I just got blood work results from my doctor. I had to have them fax to me because the rheumatologist nurse called and said everything was fine and I was confused about what that meant. Does blood work usually come with an explanation about the result?
I just got the results of the ANA AB Screener and it says
[A] positive negative
ANA IFA is a first line screen for detecting presence of up to 150 autonatibodies in…
I’m confused. Does this mean my ANA screener is positive? Or is just an explanation for tests further down?
Also further down in the same results:
Antinuclear AB Pattern
[A] Homogeneous
Then an explanation about lupus.
My attending thought I had symptoms of lupus and referred me to a rheumy who diagnosed me with a Vitamin D deficiency and sent me on my way.
I requested the chart notes 4 months later and found that he put in the chart notes that I have possible Sjögrens. My mother had Sjögrens and I’m scared as it is. Then I see this blood work and now I’m really scared.
I know I should really be talking to my rheumy but he’s lacking in the communication dept. and I don’t see him again until the end of August. Can anyone shed some light on the situation before I stress myself to the point of no return. Thank you in advance.