I have now been gluten free for 3 weeks. I will first share for a year now I have been kicking and screaming I don't want to live with out donuts and cake, candies and pastries. ... At last here I am !! I can think clearer, the fog is gone from my mind, I have a "head cold" and yet I can think clear. I have also reduced my sugar intake dramatically including fruits. This is a trial, I make a lot of soup with vegetables and chicken or turkey. and freeze meal portions. I do believe I feel better and better. I seem to have more energy, I have been reducing prednisone I am now at 4 mgs. per day from 24 mgs in september. So far .. so good. We are all different for sure, I have read a lot in the last 3 months that point to the way our food is processed, sadly, we can not rely or trust the producers of our food.
The processing of our food is to make money not for health. I have found it was time to make eating simple !! I think we need to take control of what we eat, or at least I do. It is time to cook at home and not rely on others to cook our food. I do enjoy to go out for a meal. That is different from eating out every day. This transition for me has been a year in the making and I am sure a year from now I will still be learning more.
I do believe I will be healthier as I continue down this road. From what I have learned from many different sources flour and sugar cause inflammation, also it is believed it is the cause of heart attacks.
Please share in more details how you accomplished that. I was on the same transition road for 5 months, earlier this year with homemade lentil soups etc. and and using my Nutribullet but I didn’t manage consecutive large stresses and fell off. I felt so Much better and believe I have a Gluten intolerance mixed with Candida overgrowth but docs don’t take me serious enough to do the blood work. http://owndoc.com/candida-albicans/candida-facts/ there is a link to this with Lupus.
Hi Dvdom3 Lentils can cause problems all beans, rice, oats, etc. can cause a problem. Paleo diet has a lot information on the hows and whys. There is also many recipes for paleo. What I like is they are simple. if you google paleo you will receive a lot of information and the recipes for all different dishes.
I know for myself my digestion is so much better since removing grains, and sugar. two nights ago I ate chocolate chips with walnuts. the next morning I felt foggy headed, confused, overwhelmed, plus an upset stomach. I realized the chocolate made me sick.
I am learning as I move forward..... I have read so much about how our food is making us sick.
I just watched half of Dr. Lustig. That is technical information. What I find amazing is how attached I am to food. I ask myself why would knowingly eat food that is not healthy especially when I have an autoimmune disease?? I think there are many reasons why. Mostly we have as a society been sold a bill of goods. That are not so good. I think it is a big question.
Hi Flower,
You are correct beans can and do cause problems . But for some reason I am able to completely tolerate organic lentils and cici beans. I am anemic and way low in iron, vitamin b’s and d’s and my body responds well to only those beans and feel better when I have it on hand. My body does not tolerate the nonorganic lentils though. The Nutribullet has been beneficial with making varieties of smoothies with organic flax seed etc. I also attend Zumba and Yoga classes. I felt soo much better when I was 100% gluten free. ~Donna
Wow. I love hearing about your success. Good job for sticking with it. I have been gluten free for years and it was the best change I've made and yielded the most improvement, and, of course, eliminating sugar from my diet. Like night and day was the difference for me.
Hi Ann
I think. That is a great video !! It is direct and to the point of how and why sugar is a potential problem. It also explains why we crave a variety of foods . That answered one question I was struggling with. A+ Excellent.