Pain free?

Seeing an immunologist (1st Visit) next week hope to go over all symptoms with him.

Thank you all for your time & best wishes to all of us ehh? Kaz x

My hands shake to. Same thing can no longer paint my own nails ;(
If that wasn’t enough I also developed a neck tremor and now look like a human bobble head!!!
No one has been able to give me an exact cause but they can all see it?!?!


before you go to the dr write down everything you want to ask. If your like me you will get there and forget to ask everything. do you already see a rheumy?



My Rhuemy told me that there are often MS like symptoms that often go with Lupus. I know, like we need anything else. Have had not shaking so much as uncontrollable muscles. Slapped myself awake several times. Think everyone should have kidneys checked because it can come on suddenly, I am at stage 4 (out of 5) and that was without knowing I had lupus. Stage 5 you are not in such a good place. I think though that we all have such different symptoms, that anyone that says that have such and such a symptom and you don't, that's a win! I bet you are more winner than you know :).



Tala said:

Before my diagnosis, I had developed a tremor in my hands. Between that and the pain.. those are the reasons I stopped my artwork for a long time. It became too difficult to hold my pencils. After a year on Plaquenil I hardly saw it happen anymore. It does still occasionally, to a minor degree, if I'm really not feeling well. It's not a disruptive problem now though. Any time I hear someone say they are having this problem however, I would encourage them to consult their Dr because it's not "normal", even for "lupie norm", no. If it persists for anyone, they need to determine whether there is CNS involvement or perhaps something unrelated. I have known several people that insisted on just ignoring it, rather than bring it to their physician's attention.

babymadeline said:

So the hand shaking is normal too?