Hi Everyone & Anyone that is taking the time to read this,thank you & I appreciate you.
I truly hope all is well with all of you
Hopefully someone is able to help point me in the right direction
You see…I am in need of finding a caring compassionate understanding rheumatologist in Michigan. I have to drive hours to a doctor regardless of where they might be located because I chose to live in the middle of nowhere with only my daughter and I🙃
Please if anyone has a recommendation please let me know the rheumatologist in Michigan that treats you like a human for I just want to be treating like a human and that I matter all that im going through matters and if we cannot stop the nonstop pain…lets find some combination where I am able to get out of bed…walk…do my daughters hair…just to be able to participate in life…instead of being in so much pain tgat im unable to move but i need to move because my muscles are so tight & contracted, my body is so swollen that my pants dont fit, shoes dont fit…the pain is so intense im sock to my stomach vomiting daily…my daughter is 5 years old and i just want to be able to play with her, take care of her, to be able to keep up with her, to simply just be able to be her mommy. I love my baby girl for it is only her & me…and there is no limit to what i would do gor her! She is why i fight…and keep fighting…she is my strength…she is my reason…she is my heart!
Are you currently untreated?
I’m wondering if your GP would be willing to consult with a rheumatologist out of the area for maintenance. In other words, you might see the rheumatologist once a year, or most of the time by tele-health, and your local doctor would do blood work and keep you up to date on your prescriptions. A quick look at your area shows rheumatologists in your area, but I get what you’re saying. My husband saw one that I had to tell him he could not go back to, he was that awful.
Sharon from ModSupport
Yes, I am currently seeing a rheumatologist, however, I yet to be seen by the actual doctor. Every appointment that has been made and i ask before hand will I be seen by the doctor. I have been reassured every time…it’s just no doctor. It has been someone new each appointment i have had and they are unable to help me with anything. The doctors office has forgotten about my appointment twice before. Calling the doctors office is uselessfor you never-ending a returned phone call, paperwork/documentation have not been sent when they stated it has. Now >I have been told the doctor is never physically in the office…she does video appointments only. (Why amIJustnow being told this) it justhavebeentoo many complications &headaches to deal with.
Where I livethereare no local rheumatologist in my area. My current one I drive 3 hours one way each appointment (to only not have an appointment with the doctor) I have went online and read all the reviews on Google and it seems that unfortunately many other people are having the same issues if not worse. That is why my Primary doctor stated for me to find the Rheumatologist I am comfortable with and she’ll send the referral and all other documentation that is needed.
And yes, I have already have been diagnosed . I am recently new to the state I now live in and finding the right medical support team is very difficult to do. Back home I was very blessed with the medical support team I had.
Got it. In some cases it’s fine to see someone other than the main rheumatologist in the office, but not in this case. Rheumatology is one of those areas where the continuity of care is particularly important. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who can meet your needs. That’s incredibly frustrating.
Sharon from ModSupport