Caclunk and a Sproing

Yes you read that right. my back said that to me, plus a few words I won't type for polite readers to view. May not be able to hold off on the back surgery I was warned was coming 8 years ago after all. I'm pretty well incapacitated, no help with pain or muscles guarding. Not a flexaril to be found as yet.

So many of us with lupus or MCTD have spinal issues, don't we? I can't name a body system this disease has not gone after in my body. But life does go on. I so often wonder if the physical issues are to help me when time comes 50 years from now to leave this existence and move on.

Seeing the doctor at lunchtime for an emergency appointment to keep me out of the ER, running up another senseless and non productive umpteen thousand dollar bill.

I know the drill, a couple of questions, a look see - keep granny panties on standby for just these occasions. I save the glitter for the GYN visits. I'm cracking jokes through my tears. Then will come a major radiology scan, the results, and next off to the neurosurgeon for a consult. In the mean time, bites to be me. Butterfly my hiney, this disease is a big bad wolf.

wish me luck, send healing vibes, say prayers, whatever you do you find that helps. And if anyone has a spare cabana boy or generous sugar daddy......

Sending prayers. Keep us updated on your appointment. I'm still looking for a cabana boy for myself. haha

So give me a list of favorite candidates for the cabana boy position. I have nothing but time on my hands at the moment, and am great at making things happen. My husband usually does a fine job for me. There is something quite nice about being with a bit younger man, especially one who likes to see me happy. I'm partial to Harry Connick Jr, and George Clooney. Channing Tatum is quite handsome, as is Joe Manganiello. If all they did was carry on a nice conversation, and perhaps dash for chocolates when I needed them, I would be just fine. (sorry, meds affecting my spelling)

Ballerina8876 said:

Sending prayers. Keep us updated on your appointment. I'm still looking for a cabana boy for myself. haha

Oh dear, I’m so sorry! I’ve been having that “caclunk - spring” happening with my back since I was in my early 20’s (I blame that 10 lb 8 oz kid I birthed, who wanted to come into the world backwards!) One time I was brushing my teeth & it happened, once I was picking up a pillow! Even before the lupus & fibro got me, I missed a lot of work over the years for my back going out. It wasnt until everything else hit the fan that they finally started doing MRI’s on my spine & finding spinal stenosis & lots of herniated disks. I meet with my neuro soon to hear about my most recent c-spine MRI- if I have a new herniations, or an old fusion that’s gone bad, I’ll be headed for surgery again myself. (This would be #3 on my neck.) I’m getting closer to needing it for the 3 herniations in the lumbar, but I’m putting that off as long as possible!

Oddly enough, since my neuro put me on a maintenance dose of zanaflex for muscle spasms, I don’t get that really bad caclunk-sproing thing nearly as often, not to the point that it puts me completely out of commission for weeks like it used to. I may have to take extra NSAIDs and sit with a heating pad now & then if i overdo it or stand too long, and I think I’ve traded the ginormous crippling spasms for neuropathy, which is pretty much constant, especially at night. But then that life all over with this “autoimmune shuffle” of ours, isn’t it, constantly trading one problem for another, & adding new ones to the program!?! I know exactly what you mean about the physical issues making it easier to face leaving this life behind - I think by the time this body completely gives out, I’m gonna be pretty damned tired of all this crap! I’ll miss my friends and family a lot, but as time goes on, I’ve got more & more of them on " the other side" (whatever that might be!) than I do on this one.

Best of luck with your dr visits - I hope early on they’re at least able to offer you something to make you a little more comfortable while they make up their minds - flexeril, PT, TENS unit, shot, something. Have you ever tried that stuff called Tiger Balm? If your skin can take it, it can really help. Keep us posted, please, as the others have said! * hugs*

Ooh, Channing Tatum would be one of my top choices! Totally didn't think of him.