My Rheumatologist has me worried!

My rheumies office called and said he wants me to see my PCP ASAP. My reticulate count is really high. This is a first for me. The urgency worries me. I set an appointment for Monday. Has anyone dealt with this before or have any knowledge of what this May mean? Thank you.

Hi JME, I have Hemolytic Anemia which means my red cells get eaten up quicker than my bone marrow can make more. Having HA makes my reticulocyte count high with a low Haptoglobin. He may be worried that you are bleeding somewhere internally, and if you are also on blood thinners, it could be very dangerous. I hope they figure it out and ease your worrying.


He did ask me about my monthly cycle being heavy and such. I am pregnant right now so that was not the cause. What are the treatments for this anemia?

Here is a good site with information about HA (Mine is Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia)

Thank you!

Hell JME, this is the ANA test the your PC does to see how active the LUPUS is and the stage it is in (Anti-nuclar ). It is nothing to stress about.,PC is the one to run this test for the rheumy, Don't Stress!!!!! Nothing major, it is a common test . It show how the Lupus progress for the rheumy to know what to do ( which meds , what level -active , and to know what stage the Lupus is at). Again don't stress the issue - hard to do that? But don't - you will be okay , this is a good process !!!! smile ...Beverly L.