Hi all :)
My name is Nic, and I am just beginning the diagnostic process. My rheumatoligist believes I have lupus, but obviously running a lot of blood tests, and xrays.... well within the next few weeks at least bc I don't have insurance (I'm a student at USF, and thus broke) and having to just wait in pain as I try to get the county and/or state to help me. Yea for canes or I'd be basically immobile. (Hehe) Just a quick back story.... I have had either crohns or UC (by the time I was well enough fir a colonoscopy, the flare was down to low for a full diagnoses, I guess) for about 8yrs now, with really not many big problems after my couple week hospital stay with me changing my diet, and such. But now for the past month, my left knee, ankle, and right foot "pointer toe" are ungodly swollen, and painful.
Now I have been researching my butt off, but still extremely nervous. It's been weeks since I began taking Prednisone, and if I don't take at least 40mg a day, I can't walk. I'm tired 24/7, but can't sleep longer than a couple hours at a time, my lips are always so dry, and I just feel like crap in general. How long do flare ups last usually? School begins on Monday and I'm nervous about it getting worse again, since it varies day to day how painful it is. How do you deal with the pain when you don't have a choice but to do things? Besides prednisone, I have been drinking black cherry juice and aloe Vera, eatting as much fruit as possible (which isn't hard right now since I'm also always starving!), resting as much as possible (which bc of my amazing BF, I have been able to quite a bit.)
Also, how long does it take for blood work to get back after its sent out? Is there a good chance I'll need meds for the rest of my life for it? If I do have lupus, has any of you ever have a baby with the disease, and how'd it go, physically and mentally? (I'm only 27, and was planning on kids in the next couple years...) If it's not lupus, what else could it be?
I know this is a lot of questions, and a long post, but I'm just nervous to be honest. I'm really trying to be strong, but I break down more often than I want to admit, especially after I had a "good day" with walking, go to bed, and the next day is complete torture again... Ugh. Thanks for any advice and info, it will be much appreciated.