I have had a dsdna test done twice. Both times it was a 6 which is indeterminate. Has anyone else had this and it later progress to positive?

I have had 2 negative dsdna tests and because my rheumy was diligent and felt that my symptoms were definitely Lupus, she tested again while I was having symptoms, I tested positive the 3rd time and was finally put on medication to help.

I tested 7.6 and doc said he felt with my background and symptoms, he believed I was in early stages of Lupus. Treatment brought it down to 6 at last check.

Mine is 30 with a bunch of the other symptoms (including other blood test indicators) and I still don't have an official diagnosis. What's most important is that you are being treated!

person with lupus has active cardiolipin gene you will also test positive for syphyllis but you know you don't actually have it but I did and that brought dr once step closer took 15 months from start of my issues for me to actual test positive for SLE

The double strand DNA test used to be the GOLD STANDARD of tests for lupus. HAH ! Like there really is one?

In the Dark Ages of the 20th century, they thought that 100% of people with lupus tested positive to this test. So if you didn't get a positive, no diagnosis. You couldn't have lupus.

The last time I looked into the latest statistics for this test, I found out that it is now known that between 20% to 50% of people WITH LUPUS test positive to the double strand DNA test. So? 50% to 80% of people with lupus test negative for this test ! Duh............................

For me, I think you've really just got to "honor" the connective tissue disease, whatever it is, and not worry about labels. Things change in different seasons of our lives, depending on estrogen levels and all sorts of other things.

I'm trying to remember this old Native American Indian saying that I used to repeat over and over to remind myself to do just that decades ago. . I think it was, "The only way to conquer your enemy is to befriend it. Learn to walk side by side with it. And you'll find it may become your greatest teacher."

Something like that..........

So for me, that's what I've been trying to do for decades. It's in giving up control that we gain control, so to speak. Since both you and the disease have to share the same body, ya might as well figure out what you can do, go with the flow, and co-exist in this very weird kind of symbiotic relationship. You don't bow down, give up or give in. You just kind of learn how to "dance" with this "partner" you didn't exactly choose marry for life. And the dance, for me, has varied in every decade. Just when I get used to handling things one way, the music changes and I've got to get the right rhythm and moves or me and my disease are just going to keep knocking heads and stepping on each others toes.

Hey- Maybe that's why we're all covered in bruises in every hue of purple, green, and yellow in the early days !

Kitty…that was some of the wisest advice thats ever been giving to me. Thank you so much for that…God really put those words in your head because he knew i needed to hear them. I have been so torn and confused…i have joint pain,fatigue, muscle pain, pains i cant explain and a rash that almost looks like malar but not quite…positive ana 1:320 swollen lymph nodes…but dr says connective tissue disease. So I have felt confused but your words showed me to not look for more answers just except what im told and learn to cope and coiencide with it. Bless you

Beautifully written Kitty!! It is so true! Thank you for your insight.