Orencia? Help needed

Hi Friends!
Can anyone please share their experience with Orencia? My rheum was trying methotrexate but it’s not workin. Now we will begin Orencia as soon as the financials are worked out (ha, ha).

I have been on orencia IV for one year. I’m now off methotrexate and down to 2.5 mg of prednisone. My infusion are every 4 weeks.
after I started orencia IV I started feeling much better. Able to be more active,walk with out pain, less fatigue. One or two days after the infusion I would feel run down. Yesterday I did not feel well in general and it was because my body was in need of orencia IV. Came home with nausea and feeling icky. This is the first time this has happened. It has been a god send for me. I hope you do well on it.

Thank you Sleepy! May I ask, does ur insurance cover it? We r very concerned, as my illness has already wiped out our finances…

On med costs: my rheum office had me fill our some financial paperwork fpppor benlysta and the company helped out, which was great!