List of Books about Lupus (Diet, Treatment, Guide, etc)

Hi everyone!

I know many of us here are reading books about Lupus. I made this discussion so you can recommend any good book about Lupus that you know. Hope this would also help other members in need.

Meanwhile, I made a list of Lupus books with 4 - 5 star ratings at Here they are:

The Lupus Book: A guide for patients and their families

The Lupus Answer - A Holistic Lupus Diet and Treatment

Battling Lupus: A Survival Guide

Coping with Lupus

How to Live with Lupus

Despite Lupus: How to live with a chronic illness

Do you have any other suggestions/recommendations? please feel free to comment here.


I read Lupus the first year when I was first diagnosed and it was pretty good

I read The Lupus Book that you have listed. It was jam packed with information and was sooo helpful.

wow. It's great to hear that deary. :-) It's really good to read some books sometimes and help ourselves in our own little ways.

How to live with lupus I just started this book and so far it seems like a good book