Mindfulness. The Great Stress Buster

Practicing mindfulness in our daily lives is an easily learned set of skills, can be done in some form anywhere you may be, and is a natural, self empowering stress buster. People in every walk and stage of life can benefit. It has been done in different ways by different cultures around our world.

I read so many times people here at Life with Lupus post that they feel stressed, overwhelmed, like everything is hitting them all at once. Not dealing with the stress creates such a vicious cycle, and is enough to set us up for a flare. For me, practicing mindfulness is helpful day to day, though I must admit I will slip often and have to regain some inner peace.

The definition of mindfulness, as taught to me, is to be present fully in each moment, being aware of what is going on within yourself, but also around you, and finding calmness, strength, and peace. It involves how we behave, how we react, how we cope, and influences how well we live. An often used quote that puts it in a very understandable way is “stop and smell the roses”.

One of the most well known practices to help us live with mindfulness is meditation. I find the beginner form, of breath awareness, the most useful to me. Twenty minutes with some peaceful music, and letting my breath flow naturally in, and back out, is a huge stress buster. Other people can spend an hour staring at a candle flame, or concentrating and repeating one key word or phrase.

There are many other ways to practice mindfulness. I will write them up and share as I'm able to. If anyone has mindfulness practices to share, please do. Your input is important and valued.

much love


If anyone has mindfulness practices to share, please do. Your input is important and valued.

This doctor has a practice, and as part of it she developed laughter yoga for de-stressing, along with it being a mindfulness technique. I found it interesting so wanted to share.

warm hugs,

I have just recently begun to practice yoga. I'm learning from sites online and taking it slow but I needed to find something to help me deal with stress and be present. The poses and awareness of breathing really does help. When I'm at work, taking even less than a minute to close my eyes and become aware of my breaths also helps. Life happens so fast, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the little (and big) things. When you have to work harder to try to remember things that used to be second nature, it's exhausting. Everyone needs some way to deal with it and this has been helpful. I'm grateful for the support groups here. Have a great day everyone.

JerseyGirl, so glad you find the yoga helpful. It looks simple, but the slow stretches and strength parts can be a challenge! And, if you find something that deals with stress in a positive way, go for it!

Have a wonderful weekend. I'm trying to declutter a few rooms, and see how much that helps with concentration and focus. Many things I have read say that being minimalistic in your home décor helps. I'll try anything once, twice if I like it.

JerseyGirl said:

I have just recently begun to practice yoga. I'm learning from sites online and taking it slow but I needed to find something to help me deal with stress and be present. The poses and awareness of breathing really does help. When I'm at work, taking even less than a minute to close my eyes and become aware of my breaths also helps. Life happens so fast, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the little (and big) things. When you have to work harder to try to remember things that used to be second nature, it's exhausting. Everyone needs some way to deal with it and this has been helpful. I'm grateful for the support groups here. Have a great day everyone.