I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis and scleroderma in 2010. Although I have trouble with arthritis my kidney function and scleroderma issues are stable. My doctors want to discontinue my cellcept only because of the arthritis activity. I really dont want to because no drug is a real cure and my thinking is if my major organs are stable with the treatment I currently have why change. I am told that you can only be on cellcept for only 2 years. Is that a true statement? Don't people who are transplant patients on that drug for the life of the organ?
Hi Autumn,
I have been on cellcept since 2010 and as far as I know,one can be on it for life. My friend recently donated a kidney to her son, and He will be on it for life. I hope this helps.
Yes, that does help thanks for replying. Have a good day!
I've been on cellcept for 8 years. So far I haven't had any known issues with it.
Ok, that's good to know. Now I just need to understand why my meds need to change within two years.
I’ve never heard of having to stop cellcept after 2 years. The cellcept is an important medicine for your nephritis. I’m confused as to what it has to do with the arthritis? I also have arthritis and I’m on myfortic (cellcept derivative) so I’m curious.
Jen719 that's why I posed this question to the discussion board, because I am curious. I can't understand why I almost lost my kidneys in 2011 and was put on Cellcept. Now the kidneys are "stable" minimal protein loss, no edema. Docs want me to be back on methotrexate but it was a HORROR story the last time I took it that it will be NO time soon that I will go through that again. Will see them in a few weeks and I will ask then. Now I know that I should follow through on my first mind. If my kidneys are "ok" I think I want to leave them be for now.