EXTREME muscle ache-anyone have this issue? Need advice

Hi Everyone-

Within the last couple months I have started feeling extreme muscle ache-mostly in my legs and ankles and feet, but also in my arms some days. It's caused me to miss a ton of work. My doctors have run a ton of tests and everything is coming back normal. I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis 5 years ago, but never had these problems until now...Anyone have these issues, or have advice what to do since my doctors arent helping???

Thanks so much!


Hi, i had the same problems b4, my dr. Told me i was having s flare up…it was so bad i couldnt even tie my shoe laces or sit in the toilet…my arms use to hurt so much that i couldnt even take off my sweater…my dr gave me prednisone and it help alot…but i hate prednisone side effects…talk to your dr. Again and see if he can help you…good luck…im sorry you are going thru this…love Dunnia…

To be honest with lupus, things like that come and go. I hate to say it. One day you can be feeling great than the next day everything on your body hurts like hell but when it does it takes forever for the pain to go away. One day my right wrist stared hurting. Then that went away and my left one started but that didnt go away for about 2 months. I got test done so my dr just put me on a splint that helped alot. You have to just relax and take it one day at a time. Lupus can be very tricky..... Best of luck!

Hi Heather,

What you was diagnosed with lupus nephritis is actually caused by SLE and i know the symptoms your getting are hard but do expect this and What "Tanya" said about it coming and going is totally true but it only wants the lupus to be working at it's strongest in your system then you could have a flare going on which can last from days to weeks.

I know how you feel as it's very painful and in alot of member's cases and also my own the pain can lodge in different area's but worse when it's conflicting at your body in different parts and moving about constant.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx

Thank you so much everyone for your replies...I went to see my doctor multiple times and they keep telling me it's not my lupus because it isnt "active"..well it sure feels like it is!!! This is why I am frustrated because they keep telling me that...@Ann-I'm not sure if they have checked my vitamin D levels...they have never mentioned it, but they are running multiple tests all the time...Could that also cause it??? I just wish i didnt have to miss work so much...it makes life that much more difficult....

Hi Heather,

He may be saying it's not your Lupus if your ANA/ENA level's are showing negative but Lupus gives off false readings and plays about with our bloods...your lupus could be running riot but if you have readings showing negative he's going by what that says... when it could be a false reading given off the lupus and it's actually positive.

Your having multiple tests done to see if the lupus will give off something positive and also to check on the conditions of what your Lupus nephritis can cause....it's all done with me just the same. xxx

heath2982 said:

Thank you so much everyone for your replies...I went to see my doctor multiple times and they keep telling me it's not my lupus because it isnt "active"..well it sure feels like it is!!! This is why I am frustrated because they keep telling me that...@Ann-I'm not sure if they have checked my vitamin D levels...they have never mentioned it, but they are running multiple tests all the time...Could that also cause it??? I just wish i didnt have to miss work so much...it makes life that much more difficult....