Don't give up

Hi I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Star I’ve been battling SLE for some time now. I have read some of the discussions and my heart goes out to all who are in pain. . Don’t give up. … We are all here to cheer eachother through the tough times…

Welcome to our Family, My name is Beverly L., hope that u feel right at home n enjoy any discussion or ur thoughts about WHATEVER, smile. Being here is very comfortable , where we all have or will have some similar situation to help smooth the stress or tension away, some what . Being able to talk or Vent about anything to help with this cureL LUPUS stuff . As time goes by, u will fit in just fine , remember we won’t and don’t know anything until U log in and start typing . So do that and join in or release ur situation to All of us who is here 24/7/365, cause there is always some one to answer back , again Welcome , look forward to speaking with Ua . Beverly L.

Just say hi to you, you at right, never give up

Hi Star. .
I just wanted to say hi and tell u we all here know exactly what your going through. . I don’t have alot of people in my life that really truly understand or even educate themselves so they can see this struggle more clearly so to have these supporters here online that are working through this same thing,it’s truly a blessing. So we all “get it” and all know some answers or at least alot of understanding as to this daily or should I say minute to minute struggle of a disease.

Welcome star

I am glad you have joined us.

Welcome to the group Star,

I hope you find the bunch of us helpful or can answer questions we may have. Everyone here is so supportive!

Cathy In MD

I am thankful for the site. I hope to connect with people who are going through three same things.

Hi Star and welcome to our group!

I am so glad you found us and I look forward to getting to know you. I hope you are able to find support and comfort on this site by the wonderful people that gather here.



I am fairly new to the lupus discussion. I know some about it because my sister was diagnosed a few years back, so I started reading up on it. Then last year I found out that I have it too. Mine is currently attacking just my skin. Which seems so trivial, but then you realize that means the whole outer body is being attacked. If I am out in the sun it flares up. I have always been an outdoors type person, so having to curtail outdoor activities is really bothering me. Not that I would hang out in the 90 plus degree heat for long anyway, but now even trying to swim or anything is asking for a flare up. I haven't been fishing in my boat in two years. First I was trying to get over the loss of my husband(he passed in july 2013), then last year after bicycle riding in May, I had an extremely bad 'rash" appear on my lower legs, it was almost solid red and while I was showering they just started stinging and I looked down and my legs were bleeding. I was freaking out. Then my sister looked at it and suggested I get tested for Lupus because it looked a lot like her spots when she would have a flare. So I went to the Rheumatologist, he set me up with the dermatologist, and it went from there. The blood work done by the rheumatologist had some markers for lupus but it was not conclusive, but the skin biopsy done was positive for sle. So the ride began. I am trying to stay positive, and not get mired in self pity. I have it better than my sister, because hers is causing her all kinds of pain. I really don't have much pain. Just ugly skin and constant itching in my feet and lower legs (mostly at night). So I am trying to find out everything I can, and am following Dr orders. And chomping at the bit sometimes.

Hi Star!

Hi Star,
Nice to meet you. My name is Karen. It feels good not being alone while battling such a difficult and unpredictable disease.

Hi Star,

I am new here and I have no idea how I am supposed to make friends, I just stumbled upon this page... Can you help?

Thanks in advance,


Hi my name is Anna I am new here. I have lupus anti coagulant. It took me a long time to find out what wrong but I was just diagnosed.

Hi I’m Shannen, and have arthritis Lupus. I a little nervous about sharing my journey, but I know we can all benefit from each others experiences.