Non inflammatory joint pain?

I was diagnosed with lupus 2 years ago. My joint pain seemed to be the non inflammatory type. I'm not sure if that was considered in the diagnosis because there were other symptoms. Does anyone here have this?


What do you mean by non inflammatory? It is a fairly common symptom to have severe aches and pains without joint swelling if that is what you are talking about Can be very frustrating to some of us cause then we feel like we have to 'prove' we have a problem

yes, that is what I mean. Many of the lupus sites tend towards inflammatory joint issues with redness and swelling. Many of my joint pains do not swell, but hurt like heck. ; )

I have joint pain too. But it's osteoarthritis.

I understand exactly what you are saying. You look at the joints and there is no redness or swelling but yet it feels like you just hit them with a hammer. It is really bad when they are cold. I try ibuprofin and some warmth. doesnt always work but it helps to take the edge off. Good luck. :)

Take care,

Wendy xx

Please don’t take this the wrong way but it’s nice to hear someone else saying this! I was diagnosed 2 years ago & I pretty much have joint pain everyday & I don’t always have inflammation with it. A few weeks ago I went to the Rheumatologist because I was in so much pain. I did have some inflammation but by the time I had the appointment it had settled (but I still had a lot of pain) The Doctor said it didn’t sound like ‘traditional’ inflammation (whatever that means!) & was told to take ibuprofen, which doesn’t help. It makes you feel like it’s all in your head & like what Poobie said, you feel you have to prove you have a problem. I’m sorry I’m not much help but your definitely not alone :slight_smile:

hahaha! How could I take that the wrong way! "Misery loves company." That's exactly what my rheumy said. Just about every joint in my hands were killing me, but there was no inflammation. He sent me for exrays and on that day, they weren't hurting near as bad! So very frustrating.

Nyc2012 said:

Please don't take this the wrong way but it's nice to hear someone else saying this! I was diagnosed 2 years ago & I pretty much have joint pain everyday & I don't always have inflammation with it. A few weeks ago I went to the Rheumatologist because I was in so much pain. I did have some inflammation but by the time I had the appointment it had settled (but I still had a lot of pain) The Doctor said it didn't sound like 'traditional' inflammation (whatever that means!) & was told to take ibuprofen, which doesn't help. It makes you feel like it's all in your head & like what Poobie said, you feel you have to prove you have a problem. I'm sorry I'm not much help but your definitely not alone :)


That's exactly how it feels. I feel like my rheumy thinks I'm crazy. Switching rheumies is a trying experience.

Take care!

lablover said:

I understand exactly what you are saying. You look at the joints and there is no redness or swelling but yet it feels like you just hit them with a hammer. It is really bad when they are cold. I try ibuprofin and some warmth. doesnt always work but it helps to take the edge off. Good luck. :)

Take care,

Wendy xx

My regular doctor seemed to think I had no inflammation, due to lack of swelling in my joints. My rheumy listened to me, exanined my non-swollen hands, and started trying anti-inflammatory meds to see what happened. Lo and behold, things eased a little. So though I don't have what they probably call 'traditional' inflammation, he says I very clearly have inflammation. (Mine doesn't show up in blood work either. Very frustrating.) I'm relieved and blessed by having a rheumy who has listened, and who understands that inflammation doesn't always equal swelling and redness visible to the naked eye!

Well I am kinda in that relm with some of my joints … even though I have laber tears, cartilage loss, bone marrow edma and bone contusions there’s very little to no swelling see by eye. . By now I know where a major joint injury has happened because it’s excruciating so I’ll call my orthopedic and he always orders an MRI and there always significant damage. . The only times my Dr’s and I see swelling on the skin is when tenosynavitis is involved, my finger joints flare and when the top of my ear is imflamed from relapsing polycondritis.

I know exactly what you're talking about and I agree with what others are saying about feeling like you have to prove your pain, when you are absent the redness and swelling. Luckily, my rheumy understands that there is not always redness and swelling that accompanies the aches and pains. I also have had a relatively low Sed rate before and still had pain, so there was no indication of inflammation in my lab work, but I still had pain. I have a prescription for Tramadol, which helps some, when I am in pain. Hope you're feeling better soon!

I guess I was lucky that my sed rate has always been through the roof. The highest that got was 109! And my crp is at 4.3. So even if you cant see my inflamation you can see in labs and the pain on my face.

take care,

wendy xx

I really appreciate all of your responses! Although, I hate that anyone of us is in any discomfort. I hope everyone has a good day today! Thanks!

I had that type during the first 15 years or so of my battle. My original rheumy said it was arthralgia not arthritis. Arthritis causes damage to the joints, arthralgia does not. The pain is very similar though. Now I get the swelling etc… But I’m in my 40’s now so it could partially be age. Was dx’d at 9 so hard to know. : )

I'm with you too. I definitely have joint pain, sometimes severe, but have never had an abnormal SED rate or CRP. Before I was treated with Plaquenil and Pred, my joints looked swollen and red, but now they still hurt but don't look like they hurt. Very frustrating. However, my Rheumy tends to be pretty understanding about these things. He's been doing it a long time so knows that labs don't tell the whole story.

I've been on plaquenil for the 2 years since diagnosis and am doing much better. I can actually run my errands without my husband taking me! Funny how things that were so trivial take on a whole new meaning. My old rheumy seemed to understand, but she was quick to schedule vitamin/mineral infusions which really didn't help me feel better, so I decided to go to a different rheumy. His tests did not show any problems. He did say it could be the plaquenil is skewing the lab results, and that if it weren't for my last rheumy's test records/diagnosis, he would say I did not have lupus. ARGH!

not diagnosed w/non-inflammatory but without getting swollen I do have pain in joints definetly, move when you are not in pain-take what youy can to suppliment the joints. good luck this desease sucks. just continue to work at works for u