I talked to my rheumy today to get my lab results and he said I have anti-dsDNA antibodies which indicates lupus. I finally have that hematological/immunological component for an official diagnosis! I did some reading on those antibodies and found that people with the dsDNA antibodies most commonly have kidney involvement. So far my kidneys look good though. I'm also not in a flare right now so that could be why most everything came back normal. He said he could put me on Prednisone for the headaches and other CNS stuff that I have going on, but I told him I'd rather have my head explode before I touch that stuff again. Never been more happy have to have abnormal labs!
Sounds crazy, but I'm glad you got your abnormal labs :)
I pray that someday my labs come back abnormal too. It's all about validation. We know something is wrong and now it can be proven on paper. As far as Prednisone is concerned, I just finished yet another round and I totally agree with you...I HATE THAT STUFF SO MUCH!!!
I hope your kidneys stay good.
It took about two years before I showed an antibody so this was like an answered prayer. I was starting to think it was all in my head. He's mailing me a copy of the results for my own keeping. I'm tempted to hang it on the fridge, I'm that excited.
nates tired mom said:
Sounds crazy, but I'm glad you got your abnormal labs :)
I pray that someday my labs come back abnormal too. It's all about validation. We know something is wrong and now it can be proven on paper. As far as Prednisone is concerned, I just finished yet another round and I totally agree with you...I HATE THAT STUFF SO MUCH!!!
I hope your kidneys stay good.
Sorry that you have lupus. But happy that now you can start a treatment plan. Wishing you the best.