
I just got a letter from social security and my disability claim was denied. I feel like hiding under a blanket and cry until I fall asleep. I was productive in society, I worked for years, I paid taxes every year and now that I need help it gets denied. I would be working if I could and I would not be begging the goverment for help because that’s how they make you feel sometimes like a begger. Life is very unfair.

Hello firstflorde,

I'm really sorry for you and this very bad disappointment and like you say when you've worked and paid taxes and then come to a state of bad health, then you shoukld be took into more consideration.

This disease being hidden does'nt help one bit for anyone and there's loads like yourself fighting this issue daily.

I really do feel for you and all my love plus i wished i was by you to give you a large hug. xxxx

Dont give up, i got denied too. Now i have a lawer that i dont have to pay till i get my dissibility. They told me that you ALWAYS get denied the first few tries no matter what. My cousin got denied 4 times till he got a lawer and finally won. Keep on trying you will get it, Lupus IS a disibilty!

Dear One,

I am so sorry that you were denied. However, I have known several who had to "fight" for it and suceeded. So don't give up just yet. All of those who responded have had good things to say . We all care about you.

And as Ann mentioned, there are lawyers who mainly take on those who have been denied, and they know how the system works. Christie is proof of that. They can also offer encouragement while you wait.

As JC says often....Stay strong!

Hugs Faye

Please dont be discouraged. Almost everyone gets turned down the first time. its just a part of the process. Contact a company called Allsup and tell them Julie Wade referred you. They helped me and I am sure they can help you too. And please dont look at this like begging you and I have worked (since I was 14 and had a part time job til 2009 when h1n1 almost did me in) and paid into the system that you are asking help from so its not begging its asking to activate a benefit you have paid for all along. Good luck if I can help please let me know. :)


From what I understand they routinely deny 90% of applicants the first time. I was denied first time. I then got an attorney and she submitted for "reconsideration" it wasn't even an official appeal - I was then approved. It took only 9 months and I am now receiving my payments along with full back pay from the day I had to stop working - well 5 months after that date because that is how they figure it, but my Medicare eligibility date is figured on the month 2 yrs later from the day I stopped working. I did not apply right away when I quit working - I should have, but I thought I might get better real fast.

Please just get an attorney - let them handle the appeal. If your doctors are backing you and your medical records are up to speed, you will get it. There is one thing that they seem to require - I'm not sure how necessary it is at this point, but it helped me. They seem to want the disease to be "recurring" - in other words unless it is extremely horrible, they want to see that this is not the first time you've been ill with the disease. This is from my docs and my attorney. Both times, my disease level has been horrible. I had extensive records to prove my case from many years ago all the way up until now. Those records are very, very important. Also if your doctor will complete a form that your attorney can give them AND write a letter for you - those things go a very long way. My docs did all of that for me. ALL of my docs did this happily and voluntarily and for free. They felt strongly that I needed SSDI.

So - MOST important are the Attorney and your DOCTORS/Medical Records (the more extensive, the better)! It may take time, people have said I was approved very quickly - but at least you know it is possible!

Good luck!



Good luck to you on this and don't give up!


I was denied as well. They do treat you like you are begging or lying, keep trying, get a lawyer. You desearve the help, thats why we pay into the system.

Hello firstflorde,

Your welcome and you know we're all one large family suporting one another...but keep fighting for what you deserve and all the best with a new attorney.

Love Terri xxx

firstflorde1 said:

Thanks to everyone you guys are wonderful, I don't even get this much support from my family except from my husband and my mother-in-law. I will look for an attorney. Thanks and hugs to everyone.

First app always denied...just contest...you should be ok

I have a question

I'm still relatively new and my lupus isn't affecting to my daily life to much yet
what it does affect is mostly because i'm so tired, have no energy or strength, or the days is really bad i feel like ive been hit by a truck

Anyway what i wanted to ask is: what makes you guys feel, or how severe are your symptoms, that makes your drs and yourself say you cannot work anymore?

and firstflorde1, good luck on fighting the system and getting the ssdi that you need. I'm young and might not fully understand everything but i know there are plenty of people on here to offer advice, support, and understanding. I've learned that if you keep fighting and trying you'll eventually end up at your goal because all other options have been exhaughsted
Keep your head up and take it all one day at a time
Good luck!

Hello firstflorde,

That's good news mate and i really hope you get it this time....although lupus suffers should'nt have to go to these extremes totally disgusting. xxx

firstflorde1 said:

I got an attorney to help me, thanks.

That's a good question: What is the criteria for not being able to work anymore. For me, I can't stand for long periods, and pain in my feet make it difficult to walk. I'm supposed to be able to lift 40 # and I drop things and have alot of pain in my wrists. The fatigue interferes with daily functions.

SweetShortie2012 said:

I have a question

I'm still relatively new and my lupus isn't affecting to my daily life to much yet
what it does affect is mostly because i'm so tired, have no energy or strength, or the days is really bad i feel like ive been hit by a truck

Anyway what i wanted to ask is: what makes you guys feel, or how severe are your symptoms, that makes your drs and yourself say you cannot work anymore?

and firstflorde1, good luck on fighting the system and getting the ssdi that you need. I'm young and might not fully understand everything but i know there are plenty of people on here to offer advice, support, and understanding. I've learned that if you keep fighting and trying you'll eventually end up at your goal because all other options have been exhaughsted
Keep your head up and take it all one day at a time
Good luck!

Hi Trisha/Mary,

Both made a good statement there....i'm not being sarcastic but to me the only way of getting that today is by totally being on deaths door and it's totally disgusting besides how many member's have to fight for it besides some going on for years. xxx

Trisha/Mary -

Unfortunately, Social Security has their own guidelines which are really high expectations! It is silly what they expect and I consider quite unrealistic. I so hate to sound negative, but they set these unrealistic expectations and it is hard to meet them. Then, they figure if you can't do your actual career that you've always done, then you can do something "lesser" - it is what they told me when they denied me on my initial application. Upon reconsideration (turns out that it wasn't exactly an "appeal"), they definitely changed their minds. Then again - every single one of my doctors (not just my Rheumy) wrote major letters and filled out detailed forms after they came back with that letter saying I should just do something "lesser". My big question was - "LIKE WHAT?"! I barely have energy to shower, get ready and show up for a job, much less DO a job!

They post their guidelines in detail on their website. Also all of the requirements for each disease. Unluckily enough I met all those guidelines - for not being able to work and for each of my diseases. I had boxes of medical records. They didn't want MY copies though - they only ordered very few medical records. My attorney though? She ordered everything from way back in the 90's and dumped them on SS!! They send me to their doctors too even though my doctors were SO firm. Their docs were in solid agreement with mine.

JC has something posted here from the past www.disabilitydigest.com - I was already approved by the time I signed up for it, but I still read the posts from it weekly - it offers MUCH help!

I really suggest going to the Social Security website as well, reading on their guidelines and taking pertinent notes on basic guidelines and on the individual guidelines for all of your diseases - also file for each and every one of your diagnosed diseases - even depression if you have it and see a Psychiatrist for it. Take notes while reading their mass of information - it is good to be informed, so you will understand what they and your attorney are talking about. Information is power and it can reduce some stress - although I was really anxious through the entire process. Honestly.

So sorry if I sound negative - I don't mean to sound that way - you should definitely apply and go for it until the final, final answer is no and then apply again once the time limit is up! Keep fighting them! But always know your enemy!

Love all of you and my hugs and prayers go out! Draginfli/Ang

Hi Ang,

Lots of of good advice, thanks for all that! I'm taking it one day at a time. My counselor recommended that I start the process now, and he will help. He has experience and good success with it. I know two people personally that were accepted on their first application. Both were over 50, and were on short term disability where they worked. One of them is my sister. She didn't get a letter of acceptance, just got a direct deposit they didn't know about and found out that way. One thing he recommended to me was to go to Vocational Rehabilitation, and if they can't help me with a new placement, this is more documentation that will help me. I'm not emotionally ready to give up working altogether, but if I can find something easier on my body, then I'm all for it. I think its best to start the application process now, and see what happens. I know that I can't continue what I'm doing, and I'm underemployed anyway. Its just a job, not a career to me. I'm not challenged in anyway mentally, and they don't care if I'm there or not, They can bring someone else off the street to fill the position.

Nice to hear from you Ang, where you been? Hope you've been feeling ok?

Hugs to you


Hi Trisha!

I finally found a place to move! A happy place with my friend and his girlfriend until I can live with my son! ;) I've been a bit worn out although I didn't move one little tiny thing!

I'm glad you are starting your SSDI App! If I could do it over? I would hire my attorney to help me fill out my initial application - they know all the right wording (not lying or anything - just the right wording). That is just me though.

I'll be all squared away from the move here pretty soon! Unpacking 1/2 a box at a time right now. ;)

Love and hugs!


Hi Ang,

That is so wonderful that you are in a happy place now! : ) What a wonderful stress reliever to be among friends who care for you. I appreciate and welcome your advice. My counselor is friends of Bill's and he has helped many with their SSDI. He is the one who recommended me to pursue it. He's also the one who referred me to Vocational rehab for job placement. I would really love to be able to continue working at something less physical for awhile yet.

Take your time unpacking, and don't over do it! I made the mistake of volunteering to work Saturday to make up for taking Monday off. I forgot my son worked until midnight Friday, then I had to be up at 4 a.m to go back to work, then my daughter wanted to come for the day after she was done shopping. I just said YES to all before I thought it all through. I explained to my daughter after I realized and told her I was going to have to get a nap after work, and she was ok - my husband took her back to the mall while I napped. We had a great dinner together and then my husband said he was driving us to take her home later that night. We stopped for a treat on the way : )

Enjoy your new place - I just know this will be a good transition for you until you can live with your son.

Hugs to you!


Draginfli said:

Hi Trisha!

I finally found a place to move! A happy place with my friend and his girlfriend until I can live with my son! ;) I've been a bit worn out although I didn't move one little tiny thing!

I'm glad you are starting your SSDI App! If I could do it over? I would hire my attorney to help me fill out my initial application - they know all the right wording (not lying or anything - just the right wording). That is just me though.

I'll be all squared away from the move here pretty soon! Unpacking 1/2 a box at a time right now. ;)

Love and hugs!


Hello Trisha,

If you proceed for Disability and your councellor is able to help you, dealing with this before than i wish you the best of luck, as it's such a fight at times with the stories i've read.

All my love Terri xxx

sunrisetrisha said:

Hi Ang,

Lots of of good advice, thanks for all that! I'm taking it one day at a time. My counselor recommended that I start the process now, and he will help. He has experience and good success with it. I know two people personally that were accepted on their first application. Both were over 50, and were on short term disability where they worked. One of them is my sister. She didn't get a letter of acceptance, just got a direct deposit they didn't know about and found out that way. One thing he recommended to me was to go to Vocational Rehabilitation, and if they can't help me with a new placement, this is more documentation that will help me. I'm not emotionally ready to give up working altogether, but if I can find something easier on my body, then I'm all for it. I think its best to start the application process now, and see what happens. I know that I can't continue what I'm doing, and I'm underemployed anyway. Its just a job, not a career to me. I'm not challenged in anyway mentally, and they don't care if I'm there or not, They can bring someone else off the street to fill the position.

Nice to hear from you Ang, where you been? Hope you've been feeling ok?

Hugs to you


Hi Terri!

It is indeed a fight, but over here in the States it is one worth pursuing. We do not have government health care here - unless you count Medicaid, which is only given based upon poverty level. Our poverty level is ridiculously low here. With SSDI, one can also get Medicare and potentially a program which pays those premiums.

The government health care program that we are supposed to get years from now has many tricks and turns in it and won't necessarily benefit folks like us - it too might be very expensive and alter our level of care.

If an auto-immune disease has caused you to be unable to work in the States, it is worth taking the long road to try to get your benefits! No matter the stories or how long it takes. Get an attorney right out of the gate.

My message is that AND that if you can and have the energy - go to their website and learn all you can about what they have to say about all of your diseases, requirements, etc... Don't get discouraged - there are ways in which you can be approved if you don't meet every single requirement, but say have 2 diseases.

It is SO worth a shot!


Tez_20 said:

Hello Trisha,

If you proceed for Disability and your councellor is able to help you, dealing with this before than i wish you the best of luck, as it's such a fight at times with the stories i've read.

All my love Terri xxx

sunrisetrisha said:

Hi Ang,

Lots of of good advice, thanks for all that! I'm taking it one day at a time. My counselor recommended that I start the process now, and he will help. He has experience and good success with it. I know two people personally that were accepted on their first application. Both were over 50, and were on short term disability where they worked. One of them is my sister. She didn't get a letter of acceptance, just got a direct deposit they didn't know about and found out that way. One thing he recommended to me was to go to Vocational Rehabilitation, and if they can't help me with a new placement, this is more documentation that will help me. I'm not emotionally ready to give up working altogether, but if I can find something easier on my body, then I'm all for it. I think its best to start the application process now, and see what happens. I know that I can't continue what I'm doing, and I'm underemployed anyway. Its just a job, not a career to me. I'm not challenged in anyway mentally, and they don't care if I'm there or not, They can bring someone else off the street to fill the position.

Nice to hear from you Ang, where you been? Hope you've been feeling ok?

Hugs to you
