I had a talk with our 24 hour nurse line to try and find avenues of help with my back, hip, and leg pain, and loss of ability to function. She asked for symptoms, I had to tell her I fell 4 days after the MRI (fell sat evening august 10) and when I saw my doctor first thing that Monday morning for the MRI results, he totally ignored that I had fallen and hurt myself worse. No exam or tests. I could hear the steam coming out of the nurse's ears.
She wanted me to go get checked out at the ER tonight, and I had to explain I was home alone, unable to drive safely on my med cocktail. So I go in the morning as soon as husband gets in from work. She also said a representative of our health insurance company would be contacting me, because of concerns about the quality of care my doctor is giving me. I may have without meaning to just really messed up a lot of people's lives. Or done them a favor, which I'm not so sure about.
I was simply reaching out to a resource, in my own evidently messed up way, to find help. I need to know what is wrong, and decide how to get the right treatment and get back to living, not struggling to get through the day and survive it. I have dealt with chronic pain for so long I accept it, but acute pain and loss of functions really throw me for a loop.
Life is supposed to be about living, interacting with other people, growing and learning, and being productive. I am so frustrated I want to pull what's left of my hair out. I'm not coping well with the "don't know what's wrong with you, take this pill" mind frame.
Is it too much to expect my health care providers to make the effort to discover the root cause and work with me to deal with it? If it is a "learn to live with it situation", then give me tools, assistive devices, helps, occupational therapy, training, physical therapy, show me how to adjust to living without the lost functions, whatever will help, and allow me to have some dignity and be treated with respect!
This isn't a pity party, and I'm not depressed. I am frustrated, angry, fed up, and in all honesty afraid of what the near future holds. I will not sit back and let this sad excuse for a body drag me down into the deep dark hole of depression and make me give up on myself. I deserve better than that. I'm doing everything I know of to help myself, from attempting to rest, eating clean, using de-stressing and relaxation exercises more than I was, and doing away with any stressors I can in my life, including toxic people. We have even put measures in place in our home to ensure I am less likely to fall and get hurt more.
I want to live, and do it well. Whether I'm around 5 more days or 50 more years, I have hopes and dreams yet to live, grand children to be involved with, skills I want to learn, classes to take, a book yet to write, a cottage industry company on hold until I can handle launching and running it, and a husband I want to not be my caregiver but my partner in adventures. We became and instant blended family from day 1 as we both had children from former marriages. With the children grown, This is supposed to be our time to just be us, and have the time alone together we never had.
Not sorry but I did write an entire chapter of venting here. Just do yourselves a favor, and be careful who you trust with your health care? What I am going through is senseless malarkey. But some things do require modern medicine to help us. Just watch the front door of anyone you consider working with towards better health. If it revolves, and they are always accepting new patients and losing old ones, look elsewhere. I am.
My husband's offer to move where there is excellence in care, especially as I am going downhill fast, is more and more tempting. And if anyone is considering moving to south carolina, please think twice. Really great doctors are few and far between here, as is any kind of support network, holistic or alternative health options, and your lucky if you have indoor plumbing.
weary and hurting,