I have been increasingly anxious about my health. I was doing pretty good going to my appointments and getting my medications until my health insurance through the state was dropped. Now I sit here trying to figure out when to go to the emergency room and what to do about my medications that are running low. I worked in the government for 20 years and never had to worry about my insurance but of course that was during the time that I had not been diagnosed with Lupus. Now that I have been diagnosed over the last four years I may have had insurance for a total of two years. I'm not sure how to handle this latest insurance issue because I have so much riding on it. Anyway, I just wanted to vent just a little and pray that I will one day soon get back that which I need so badly.
I know how u feel. TRy to see if you cant get SSI or medicade...
You do not say if you worked for state or federal government. if it was feds...than call your main lupus doc and ask them how they feel about you applying for SSI. You will need their support to get it.
If you worked for the state than still ask your doctor how they feel about you applying for your state disability program. Unless...your state did pay into SSI...many opt out feeling it saved them money. So look at old pay stub from your government job and see if ssi was deducted.
Also you should have been getting statements from Social Security stating how much you have in it and where you will stand if your go out on disability or when you retire at the different ages.
Your state right now is trying to get health insurance for all....http://healthcareforall.com/...that is the link. you might want to read about it and get involved to try and get it passed!
Also your state representatives can help you get disability.....if it is with in the state.
So call your dr and see how they feel. Call SSI and talk to them about your situation....they will be able to say if you qualilfy or not for SSI right over the phone. BUT they might be able to help with drugs and getting you some money...medicaid like others have said. Depends on your income now.
If you were recently laid off or let go...and had health insurance than you qualify for COBRA.....your employer will pay for 6mnths or a year of your health insurance ...than you have to take over the payments. Which they can raise until you cannot afford it anymore....course any of them can do that except for state health insurances programs.
if you do qualify for SSI....please message me and i have tons of information how to get it and the do not things that either eat your money or waste your time!
There are things like Care Credit..you might have seen at some doc offices near where you pay....or at Vet office and those urgent clincs i have seen it and other services like it. They will pay your doc bill but you must pay it back with in certain amount of time interest free...like 6 months to a year...than interest goes sky high. So they are only good for what payments you can really afford.
Costco of all places, here on west coast 1st had dental insurance and it was really a great deal...if your dentist was on their list. Than i heard they now have health insurance as well. My big question is if as we hear...health insurance companies are losing so much money....than why would place like costco go into it unless it made money?!!
They also have some of the cheapest drugs and you do not have to be a member...consumer reports ...reported that a year ago or so....so helps to know where cheapest drugs are...plus like people said pharmaceutical companies are trying to help the out of work people...so check with the company who makes your drugs on line they might give you them for free or a lot cheaper.
Also..if you get in study group....all of it is free....it is one way to keep on top of your SLE but not have insurance.
I hope i gave you some different ideas....but push for your state to pass that one pay health care! I do not care if it not perfect...it is beginning and that is the point..we must start somewhere so get it passed!!
really message me...the man i used ...use to work for SSI and got so fed up with sick people being turned down he switched sides and now helps us. He told me so much about how they work ...who to use..not use ...stuff about your doctor....just a lot...so message me and i will do my best to get you started and on your way to SSI. I hope you worked for Feds...the state ones their proof is much harder in many states...i know here ....my husband has shoulder that literally has tiny skinny tendon like 1/8 inch holding it together....he crashed on job....twice banging that shoulder....no the accidents were not his fault too...in fact he saved people's lives by putting his car in front of danger so the innocents would not get hit. He was denied...after doctor spoke to him for 2 minutes...now every other doc says he should have it..that it is bs that state of Calif because of our money issues has made it impossible for people to get disability here. plus he was hurt on the job!
I could rant and rave about how wacko it is that we have no health insurance for all in this country.....yet our representatives in Dc...get health insurance for life...for 2 yrs of work...so you worked 20 years and get none...they work 2 screw up this country and get life health insurance and decent pension!! yes it makes me mad!! so you are not alone at all!!
OOH too..try not to go into Emergency rooms unless life/death because they are so expensive....about 1500-2000 just to walk in the door now!!
Those urgent careplaces, or primary care ...sure you seen them around they can help you and should charge you like reg doc office visit....more like 100 to 150.oo to walk in door...see the huge difference in bill you will get?!!
Plus if you do still have insurance..they can refuse to pay if it was not emergency.
I Hope i have helped..really message me and rant any time you like....i do not mind. think it is good to get it out than you can be constructive and get something actually done!! good luck and here if you need help with SSI , lg
Nudirection, I had to go to the county hospitals and clinic, and they give you a card according to yur income, and it is renewed every year, as long as the situation remains the same. It is a long wait sometimes along with other sacrifices, but at least I get my medications for $8 bucks, no matter what it is for a 30 day supply and $10 for a ninety day supply at least until I get approval for my disability. Try looking into this in your state. I wish I could help more, and I hope all works out well for you and your family. You can get assistance for everybody in the family. Also some agencies that make the medications themselves offer help for assistance. Let me know how things work out. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxo
Just know I Am praying for you and will offer up my next fast for you. With Love & Peace xoxox
Hay hang in there , and if the pain gets to bad - just go to the ER and let them know that you are takeing your type of meds. , and maybe a doctor then can recomand some kind of help.... or try your local family services , or maybe the hospital has a low income service that can / will help you until other things can happen for you . Have you applied for SS ???? That might be a good start also to do ... hope that things work out for you and that the pain don't get to bad for you , take care and talk with you later ... Beverly L.
How long have you been trying to get your disability with feds? Have you hired anyone to assist you or do majority of all the work? Have you spoken to your doctors to make sure they feel you should be on federal disability?
I got mine...in 3/4 months by hiring someone...plus all my doctors for years had been after me to apply for it. So they all were supportive about me getting it...which was very nice.
I realize this may be too personal...but there is stuff i was taught by my guy that everyone should know before they apply and whom they get to help them. I am here if you like to talk so it might speed up.
No i never went to court nothing....just got it due to case law. GOOD LUCK for you too lg
fighter said:
Nudirection, I had to go to the county hospitals and clinic, and they give you a card according to yur income, and it is renewed every year, as long as the situation remains the same. It is a long wait sometimes along with other sacrifices, but at least I get my medications for $8 bucks, no matter what it is for a 30 day supply and $10 for a ninety day supply at least until I get approval for my disability. Try looking into this in your state. I wish I could help more, and I hope all works out well for you and your family. You can get assistance for everybody in the family. Also some agencies that make the medications themselves offer help for assistance. Let me know how things work out. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxo
I'm on COBRA (expensiiiive). It is the same coverage that I had before I was let go from my job in March last year. It's very expensive and I pay dearly for it.
I will turn 65 in March. So,I had to apply for Medicaire so there would be no lapse in coverage. I've been told if "they" find out that I'm eligible for medicaire and/or I still have coverage with COBRA that the COBRA will be cancelled. The big HMO that is my provider says I won't qualify for coverage (Senior Advantage), because I don't live in their coverage area.--Fed Gov mandate. Which means I have to move, seriously. I'm too sick to go without meds or my doctors and can't afford to move.
I'm also in a quandry as to what to do.
It's been recommended to me to find a social worker to help. Perhaps, you can find one too.
I hear ya' and keep on seaching.
my sister went through this when she lost her job. She contacted the pharmaceutical company directly. Luckily for her Lilly had a program which provided her with free meds for 1 year. she sent them proof of unemployment and no insurance and the shipped the med to her MD's office in 3 month supplies. so she would go and pick them up. Hope this helps you. Also ask the doctor for samples. they almost always have them in the office
how are thing doing Nudirection with the insurance issue. I hope that you have found some resources from all of the replys that LWF gave you. We belong to such a wonderful family with people always ready and willing to help. God is soooo good. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxo. Keep your head up.
I understand about the Senior Advantage only because of long conversations with my mother when she had to switch over due to age plus she wanted to keep her Kaiser Insurance. Which offered it through them and it just covers more. My father opted not too...he is more of tight wad and terrified of doctors having spent much of child hood at a Shriner's hospital.
So since you are Social Security Age(just have to be 50 plus)..do you get AARP? the magazine and it's online site as well? They are great about providing seniors with information about what health and dental coverage is available in your areas and how much they cost..plus compares them. They are very cheap to join to get the months magazine with full of information for seniors to save money mainly about health issues.
Other wise if you call your local Social Security Office they should have people or be able to point you to some one that can help you look at all your options and compare them. I try the AARP if i were you. Like any health care changes it is confusing. I can say this...thank God you are 65 and only need CORBRA for this year.....because as soon your year up...you can stay on them but them as well as any insurance company can raise your rates up to thousand per month with no rx included ...just crazy.they try and push sick people out of being covered by over pricing...kind of like divorce lawyers..who encourage you to fight so the can remodel their entire house!! Just unethical selfish companies...irks me!
As to pills have any of you seen those ads for companies that will help pay for your RX and cost about 100 per year..some of them actually are great deal. AARP has them.
I also would go to your local Senior Center and find out about speakers or if someone there might assist you. Usually they do have person on staff that help you make heads and tail of all this insurance stuff.
HOPE THIS helps ...just so you know...you can give up COBRA if you find a cheaper insurance than that time. Some employers will pay for COBRA for 1 year after you are laid off which is nice.
I hit your local Senior Center first...than AARP than SSI....but i bet your Senior Center will have some great ideas for you!! Good luck...i know it is really frustrating...you need not so much a social worker but someone that understands the health insurance laws and which are offered in your area ..what you really actually need etc. SO insurance specialist. I know they have them..i seen them advertised every year when enrollment is open for SSI. GOOD LUCk and let us know how it works out. , loree
I'm on COBRA (expensiiiive). It is the same coverage that I had before I was let go from my job in March last year. It's very expensive and I pay dearly for it.
I will turn 65 in March. So,I had to apply for Medicaire so there would be no lapse in coverage. I've been told if "they" find out that I'm eligible for medicaire and/or I still have coverage with COBRA that the COBRA will be cancelled. The big HMO that is my provider says I won't qualify for coverage (Senior Advantage), because I don't live in their coverage area.--Fed Gov mandate. Which means I have to move, seriously. I'm too sick to go without meds or my doctors and can't afford to move.
I'm also in a quandry as to what to do.
It's been recommended to me to find a social worker to help. Perhaps, you can find one too.
I hear ya' and keep on seaching.
Good afternoon everyone,
Thanks for all the advice and words of encouragement. I have touched base with Social Services and was encouraged by the social worker to lets say "not pay all my rent so that I can pay for my meds" how dare she. She told me it would be 30 days before my benefits could be reinstated. I'm so frustrated, not sure if it is because I have felt awful for the past two weeks or because I really want to go to the doctor to find out what is really wrong. Anyway I'm so happy to see so many caring expressions from the LWL family. As always I'm still smiling inspite of....
Thank you. I wasn't able to get a social worker from Kaiser. They just kept passing me along to other dept's via the phone. However, I'm in contact with a Senior Advocates group that plans to counsel me this week.
siskiyousis said:
I understand about the Senior Advantage only because of long conversations with my mother when she had to switch over due to age plus she wanted to keep her Kaiser Insurance. Which offered it through them and it just covers more. My father opted not too...he is more of tight wad and terrified of doctors having spent much of child hood at a Shriner's hospital.
So since you are Social Security Age(just have to be 50 plus)..do you get AARP? the magazine and it's online site as well? They are great about providing seniors with information about what health and dental coverage is available in your areas and how much they cost..plus compares them. They are very cheap to join to get the months magazine with full of information for seniors to save money mainly about health issues.
Other wise if you call your local Social Security Office they should have people or be able to point you to some one that can help you look at all your options and compare them. I try the AARP if i were you. Like any health care changes it is confusing. I can say this...thank God you are 65 and only need CORBRA for this year.....because as soon your year up...you can stay on them but them as well as any insurance company can raise your rates up to thousand per month with no rx included ...just crazy.they try and push sick people out of being covered by over pricing...kind of like divorce lawyers..who encourage you to fight so the can remodel their entire house!! Just unethical selfish companies...irks me!
As to pills have any of you seen those ads for companies that will help pay for your RX and cost about 100 per year..some of them actually are great deal. AARP has them.
I also would go to your local Senior Center and find out about speakers or if someone there might assist you. Usually they do have person on staff that help you make heads and tail of all this insurance stuff.
HOPE THIS helps ...just so you know...you can give up COBRA if you find a cheaper insurance than that time. Some employers will pay for COBRA for 1 year after you are laid off which is nice.
I hit your local Senior Center first...than AARP than SSI....but i bet your Senior Center will have some great ideas for you!! Good luck...i know it is really frustrating...you need not so much a social worker but someone that understands the health insurance laws and which are offered in your area ..what you really actually need etc. SO insurance specialist. I know they have them..i seen them advertised every year when enrollment is open for SSI. GOOD LUCk and let us know how it works out. , loree
USAGURL said:I'm on COBRA (expensiiiive). It is the same coverage that I had before I was let go from my job in March last year. It's very expensive and I pay dearly for it.
I will turn 65 in March. So,I had to apply for Medicaire so there would be no lapse in coverage. I've been told if "they" find out that I'm eligible for medicaire and/or I still have coverage with COBRA that the COBRA will be cancelled. The big HMO that is my provider says I won't qualify for coverage (Senior Advantage), because I don't live in their coverage area.--Fed Gov mandate. Which means I have to move, seriously. I'm too sick to go without meds or my doctors and can't afford to move.
I'm also in a quandry as to what to do.
It's been recommended to me to find a social worker to help. Perhaps, you can find one too.
I hear ya' and keep on seaching.
excuse me? Its hell to be poor and without health insurance. The state really sucks, that is Bull@#$!. Hang in there NuDirection and keep your spirits up. I will send up extra prayers for you, cause the DEVIL IS A LIE. God has the last word. Many blessing and hugs xoxoxox
NuDirection said:
Good afternoon everyone,
Thanks for all the advice and words of encouragement. I have touched base with and was encouraged by the social worker to lets say "not pay all my rent so that I can pay for my meds" how dare she. She told me it would be 30 days before my benefits could be reinstated. I'm so frustrated, not sure if it is because I have felt awful for the past two weeks or because I really want to go to the doctor to find out what is really wrong. Anyway I'm so happy to see so many caring expressions from the LWL family. As always I'm still smiling inspite of....
Title: The Blessing of Difficulties Author: Theodore Epp Devotion: Strength for the Journey Scripture References: Romans 5:3 Lamentations 3:27 Genesis 35:28-29 Do you enjoy this devotional? Send it on to a friend!
Title: The Blessing of Difficulties
Genesis 35:28,29
In review of Isaac's life of 180 years, there are some special lessons we should learn. It was not easy for Isaac to follow in the footsteps of his great father.
In a sense, Isaac's life was made too easy because he occupied his father's position without having had his father's experiences. He passed into his inheritance without having passed through the various means of discipline that Abraham experienced.
There is the expression "Practice makes perfect." In an even more real sense it can be said, "Experience makes perfect." The suffering we experience in our lives brings about personal discipline.
Jeremiah wrote: "It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth" (Lam. 3:27).
Our youth today are experiencing what Isaac experienced. They find themselves living in an advanced age with advanced positions in life without having passed through the experiences of those who made these things possible.
Although the younger generation does not need to experience everything we did, some extremely difficult experiences are essential for the kind of maturity God wants to produce. This is the blessing of difficulties!
"But we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience" (Rom. 5:3). ____________________________________________________________
NuDirection said:
Good afternoon everyone,
Thanks for all the advice and words of encouragement. I have touched base with and was encouraged by the social worker to lets say "not pay all my rent so that I can pay for my meds" how dare she. She told me it would be 30 days before my benefits could be reinstated. I'm so frustrated, not sure if it is because I have felt awful for the past two weeks or because I really want to go to the doctor to find out what is really wrong. Anyway I'm so happy to see so many caring expressions from the LWL family. As always I'm still smiling inspite of....