Hi everyone,i hope you all have had a relativly good day.
Been in for 4 days,so we thought we would go to Aldi,havnt been there for shopping for years,i had been in the store for only around 10mins,and the shooting pains in my scull were so painful,my eyes dried up,so had to leave with the mother of headaches,when my partner looked there was the flourescent lighting just like most stores,but these were the lge ones,im still slightly in pain,but it has calmed down now.
Dont we suffer,noone who hasnt got these illnesses have no idea,have they,fed up,when will all this pain each day subside,why even the excitement of going out shopping doesnt exist anymore.
I'm sorry you had to go through this, its just things we used to take for granted - going shopping. I can't bear much weight on my foot right now, and my husband dropped me off at the door at Wal-Mart and of course - all the sccooters on that end were not charged or out of order. He asked if he should go to the other end and look for one, and I said I could walk with him. I didn't want to stand there by myself, and he walks slow for me and I can hang on to his arm. We didn't see any scooters and he was going to push me in a wheel chair. I was a little embarrassed at first, then we found a scooter : ) I guess we just have to learn which stores are friendly to us.
Would wearing a hat while you shop help any to keep the flourescent lighting off of you? Maybe something out there could help in case you're faced with this again?
Hang in there, and we all have moments we feel sorry for ourselves, and we all understand how you feel : ) Trisha
Thanks Trish,yes i always wear a hat all the time in every season,and ive tried sunglasses too,but nothing helps,i was just yesterday it was unbearable the stabbing pain in my head,and my eyes went so dry,when ever i go say to the Hospital i always ask them if they would turn the light off for me,and they usaully comply.
In the Summer i have an Umbrella up so to help shade the Sun,it does for a little while,Like Michael Jackson,he had Lupus too.
Im in an Elecric Wheelchair to go to town,as i cannott walk very far,with all the other stuff going on,and it took me a while to get used to that,at the beginning i wouldnt get dressed when i went out in it,because i felt as if i had lost myself some where on the line,so i used to go out in my Pjamas and a Coat or a Jacket,and just wanted to get home,but im ok with that now.
Thanks again,and take care x
Trisha said:
Hi Kathy,
I'm sorry you had to go through this, its just things we used to take for granted - going shopping. I can't bear much weight on my foot right now, and my husband dropped me off at the door at Wal-Mart and of course - all the sccooters on that end were not charged or out of order. He asked if he should go to the other end and look for one, and I said I could walk with him. I didn't want to stand there by myself, and he walks slow for me and I can hang on to his arm. We didn't see any scooters and he was going to push me in a wheel chair. I was a little embarrassed at first, then we found a scooter : ) I guess we just have to learn which stores are friendly to us.
Would wearing a hat while you shop help any to keep the flourescent lighting off of you? Maybe something out there could help in case you're faced with this again?
Hang in there, and we all have moments we feel sorry for ourselves, and we all understand how you feel : ) Trisha
Sorry for how your feeling and i hope your feeling abit better today.
At the moment i keep having headaches like yourself and a large amount of members and my god when they hit, they do hit...so keep strong mate and i hope they over ride for you soon.
Hi Terri,i know they come with the illness and i can deal with them,even when they go on for days,its the striking pains at the top of my head that are unbearable.i am keeping my chin up,we have to yeh! Love Kathy xx
Tez_20 said:
Hello Kathy,
Sorry for how your feeling and i hope your feeling abit better today.
At the moment i keep having headaches like yourself and a large amount of members and my god when they hit, they do hit...so keep strong mate and i hope they over ride for you soon.
Hello, Kathy I understand exactly how you feel, I miss going out shopping all day, hanging out with my girls in the mall, just being able to walk in the park. It has become a chore, and most of the time I stay at home because I stay in so much pain, It has got worse for me in the last year. I only really go out if I have to. I am blessed that I have people in my life that love me, and can help me with my daily task. I sometimes get sad because I am not able to do the things I use to do. I really do believe that one day it will get better for us all.
I told other member's what the pain drove me to years ago and i think my temporal-lobe epeilepsy with my behaviour did'nt help...when they used to hit me bad i used to hit my head up the wall just to numb the front and it was'nt till i got with my husband that it got stopped as he used to say it's terrible seeing you do that, so now like yourself it's putting up with it and grinning bad baring the situation.
Thankyou Rose for replying,That is the thing getting used to letting the old self go,and trying to adapt to the forever changing syptoms we enduar.
Im happy you have people around you who help and love you dearly.
Yes im resigned now of another change i have to make,hey hoo,theres the internet,for my retail therapy,and alot more exciting when you order you have forgotten and it is a lovely surprise when you open the box,lol.
You take care of your self too,love kathy xxx
Rose Nobles said:
Hello, Kathy I understand exactly how you feel, I miss going out shopping all day, hanging out with my girls in the mall, just being able to walk in the park. It has become a chore, and most of the time I stay at home because I stay in so much pain, It has got worse for me in the last year. I only really go out if I have to. I am blessed that I have people in my life that love me, and can help me with my daily task. I sometimes get sad because I am not able to do the things I use to do. I really do believe that one day it will get better for us all.
I am a catalog shopper my self, and I shop off the shopping channels, I do get excited when my package gets to my home. Its a good thing that its access for people that have limitations.
kathy said:
Thankyou Rose for replying,That is the thing getting used to letting the old self go,and trying to adapt to the forever changing syptoms we enduar.
Im happy you have people around you who help and love you dearly.
Yes im resigned now of another change i have to make,hey hoo,theres the internet,for my retail therapy,and alot more exciting when you order you have forgotten and it is a lovely surprise when you open the box,lol.
You take care of your self too,love kathy xxx
Rose Nobles said:
Hello, Kathy I understand exactly how you feel, I miss going out shopping all day, hanging out with my girls in the mall, just being able to walk in the park. It has become a chore, and most of the time I stay at home because I stay in so much pain, It has got worse for me in the last year. I only really go out if I have to. I am blessed that I have people in my life that love me, and can help me with my daily task. I sometimes get sad because I am not able to do the things I use to do. I really do believe that one day it will get better for us all.