
Yes - your body will let you know. I just stopped being able to get out of bed 90% of the day.

We definitely find out who our REAL friends are during these times. I know that you have some out there - it is a major adjustment.

Honey - please just remember that medical records are key, so all of these issues - as they crop up, worsen or even lessen with Lupus meds, see your doctors - heart doc, rheumy, psychiatrist (for the anxiety/depression) - it is so important! SSDI wants YOU to tell them what your life is like, but they want that proof from your doctors more. K?

With your bp and heart rate - they will want to see readings and what the cardiologist has to say - same with the anxiety and depression that comes with Lupus. With the limitations on sitting/standing/walking - they will want the Rheumy to validate that and maybe even your employer or previous employer.

Did you check out that www.disabilitydigest.com website? It has lots of tips.

firstflorde1 said:

Hi, I guess your own body tell you when you can no longer function. In my case I have severe pain with my hands and feet, I also have a problems seating for too long. There are times I cannot walk for too long or even stand for too long. I cannot deal with the sun and heat at all, I get severe rash and it got so bad this time that I had to cut my hair almost bold. I have pain all over my body and bad problem with my hips. I have problems with my sugars going up and down. My blood pressure keeps going up and my heart rise up. I have anxiety and panic attacks ( and who would not with so many medical issues )., I live in Az and because the lupus I cannot be on the sun or the heat so know I feel like an antisocial person. As soon as all my so call friends even from my last job disappeared a soon as they knew about my health problems ( and none of them are contagious). Some people say just "loose weigh and all or most of your health problems will go away". I wish was that easy, or they will say go out for walks and exercise and you will make new friends ". Unless I go for a walk at midnight otherwise I will look like a lobster with really bad rash. So like I said you body will let you know when you cannot function normal anymore or at all.

SweetShortie2012 said:

I have a question

I'm still relatively new and my lupus isn't affecting to my daily life to much yet
what it does affect is mostly because i'm so tired, have no energy or strength, or the days is really bad i feel like ive been hit by a truck

Anyway what i wanted to ask is: what makes you guys feel, or how severe are your symptoms, that makes your drs and yourself say you cannot work anymore?

and firstflorde1, good luck on fighting the system and getting the ssdi that you need. I'm young and might not fully understand everything but i know there are plenty of people on here to offer advice, support, and understanding. I've learned that if you keep fighting and trying you'll eventually end up at your goal because all other options have been exhaughsted
Keep your head up and take it all one day at a time
Good luck!