossed that this year i wont get any bugs or infections and get through this christmas without any major health scares. Also this year i lost 7 pints of blood and ended up being rushed into hospital yet again to have a laod of transfusions. The doctors were astounded though as i was still able to stand up, they said that with only 3.4 pints of blood left in me, i should of been flat out by then. I think i am quite stubborn and wont let this disease beat me if i can help it. I absolutely hate hospitals, so i will do anything i can to stay out. I find if i pamper myself with something, it doesnt have to be expensive but if you treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it be a foot bath, or reading a magazine, or just some nice chocolates, it can make you feel abit better and tell yourself you deserve to be pampered or treated. There is no point in feeling guilty about not being able to do anything, as we cant help it, and anyone who doesnt understand that isnt worth your thoughts id say. Any illness will get someone down, its only natural, and of course at this time of the year its worse, as whatever you see whether its on the television or outside the door, it shows people always really enjoying themselves. But, i bet if you spoke to a selection of these people they would tell you that everything isnt as rosy as they are making out. So this christmas, make sure you take care of yourself and dont worry what others are thinking and anyone with an ounce of common sense will realise you arent able to get out and get presents and will be just as pleased with just having your company, no matter how you might be feeling on the day. I understand too about you not being used to having people assist you with things, i used to be a dance teacher and did triathlons, after i got sick i felt so sad about not being able to do these things and would have a good cry sometimes. But eventually you will find other things to take the place of the things you cant do, whether it be reading, or enjoying watching certain television programs. You have done the right thing by coming on this site, as everyone here is there for everyone else. Please dont feel alone, and feel free to chat any time we are all there for each other, so keep strong and think of the nice things you would like instead of the things you cant do at the moment, and eventually everything else will fall into place. I know its hard work at the moment, but honestly you will get there. Take care, i have gone on abit, so i hope you dont mind, i am thinking of you, like i said anytime you want to chat feel free, bye for now, look after yourself and think about the things you would like to do that are achievable. Love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Suzie D. said:

Fighter, Iam soooosorry that u are hurting both inside & out!! I wish it could be ALL Gone & Better for u in the blink of an eye....there is no way to sugar coat what u are going thru, all I can say is you know u are a fighter, (hence ur name ;) and u are a warrior in this neverending, frustrating & life altering mysterious illness.....Please my friend, keep trying to smile.....all will out, just keep ur faith! The docotrs are insensitive & don't have compassion for how u feel, I know, we all DO! Let it roll of ur back & do not let them get to you.....I will pray for u & I hope u can find that scooter to help you get around & get the things done that you need to,it is all alot too handle, I understand that and I pray that the disability goes thru soon too..... I wish I could take this all away from u! Please, keep me posted, and know, I am here for you my friend!! U are not ALONE in this FIGHT!!! {{HUGS}} & Sending well wishes to you......Suzie :0) Xoxoxo

Awww, you know if I could adopt you into my real family I would, but in the meantime having in my LWL family is good enough. You and janice were the first to welcome me aboard, and always have time to lend an ear and encouraging words, and for that I love you both. I hope santa brings you all that you asked for for christman and that the New Year holds alot of promise for you and your family. Hugs xoxoxo

Hi Rachel, i totally understand what you are going through too. The doctor had to send me to the pain clinic as they PCT in this country check every so often on what meds you are taking and try to reduce them. This new doctor who didnt know me started being really judgemental about my weight about the fact i get depressed every so often. In the end i was quite sharp with her, and said "youd be depressed if you had everything i have wrong with me", its called Reactive Depression, surely you know that being a doctor, then with the thing about the weight, she said to me "its a consumption matter", anyway thats the worst thing to say to me, as i dont eat much. Anyway i was lucky as i had my husband with me who said to her "Dont even go there, i throw out lots of food a week, she only eats a third of her dinner, so dont tell us its a consumption matter", then i added i had already spoken to my Lupus specialist about this, and he was saying because of the Lupus our weight goes up and down at times, and also when we get older our metabolism slows down, especially if we have dieted alot more than others, and also about the steroids and the amount i have to take. She still wasnt happy with this and then told me to get out and walk abit more, as though i am lazy. Dont these people wind you up when they believe they know you, but have only met you the once. She was saying about me going on these one day courses on pain management, i have already done one ages ago, that was a couple of hours a day. My husband said to her, there is no way she can do an all day course, she can barely stay awake for a couple of hours some days. And added about the bad nights of pain i get, she wasnt really listening though, she had fixed ideas and if i dont comply sort of thing. So now i am going to have to fight her if i want to stay as i am on the pain meds i am, which have just started to help. My doctor worked out a pain management regime that he and i were happy with and the Lupus specialist, it seems to me just as you are getting to grips with the pain and coping abit better, they just want to pull the rug out from under your feet. I am all for change if it will help, but when i know something is working, and as they say it isnt broke so why fix it, these people need to listen more to their patients and we shouldnt have to prove ourselves. The funny thing was i knew this appointment was coming up, and i knew it was going to be a difficult one, as they always think we are on too many pain killers so to speak. My husband even bought me a camcorder so i could do a video diary, but i hadnt bothered thinking it would be alright but now i feel i will have to set up the intrusion just to prove what i have said it true to this woman. when i said to this doctor my specialist and doctor wont agree with you, she turned round to me and said "well i will just have to persuade them and get them on side". What is it with some doctors that they want to make things more difficult and upset you. She started on about ready meals too, and i had to tell her i had been advised against ready meals because of all the rubbish they put in them, plus i am not allowed to have Monosodium Glutomate, recent studies have shown that this can affect Lupus in an adverse way, so i was advised not to eat anything with MSG in it, and to try and eat fresh foods wherever possible. So really i dont think some of these doctors know what they are on about, and as for someone who hasnt even met you before and doesnt specialise in Lupus telling me what they think and not even having a grasp of how bad things are, she did blood tests and did say in the letter that i had a really elevated ESR, and i am having a flare, so she is contridicting herself, i give up sometimes. Sorry for moaning, basically though i totally know what you mean when you say about having to prove yourself, i take photos now of the rash etc, just in case someone else comes along and says no thats not it, or whatever. Thankfully that hasnt happened ever, but i wouldnt put it past anyone to say that., doctor wise. Its like when we go to the ER, until my specialist comes in they dont have a clue what to do with me, so they just stick me on a drip and wait, and observe. Anyway everyone take care, i am thinking of everyone else, look after yourselves and have a good evening, love and huge hugs Astrid40xoxox

you guys are totally right about the doctors and the ER. Sometimes when I go to the doctor I feel like a guieney pig, cause I have to go to a county hospital and all the resident doctors, see me and use me as their learning instrument and know nothing about Lupus. I feel violated, because no one asked me if I would like to be their learning instrument, its like I don't have a choice since I am not paying. I think we the patients know more about Lupus than the doctors, because we are living it and they are only going by trial and error. But not to worry, things will not always be this way for us, God has a plan and a cure. We just have to be patient, keep the faith, and believe. Hugs xoxo

Hi there Fighter, i was just thinking of you. I am so sad to hear how you are feeling, this time of year isnt easy for nearly everyone. Most people i know arent that keen on having christmas this year. I do understand what its like for you to be in pain with your walking, i too have alot of severe pain when i walk and use a rollator walking frame, one with the wheels and the seat for if i need to sit down, which is a great help. Other times when i cant walk at all i use a wheelchair. i have had times where my legs have gone from underneath me. They once thought i had MS, as the symptoms to Lupus are similar to that as MS. Lupus mimics MS at times, they say if they find a cure for MS, they will be able to find the cure for Lupus hopefully, as the cells work in a very similar way. I do understand why you are sad that you cant get out and get the christmas shopping and see the lights etc. I know its not easy but its probably better that you arent out there the way you are feeling, plus at this time of the year there are so many colds and flu going round and as you have a type of autoimmune disorder, you go down with things alot easier than other people, and so do i. I, too am waiting for my disability benefit, i was supposed to renew mine a couple of years back, but then just before i was about to do my form, i had three deaths of people i was very close to, my grandfather, my dad and my best friend. I found my best friend dead in her flat, we both looked out for one another and saw each other every day, so it hit me really hard and i felt so sad and lonely after wards, that anything that i had to put my mind to just went out the window, now i do feel cross with myself for not being stronger but its not that easy at the time. And as far as feeling as though Doctors dont believe you, i have been there too about 10 years ago, i was at another doctors surgery and i would be back and forth with this and that, i would get infection after infection and be in alot of pain, sometimes unbearable pain, but they just kept putting it down to depression, i was suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at the time as i had been attacked a good few years ago. But surely i thought they could of done a few tests or examined me, they always turned round and said to me, "dont worry, you have been through alot and the body works in peculiar ways", in the end i started to believe them abit, but for me it just got worse healthwise and i wasnt getting anywhere with them. I moved home and needed the doctors to come out as i had a really high tempreture, anyway they said i had to go to them as i wasnt in there area anymore, so i did but when i turned up, they took one look at me and said why did i go, i looked awful, so i put them straight and told them what they had said, and then they said well i should really register with another doctor, so thats what i did, when i went into the other surgery, i said to the receptionist was there anyone who would be kind and understanding as i felt as though i was going mad at the time. She said she had the perfect person. When i went for my appointment i told the doctor i felt like a hypochrondriac, and he just said, no just tell me what all the symptoms are, after i had finished he told me he thought he knew what i had wrong with me, but he wouldnt say until after tests, but in the meantime he put me on some high dose steroids which really helped me after a week of taking them, and he said that proved more or less what he was thinking was true. I went back and he gave me a preliminary diagnosis of Lupus, he had also looked through my records and said he was shocked i hadnt been diagnosed earlier, i had other tests and had to wait until i got a definate diagnosis but now after ten years i finally feel as though i am being listened to properly. So dont give up hope, you do get there. I find sometimes its who you speak to in the end. If you are unhappy with the doctor you have is it possible to change at all, i find if i have to see another doctor in my doctors practice, they arent as clued up about Lupus, as my own doctor is, so i tend to try and wait to see my own doctor if i can, as i always end up having to come back anyway, as the others dont seem to be able to do anything unless its something basic. Its like because i am prone to pnuemonia, if my doctor thinks i could get worse, he writes me a prescription and says dont use it until you know you absolutely have to, he knows i know when this is, as i have had pnuemonia so many times now. And some nasty other things, including MRSA and Cdifficile. Thankfully they have gone now, but if i spend time if hospital here i am at risk, so the doctors try to keep me out where ever possible, another reason i am doing self injections of chemo at home. Sorry for going on, i hope i havent bored you with my life story, but what i am trying to show you is that it does get easier with doctors in time, its just perseverance. Anyway keep going, i am thinking of you and know how you are feeling to a certain extent, take care, look after yourself, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Hi Fighter, thankyou for your wonderful lovely message and your lovely remarks about what i wrote. I am so pleased you felt as though i am there with you, just remember when you are feeling low, that i care, and other people on LWL care about how you are feeling, i know its not that easy when we feel low, i know that from experience. When i feel really low, i think that there isnt anyone who understands etc, thats why i too, like yourself am so glad i joined LWL, i have had some lovely messages from members. My husbands father died last week, and it has been a struggle, my husband appears to be feeling better, but it wont be better for a long time i know that, as i have had times of grief. It may be a cliche, but its true that "Time Is A Great Healer", even if we cant see it at the time. I lost my dad, grandad and best friend all in the same month about two years ago and abit, and it still makes me really sad. I miss them so much. I miss my best friend so much as she used to only live just around the corner, we used to see each other every day, so it has been a great wrench, i found her dead in her bed, so that was even more of a shock, we had each others keys so we could keep an eye on each other when both of us were unwell, she had health issues too, so we thought if we both could make sure each other were okay, it would be a good idea, and it worked well, we were like inseparable at times, but things happen in life that we have to come to terms with, and these times are really hard sometimes, but like you say it is hard to stay strong, it helps to have good friends to talk to. Thankyou for adding me as one of your friends, i feel honoured. I know you have alot to deal with, and i am here for whenever you feel you would like a chat. And i promise you, things will improve, sometimes we have to take the ups with the downs. I was only just saying to my husband the other day, that why is it when you are just about surviving and coping, that something or someone has to pull the rug from under your feet, its like we are being tested at times isnt it? hehe. Seriously though, i am thinking of you and hoping that things will start to get better for you. And please feel free to message me at any time, i am always about somewhere, as i dont get out and about much either. Ah, just one more thing i thought of, i sometimes get my husband to get me a bowl of nice warm water and bubbles and soak my feet and pamper myself with it, he helps me. I have got a good one with him havent i? I was just thinking if you do have someone who would help you with getting a nice bowl of warm water and some lovely nice smelly things and moisturiser, it makes you feel wonderful having something nice done, or think of something else you enjoy. The thing is if we dont pamper ourselves, who will eh? hehe, we have to treat ourselves kind, even if its just to get someone to get us a magazine we like. Anyway take care, hope i havent gone on too much, i didnt mean to say as much as i did. Proves i spend too much time on my own, hehe. Have a look at the photos on here and find the one of my little dog, he is having a sniff of one of the flowers in the garden, let me know what you think. Anyway i will say bye for definate now, take care, look after yourself, bye for now, big hugs and love Astrid40xoxox

I never get bored, it gives me something to do and someone to talk to. I get off track with my spelling sometimes when I am typing, because the lupus has caused me to have memory problems. I also have what the doctors call polymyositis, which, means many weak muscles, which makes it hard for me to get around sometimes with my legs and my shoulders as well are limited as to how far I can lift them and how long I can type. I love talking to you, so don't feel like you are a bore with me, it just takes me some time to answer back, and when I do it is short, so I don't wear myself out. I will keep in touch with you and have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!


Hi Rachel Simpkins, i agree its good to work until the point you cant, i used to work four different jobs, i would do my day job, then an evening job, then sale Avon as well, but this isnt good when you arent getting better whatsoever, i found in the end i was collapsing, and i wasnt getting back up from it. I still try and keep my mind occupied as much as possible. But i seem to be in a constant flare at the moment, i get one step forward and take two back. I have had infection after infection, and today it looks as though i could have got pneumonia again, the symptoms have the same pattern, so am trying to get an appointment with the doctor but where i am thats easier said than done, even when you explain why. So i will keep persevering though, as otherwise i will end up back in that dreaded hospital where i caught a couple of superbugs, one being MRSA and the other the CDif, which didnt go for ages, so i would rather get the antibiotics than go through that again. I also am injecting my own chemo, which makes me sicker for four days of the week, making it impossible for me to do anything which is frustrating to say the least. I would love to go back to the job i used to do, i used to teach dance, music and english. I loved the dance teaching the most, i also used to do triathlons, so to be made to have to stay in bed alot is really frustrating for me to say the least, but in order to feel better we must do what our bodies tell us to do. And yes it is a crying shame that now we have to prove everything to make the benefits people believe us, but sadly there are some really unscrupulous people out there who dont have a conciense about conning the system, makes me mad, rant over!!! hehe. But these liars are making it much harder for the genuine ones in the world to get what they need. I hope when i send mine in it goes through alright, i have manged to get back up letters from consultants laying it on the line how serious a situation it is for myself and that i nearly died twice this year already. So here's hoping that next year will bring better things for all of us, anyway take care, bye for now, love Astrid40xoxox

Hi there Fighter, good to talk to you again, im am pleased that this site helps you and many others including myself. I just cant tell you how relieved i was to find somewhere like this, where i could talk to others who were in the same position, it made me feel less alienated from society. Dont worry about the spelling, everyone makes mistakes, and yes the Lupus does cause memory problems. I had that only the other day where i forgot an appointment and rang to say sorry that i couldnt make it to an appointment due to being ill, and the appointment had been the previous day, goodness did i feel really bad and stupid at the same time, it wasnt as though i hadnt written it down, but i had also got confused with what day it was too, so i made myself look completely stupid. I think the woman at the other end was really mad, even though i was tryint to explain what and why it had happen, she just turned round and said, well i wont make another appointment for you yet, you ring when you are going to want to come, so really i dont think she believed me which made me feel worse than ever. So you are not alone there. So if you want to chat on here, and get some support thats ideal i think, I have a look on here now a couple of times a day when i am awake and able to talk, so take care, bye for now, speak soon, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

fighter said:

I never get bored, it gives me something to do and someone to talk to. I get off track with my spelling sometimes when I am typing, because the lupus has caused me to have memory problems. I also have what the doctors call polymyositis, which, means many weak muscles, which makes it hard for me to get around sometimes with my legs and my shoulders as well are limited as to how far I can lift them and how long I can type. I love talking to you, so don't feel like you are a bore with me, it just takes me some time to answer back, and when I do it is short, so I don't wear myself out. I will keep in touch with you and have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Hi Rachel Simpkins, thankyou for this, i am pleased i could help. Its not easy being us is it? I do know what you mean about people lying to get their benefits, where i live there are a few people who have lied to get the disability benefits, people who have said they dont go out as they are too nervous to go on their own, or their mental health stops them from doing such and such. i dont begrudge them it, but when they then speak to me via telephone and tell me they have been on a train for a two hour journey alone, it does make me mad, and its not the first time either, and one admitted to me that they would never ever want to go back to work now, that is just plain lazy in my eyes, sorry if that is judgemental of me, surely for their own self asteem it would be better if they worked instead of lying to get benefits, and of course they are making it harder for the more genuine people to get help, it makes me mad, but sadly its a fact of life now. I remember when the disability benefits came out, as i had a neighbour who said she walks harder on my side, so she needs to buy more shoes, so she put in for the benefit and got it, and she said to me about it, i never did at the time, as i was still working part time, even though its not means tested etc but i wouldnt dream of it unless i really needed it at the time, its just not me. Maybe its me who was the stupid one back then, but at least i could live with myself. I am applying for it now, as there is so much i need, plus i am paying for care, and now running out of money towards it, so here is hoping i get it, but who knows, we shall see, it takes a long time for the benefits department to decide on it, so i will pray that nothing else crops up until them, we have to have faith or we have nothing at times, anyway take care, bye for now, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Rachel Simpkins said:

Astrid I'm on very few foods and limited sodium,thanks for that lovely post,it helps. Although we are telling our Doctors the truth,my own husband brought up a good point,he said,how many people do those Drs get who do lie to get disability. Good point,maybe some do....but I do bring proof,he was still snoody with me but pictures don't lie and I have more to share this week,:)