So I am thinking about getting a dog for companionship and to help reduce my stress levels. My cousin just got one for the same reason and it has helped him a-lot. My apartment building will only allow 25 lbs. dogs or smaller. Does any one have a dog or any idea of small dogs that are good companions?
Have you ever had a dog before? They do make a great companion but with a dog also comes a lot of responsibility- they have to be walked several times a day, feeding, grooming etc. A cat would be much easier to care for especially on those days you don't feel well
Definitely go to your local shelter. You will find one that melts your heart. These animals are in need of love and compassion as much as we are.
I have had one! I think that’s why I am having such with draws. We had to get rid of her because my mom is always gone and she was a lab so she doesn’t fit my apartment rules. We had her for 12 yrs! I miss her so much! We found a site close to home for service dogs so I think I might try that Avenue first and if that doesn’t work try the pound. If I get a service dog it waves the fees and can be any size.
Check out the service dogs to see if you are eligible Oft times the waiting list is a couple of years and they go to the neediest disabled first You also should check out what your apt considers a 'service' dog Emotional support dogs can be excluded but you may need to gather up documentation from your doctor etc that documents your need for a service dog . And you still should consider a lower maintenance animal like a cat since you have many days where you have difficulty getting around.
Our old puppy did find a wonderful home! It was so hard not knowing what happened to her but shortly after we received a call from her new owners. she is spoiled rotten! We were able to see her and she’s happy and loved so very much! Was much easier getting rid of her after seeing her just as happy. Still miss her but it was easier.
I have thought about everything and there’s a lot I still have to look at an consider but I am hoping to be able to get one. Well see in time…
I have a toy yorkie named stitch he's 8 now, I got him as a puppy as a companion when I had to stop working, he's been the best companion for me, he only weighs 5 pounds on the days I can't walk him he's small enough to use pads in the utility room till hubby gets home, he's been a great comfort to me I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him. Consider your choice carefully, as with my yorkie he needs to be groomed about every 6-8 weeks, but he's very small and easy to manage.
Multepoo. Min poodle. toy Dachsund. Go to google dog breeds.
Got both my monsters from the shelter. Boomer is pit/schiller hound (very sweet boy), Cotton is a obnoxious multepoo who is tre smart butt. It's very hard to outsmart her. I live in an apartment and they have to be walked several times a day, bathed groomed--kinda like having kids. This year is reminding me that flea season can be baaaaad and a lot of work to get rid of them.
Good luck. You should do some research before you get one. But when you do it it's all love, love, love.
I don’t have any recommendations for what type of dog to get but I think this is a wonderful idea. I have a huge black lab and when I was out of work and kinda stuck in bed for four months last year due to a bad lupus flare…my dog was so comforting and really helped me emotional. My dog is a huge black lab…he’s way over 25 lbs.
Yorkipoos don’t shed, weighs only 10 lbs, follows me wverywhere. My dog does have a bad habit of barking alot which disturbs my naps. But the barking can be controlled with proper training especially early on. I just didn’t take time to train her properly. Also, can be trained to pee and poo on pads if you cannot take her out
Pomeranians! They’re tiny and don’t shed. They’re full of joy and just want to love you. Their always smiling faces and adorable antics can’t help but make you smile.
Are you able to look after a dog? Walks/ play/ Vet/ washing etc etc? If yes, I have two Mini Daschunds one now 16.5 yrs of age the other 8. They are the most loving guys; but hard work so research research & research. Then talk to people who re home dogs to ensure you have the full picture. Best wishes to you.
You also need to be able to take care of the dog whether or not YOU feel well- dogs are a big commitment and require a great deal more care than say a cat And cats can make great companions too- the advantage is that they can almost take care of themselves.
Rat terrier mix is a wonderful companion. So are Chihuahua mixes. They aren't very big and are not high maintenance. Check your local rescue organizations and put your location in and how far you'll consider. GOOD LUCK!
HI, I THINK HAVING A DOG IS GREAT AS LONG AS HE IS NOT ONE WITH A WHOLE LOT OF ENERGY CAUSE SOME DAYS YOU WONT T BE UP FOR IT,THE IN. AGAIN HE may get YOU OUT OF THE SLUMP WE SOMETIMES ARE,MY DOG I HAVE HAD SINCE A PUP HE IS 14 NOW ANDLOVES TO SLEEP EAT AND POOPHE HAS HIS MOMENTS ESPECIALLY WHEN I TAKE HIM FOR A DRIVE OR WHEN I COME HOME FROM BEING OUT,HE has is so happy to see me and when I focus on him it takes away the pains i have cause i see about his sores and bites for ticks.God first ,but he has been their with me through my divorce hexx he even outlasted my marriage,Great company and loves you unconditionally,just be prepared for all the love he or she will give you..
I wanted an animal for the same reasons. Because it also meant that I could have a direct impact on another life, I decided to choose an animal from a local shelter. I searched for weeks online at their pictures before I found the right one. My apt has the same limit, so I knew it had to be a small animal. When I seen the posting for Dilbert, I knew he was mine. Right away I nick named him and felt a bond toward him. Yet, I gave room for the possibility of another animal, or that this one would simply not be right for me. The shelter rescues animals that would be out to death. This dog was headed to that fate before they took him in. They also had a test to see what personality you had and matched that with the animal personalities. Fortunately, aftere taking it I turned out to be a right fit for my dog. He is older, already house trained, and well mannered. I knew these things were important because I could not devote the energy or attention needed to a puppy or special needs dog. What I had not counted on was the luggage! Lol. His father, Dexter, was with him. The shelter really did not want them to be separated. Having them now for over a year, I can see why. It took them a long time to even go out to the bathroom with out the other one tagging along. My mom fell in love with the big fat headed Dexter, so things worked out well. She owns him, I own Dilbert. Both now have very different names. Lol.
I thought about what I could do. What sort of temperament each dog has. I have a beagle/hound. Beagles make great companions. Yet, their nose gets them into trouble often. Most days, like most hounds, they just lounge around. They sadly show no interest in toys, but we finally have taught them to fetch, which started with Cheetos. They were a lot of work at first because of emotional issues each had. That helped me to not focuse on myself but to focus on them. Which was really good. My dog makes me smile on the worst days and the best. He is very much worth it.
They are both seniors, fixed, low key, easy going, and love to ride in the car just as much as walking. My mom takes them for walks. Dogs need exercise every day. Can you do that? I can not. Which makes me very greatful for my mom. She walks them for us. When she is away, I try to walk a little with them, but tire out in five to ten minutes. In good days I can go for fifteen. They need mo like thirty a day. Can you do thirty minute walks each day? For their extra exercise, I let them run around in the back of the apts. The kids here all know the dogs, so do my neighbors. Which means they can run and play without trouble. They listen to me, mostly because they are older and already trained, so I don’t worry about trouble. If not for this, then my dogs would not be healthy and happy. These are things to consider. Not just the cost of getting and feeding one.
Hope this helped.
Gee, what a terrific idea…can’t wait to c what everyone says!
PLEASE! Do NOT buy a dog from a pet store or craig's list, etc. Go to a rescue group in your area. Their dogs are vetted, spayed and they KNOW the tempermant of the dog. I am a bit concerned that you would give away and older dog..dogs are not to be discarded when they get old...I agree with jo4him...
I had always had Airedales and turned my nose up at little dogs, but now that I am living alone and with lupus things have changed. When it was time to put down my 18 year old best friend, I couldn’t even pick her up to put her in the car by myself. Afterward I knew that I had to be realistic and look for a dog I could easily manage. The next day I was browsing Craigslist and found a little dog that a family had rescued from the streets. He was had a ripped ear, a chunk out of his tongue, covered in mats, and cowered when you raised a hand, but that little bit of terrier tugged at my heart and I took him home. The vet said that he was a Schnauzer/Poodle mix about 2 yrs old and that they are both considered great companion dogs. I have to say that has definitely been the case as he is happiest when sitting in my lap like a poodle, but the terrier in him is tough enough to hop on the quad and go off-roading with me. I have to say, he has been the best dog I have ever owned. I would highly recommend a rescue dog!
By the way, I did not buy the dog from Craigslist. He was listed in the free section. The family that caught him just wanted to find a home and did not want to take him to the pound. We have a very high kill rate at our shelter.