Fibro and or lupus symptoms triggered by trauma?

As most of u know, I have yet to be diagnosed, or even gone to a rheumo yet. But I have been doing some research. And my moms friend who used to be a nurse mentioned something interesting. I got into a bad car accident 10 months ago. And that seems when everything started to go down hill for me. My friends mom said that the accident could have triggered my symptoms. Like it was something that I.probably would eventually of gotten as I got older. But going through the accident trauma triggered it to happen sooner. Was wondering if anyone has experienced this? Or has heard this before???

Hello Tiffany,

Yes trauma can kick these issues off as i read about it also and if it's not been lupus or fibro the trauma as caused an autoimmune disease besides....i would'nt really worry to much though until you've seen this new doctor and he looks at your history and symptoms because if you are fibro related or Lupus, anything could have cuased it.

Love Terri xxx

Hi Tif, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after spinal fusion in 97 and diagnosed with Lupus following another spinal fusion and subsequent MRSA (staph) surgery in 2010. I knew something was very different when I woke up from the MRSA surgery. When I didn't get better, but got worse I went to the doctor and voila! I had never heard of FMS or Lupus so it has taken quite a bit to admit defeat.

Terri is right though Tiffany, try not to stress too much about getting a possible Lupus dx. Stress isn't good no matter what. Information is good however. xoxox


Terri and Kadeeee are right - any kind of trauma or stress can trigger off these diseases or flares of these diseases or other auto-immune diseases. Stress is definitely our enemy.

I have that same curiosity to ask WHY? WHY do I have these problems and all of these diseases? I want to know the reasons. For me, some of it is heredity, but knowing for absolute certain WHY is something that I don't think I will ever get to know and I've had to grow comfortable with that answer. In place of that I've worked on getting my SSDI Benefits so I can continue treatments and also Learning as much as I can from others about my diseases, this is a DAILY process even though I've had this for a very long time! Mostly though, I work on trying as hard as I can to support all of you guys and be a friend. Supporting others has been an amazing stress reducer for me! Not only is it a natural part of my personality to care for others, but I find that I spend my time thinking of others rather than stressing.

It honestly took me time to get to that point though! The worries are honestly pretty normal in the beginning. When is your doc appointment - have you set one up yet (I may have forgotten - if so forgive me?).

We all care so much about you - if you are worried, please keep talking about it - K?


Hi Ang,

What you said about helping other's reduces your stress...i bet there's a fare amount of member's feel that way and by each and everyone of us as gone through we can share that knowledge knowing other's are getting benefits from it.

Tiffany is anxious about this and can't wait for the time to come because her appointment is still a few months off yet, she not due to see the rheumo till september which is still a fare bit of wait...i really do feel for her though Ang plus being young like i was.

Love Terri xxx

Terri -

Me too! It was hard when I was young and being diagnosed with all other types of things. It is so wonderful that we can have this place now where people can go and get such great support from awesome people like you and Kadeeee and everyone else! Sometimes we just need reassurance that someone out there knows what we are going through and understands! I know that is why most of the members are here, to support others! :) I have always felt supported and cared for here!

Love you my friend - Draginfli

Tez_20 said:

Hi Ang,

What you said about helping other's reduces your stress...i bet there's a fare amount of member's feel that way and by each and everyone of us as gone through we can share that knowledge knowing other's are getting benefits from it.

Tiffany is anxious about this and can't wait for the time to come because her appointment is still a few months off yet, she not due to see the rheumo till september which is still a fare bit of wait...i really do feel for her though Ang plus being young like i was.

Love Terri xxx

Well Ang i had numerous amount of things from a kid growing up but the cold was a real issue with me but being with the sites done a tremendous amount for me and especially to talk about my past on regarding my epilepsy.

That's why Tiffany wants to keep venting when she needs to because until she see's the rheumo she knows she as her 2nd family to back her up in more ways than one and we definitely need that more than anything.

All my love Ang your way Terri xxxx

Draginfli said:

Terri -

Me too! It was hard when I was young and being diagnosed with all other types of things. It is so wonderful that we can have this place now where people can go and get such great support from awesome people like you and Kadeeee and everyone else! Sometimes we just need reassurance that someone out there knows what we are going through and understands! I know that is why most of the members are here, to support others! :) I have always felt supported and cared for here!

Love you my friend - Draginfli

Tez_20 said:

Hi Ang,

What you said about helping other's reduces your stress...i bet there's a fare amount of member's feel that way and by each and everyone of us as gone through we can share that knowledge knowing other's are getting benefits from it.

Tiffany is anxious about this and can't wait for the time to come because her appointment is still a few months off yet, she not due to see the rheumo till september which is still a fare bit of wait...i really do feel for her though Ang plus being young like i was.

Love Terri xxx

Terri -

That is right!! Tiffany, I hope that you read Terri's note here! We want you to not worry because we care about you very much and worry is bad for your symptoms, but we also know that we were your age and worried just like you are - so we want you to vent when you are worried so we can support you! Sometime I just make NO SENSE at all! LOL

Love ya! Draginfli

Tez_20 said:

Well Ang i had numerous amount of things from a kid growing up but the cold was a real issue with me but being with the sites done a tremendous amount for me and especially to talk about my past on regarding my epilepsy.

That's why Tiffany wants to keep venting when she needs to because until she see's the rheumo she knows she as her 2nd family to back her up in more ways than one and we definitely need that more than anything.

All my love Ang your way Terri xxxx

Draginfli said:

Terri -

Me too! It was hard when I was young and being diagnosed with all other types of things. It is so wonderful that we can have this place now where people can go and get such great support from awesome people like you and Kadeeee and everyone else! Sometimes we just need reassurance that someone out there knows what we are going through and understands! I know that is why most of the members are here, to support others! :) I have always felt supported and cared for here!

Love you my friend - Draginfli

Tez_20 said:

Hi Ang,

What you said about helping other's reduces your stress...i bet there's a fare amount of member's feel that way and by each and everyone of us as gone through we can share that knowledge knowing other's are getting benefits from it.

Tiffany is anxious about this and can't wait for the time to come because her appointment is still a few months off yet, she not due to see the rheumo till september which is still a fare bit of wait...i really do feel for her though Ang plus being young like i was.

Love Terri xxx

When I was young, I didn't have consistent symptoms but every now and then I'd get scary tired. When I'd see a doctor, they'd say it was all in my head. I'd say, I have a life, I have friends, I'm generally happy, I'm not nuts. That didn't help! lol Kathy xoxox

Hi Tiffany!

Yes, I have spoken to many "lupies" who have said that their lupus was triggered by a traumatic event. And one of my docs said the same about my fibro. I was also told that you could have lupus for years, and if it's not bad and you don't have a flare, you just basically think of it as having some minor aches and pains, etc and then a car accident or other trauma happens and suddenly you have so many symptoms and you have no idea what's going on until a doctor finally tests you for Lupus and sure enough, you test positive.

Well you've hit it on the nail again mate because i went for years having the seizures/strokes etc but always ached the most in my legs and it was'nt till i found out about my skin and having all the bloods that i had, that i'd got Lupus and was born with just goes to show even these symptoms i've had besides other people, just a few furthur tests could help people sooner. xxx

lupusmomof2 said:

Hi Tiffany!

Yes, I have spoken to many "lupies" who have said that their lupus was triggered by a traumatic event. And one of my docs said the same about my fibro. I was also told that you could have lupus for years, and if it's not bad and you don't have a flare, you just basically think of it as having some minor aches and pains, etc and then a car accident or other trauma happens and suddenly you have so many symptoms and you have no idea what's going on until a doctor finally tests you for Lupus and sure enough, you test positive.

I have had this same question. I had a pretty serious accident about 30 years ago and I've been going downhill since that. Everything happened slowly until about a year ago then it jumped into high gear. I don't guess it really matters but I find myself wanting to hear "this" is why it's happening and "this" will make it all better. Dream on......

Hi grandma,

Refering issues like this and a good many more regarding Lupus we could all be at everyday but with alot of specialists you just never seem to get the naswer you it leaves we all on a wondering main concern now is now you have it and fighting besides coping with it daily is all you can do besides we all. xxx

grandma14 said:

I have had this same question. I had a pretty serious accident about 30 years ago and I've been going downhill since that. Everything happened slowly until about a year ago then it jumped into high gear. I don't guess it really matters but I find myself wanting to hear "this" is why it's happening and "this" will make it all better. Dream on......

That's interesting, I have wondered the same thing. Every since the murder of my parents, my body has never been the same.

I'm so sorry Purplefav, but admire your strength more than you know. xoxo Kathy

Purplefav said:

That's interesting, I have wondered the same thing. Every since the murder of my parents, my body has never been the same.

Hello Purplefav,

How have you been since you came out of hospital as i've not heard from you since and i do hope your best as possible.

All my love Terri xxx

Purplefav said:

That's interesting, I have wondered the same thing. Every since the murder of my parents, my body has never been the same.

Hi Terry yes doing fine had a bout with food poisoning doing okay now. Trying to stay cool in this heat wave on the east coast.

Wow Purplefave,

That's all you needed ontop of everything else...ste my hubby had that years ago and it as made him funny regarding food now and he ended up in hospital the same as yourself.

Well all the best with the heat and we've got lovely rain rained here yesterday and on the news the amount come down covered 4 days.

Best of luck with a good recovery. Love Terry xxx

Purplefav said:

Hi Terry yes doing fine had a bout with food poisoning doing okay now. Trying to stay cool in this heat wave on the east coast.

Gee Purplefav that had to be horrible to go through. I had a very traumatic experience as a child and finally was treated for post traumatic stress disorder a few years ago. I had EMDR therapy, it was amazing what that did for me. I was having nightmares on a nightly basis for about 45 years and the incident was like a movie playing non-stop in the back of my mind. After the EMDR I know that the incident happened but the movie has stopped and I have not had a nightmare since. If you are haunted by your experience you might want to look into therapy for post traumatic stress disorder. Sorry that you're dealing with so much but glad that you're here to talk with.

Purplefav said:

That's interesting, I have wondered the same thing. Every since the murder of my parents, my body has never been the same.

I am glad to hear that you have been relieved of that tramatic movie. I had therapy and the trauma U went through somehow I erased from my memory most of that part of my life. I wonder if there is this correlation between physical and emotional trauma and autoimmune deseases?