
Saw my rheumatologist today. I am SO disgusted and frustrated! I tried to talk to him about some of the symptoms I'm struggling with and here was his reponse (almost verbatim); "To be honest with you, there is nothing I can do for you, as far as your symptoms go. My job is to try to keep your organs from failing. I can't do anything for your pain. All I can do is send your bloodwork in, twice a year, to monitor your organ functions. By doing that, I can judge whether or not your medication is working. If it doesn't, we'll try another medication. I can't do anything to help with any of your symptoms." He then sent me to get my blood drawn, and said "See you in six months." I couldn't ask any questions about anything! And he never even mentioned the results of the bloodwork done from my previous visit! So, is this the general sentiment of ALL rheumatologists? Am I on my own, with no professional to turn to? Or is it time to find a new rheumy? I was only recently diagnosed, and this is the first rheumatologist I've ever seen. Please help! I am in tears over the frusgration I'm feeling.

I would find a new rheummy. Mine kinda handles every symptom. And if she can’t, she points me in the right directions. My pain was out of her comfort level, she sent me to pain management. I was having anxiety, she sent me to a psychologist. I had skin problems, dermatologist. Ect. She even found me a gp and obgyn. Find a rheummy that listens to you and at least points you where to go.

Find a new Rheumatologist!!! My GP recommended one, and I chose to go with another one! I couldn't be happier with that choice. While I don't always want to hear what she has to say, she is honest, she listens to my concerns, and I never feel rushed when I am in for an appointment. She gives me tons of information and is very concerned about my overall well being. I feel like a DR that is dealing with patients that have lupus should be willing to provide all of this to their patients!!!

Find a new rheumy- HOWEVER be prepared that many of your symptoms cannot be eliminated One of the hardest parts of this disease is accepting that you may not be symptom free. The medications in their arsenal can be more deadly than the illness and it is a balancing act between making you feel better and keeping the disease under control or possibly doing you more harm by trying to eliminate all your symptoms.

Thank you! That's all I was hoping for!

Jen said:

I would find a new rheummy. Mine kinda handles every symptom. And if she can't, she points me in the right directions. My pain was out of her comfort level, she sent me to pain management. I was having anxiety, she sent me to a psychologist. I had skin problems, dermatologist. Ect. She even found me a gp and obgyn. Find a rheummy that listens to you and at least points you where to go.

That was my thinking, exactly! Thank you!

Bobo71 said:

Find a new Rheumatologist!!! My GP recommended one, and I chose to go with another one! I couldn't be happier with that choice. While I don't always want to hear what she has to say, she is honest, she listens to my concerns, and I never feel rushed when I am in for an appointment. She gives me tons of information and is very concerned about my overall well being. I feel like a DR that is dealing with patients that have lupus should be willing to provide all of this to their patients!!!

Hi Poobie...

I know that I will always have symptoms, and that not all of them are even going to be treatable. But he wouldn't even let me ask questions! I just needed to know if there were some things I should be more concerned about than others. If there are issues I should see other doctors for. If some of the side effects, to medication, I'm experiencing are normal...or if I should be worried about them. I'm not looking for a "cure-all"...I'm not even looking for a cure. But to not be able to ask any questions??? That's not right.

poobie said:

Find a new rheumy- HOWEVER be prepared that many of your symptoms cannot be eliminated One of the hardest parts of this disease is accepting that you may not be symptom free. The medications in their arsenal can be more deadly than the illness and it is a balancing act between making you feel better and keeping the disease under control or possibly doing you more harm by trying to eliminate all your symptoms.

I agree…time to find a new dr. My rheumy wants to know every little symptom I have and sends me to specialist after specialist and test after test. It’s frustrating sometimes but he is so thorough!

Sounds like this particular doctor is not a good fit for you. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, and perhaps he is stumped by lupus. I would be upset too if questions were not even being given time to be asked, much less answered. Finding a good doctor can be tough, but worth the time if you need that support. Word of mouth is the best way, or check with your insurance company to see who else is around, or the professional society for rheumatologists. www.lupus.org has a service they provide that helps get you access to other doctors.

Be proactive in your wellness, and remember doctors work for you!

Time for a new rheumy. Mine does not treat fibro but does talk with my gp and together they come up with treatments and decide when I need to see specialist.