About two years ago, I had suspected kidney stones while I going through a massive flare, due to not being treated properly, I ended up with bad kidney infections which eventually got cleared up… However ever since then, I’ve had countless UTI’s and kidney infections and my consultant said I need a scan to see what’s going on but my GP won’t refer me until I see the consultant again in May. Ive become an expert of knowing when a infection is starting and this past week I have really poorly with a chest infection, kidneys are going mad, general flare symptoms and now I’ve just come on my period very early and it’s ridiculously heavy compared to usual so I don’t know if that’s related either.
I just don’t know what to do though, go to the doctors to be given antibiotics which will solve my problem for a week or so but then I’ll be in the same mess again or leave it and end up in hospital which although I don’t want that, atleast they will scan me there and then. I’m so frustratingly Tired of not being listened too!